Part 12: The Long Way (including 30 for 30 Journey Facility Dedication)

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As God’s people are leaving Egypt, we get a glimpse into a unique aspect of how God leads us. God could have easily taken them the short route to the Promised Land, but instead he takes them the long way around. God’s way is often the long way, but he has purpose in it, and he is always with us!

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Well, we are in a series. I threw the book of Exodus and as we've been studying we seen God rescue his people and some pretty miraculous ways. Haven't we and we're not done yet. We're still going to see more of that. But today we're going to look at a very short passage at the end of chapter 13, and they've been there for over 400 years whereas God has had brought them there because of Joseph 400 years prior to rescue them from a famine. But over time they multiplied fulfilling God's promise to them and as they multiplied as a became of threat to Faroe and in becoming a threat to him he began to afflict them and oppress them. Overtime they begin to call out to God for help and he a man by the name of Moses and Moses at is miraculously saved by God and he grows up in Pharaoh's house. But then he murders a man who runs through the Wilderness and he's there for forty years raising his family when God calls him at the age of 80 to come and rescue his people Moses and the ten plagues on the Egyptians.

What are the flights was darkness by the way and then God let there be light. It was just an illustration for you.

Eventually don't, Nate's with this tenth plague where there's the Passover and the death of the first born. And that we painted a pretty vivid picture of that last Sunday, didn't we and how all of it points forward to Jesus work on the cross and ultimately that's exactly how Jesus saves you it. It's all just foreshadowed in the Exodus what today we're going to look at a small passage at the end of chapter 13 as God people take off from Egypt and they're on their way out and just a little bit of commentary on how and where God is leading them. So you can turn to The Exodus chapter 13. We're going to start at 4:17 this morning. And as you turn there I'm going to pray and then we're going to dive into the work together some good. Let's do it father. Thank you for Jesus. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for saving us.

Lord I pray this morning that as we spend some time looking at the book of Exodus and looking at your word, I choose estate you through your spirit, you might encourage our hearts that you might encourage us to follow you to trust you. But also just to know of your presence and your faithfulness, even in the midst of things and times that things maybe go off the rails where they go different direction than we had planned or even a totally different direction than what made sense. Show us that in your text this morning at 4. I teach our hearts Holy Spirit and I pray against the enemy is servants their works and facts instead. Holy Spirit. Would you change us to make us more like Jesus protect us guide us in all truth is in Jesus name, we pray and all God's people said Hey, man, let's read through the passage here this morning Exodus chapter 13 starting in verse 17. the people go God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines. although that was near for God said bless the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt. But, the people around by way of the Wilderness for the Red Sea and the people of Israel went up out of the land of Egypt equipped for battle. I'm just going to stop there for right now in these short 5 6 vs things if you haven't recognized just time. I think you probably seen this that often times.

Is Austin the long way? Have you ever noticed that? It's very seldom that it's just a short quick clear. And we're on to the next thing. Usually God takes a long time to lead us any reason. Sometimes it's more character in to us right? Sometimes it's to build our faith. Sometimes it's too it's so easy way. And for various reasons God's way is often the long way. Never experienced that can you think of a time in your life or why did it have to go off the rails this direction or or why? Did it have to take off in this way. What are you doing?

What's God's way is Austin the long way look at me or look with me and she's being look at me, too. I guess look with me at 4:17 to let the people go. God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. all those that was near

that's a pretty incredible statement. If you know your geography you know that if Egypt is right here. The promised land is right here right next to it. Like literally right next to it. Egypt

In the short, why why? Because God's word is often the long way. He had a different plan. Look you said for God said unless the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt. You know what one of the big reasons that God doesn't take them that way and Andy takes them along the shorter route practically speaking at two big reasons that most Scholars would agree on when is that the Egyptian Military and posts along that shorter route. and there's a very real chance that they would have been stopped or or maybe had to engage in battle with the Egyptian Army on their way out and got didn't wanted to turn back when they face opposition, but even bigger than that and probably more likely is that the Philistine Army Was incredibly powerful and ruthless. In fact, did you know at one point in history not far off from this time? They actually tried to attack Egypt. Egyptian pharaoh, and in all of their wealth and all of their glory and cuz they thought they could take them they were just a rough group of dudes. What was going to happen?

I need a long way around and once I get out of the opposition.

This time they were so far away. There was no going back. So God was ashore in that they would trust him. He was building their faith in this time when it didn't make sense because the short way would have just I mean on a logistical side makes so much more sense and and over into I believe into Saudi Arabia and they wander and they go around up and around it over here and be like going to Goshen by way of Fort Wayne. That's kind of that way and that way. God's way is often the long way. And the truth of the matter, is that God's way God's Direction in her life usually isn't too hard to find.

It might be slow and seeing it play out there really in terms of obedience and finding his way. It's really it's not too hard to find. Now other stands for praying and seeking the Lord and getting on your face and begging for his Direction, but I would contend that more often than not the direction. God wants you to go is pretty clear. Why would I contend that? Because he's giving us his word. He's written a book friends is written it all down. And we can trust that. We have a more sure word than the prophets in the written text to Timothy and he says God's word is profitable scripture is profitable for rebuking for training correcting and training in righteousness.

Psalm 119 says his word is a lamp unto my feet change tells us if anyone would seek Wisdom ask the Lord and he gives without prejudice. God's way more often than not is very clear to find if you ever find yourself with it with a choice and you like I'm not sure if I should do this or this. The first thing you do is you say which of these or maybe I'll 5 or for however many have you know, which of these are honoring to the Lord which of these would bring Glory? And then if you realize oh, you know the Hall of Fame. Okay. Well, then which ones maybe bring out the most Glory like I don't know. I think they'll really bring them a lot of Glory if I go to the writer if I go to the last night, I don't know if you're neither one is send that neither one is in contrast to God's word that you can't decide and you pray.

Make a decision.

And you can't make a wrong one. Because God's with you and that's in his way my decisions because directions to Lord will make a decision. Honoring to the Lord are they acceptable according to scripture? choose one Have you prayed about it? Choose one. It's really that simple. Sometimes. I know many of our decisions. We agonize over things that ultimately we just need to make a choice and move forward and his way is really not that hard to find Micah tells us that that were to seek Justice and love mercy and walk humbly with our Lord. For doing those things were in this. Well, I'm in. Some God's way. It's usually not hard to find. It's often harder and longer than we would choose. Would you agree with that? I'll give you a really practical example in my life last night. Sometimes the way forward is longer than we would choose and in this was one for me. It would it took a lot longer than I really wanted it to and I had a picture and I forgot to put it on the screen. But if you see my son today is his hair is very buzzed. Is this these fuzzy is a kind of fun to rub it if you want to go for it and you know it last night and all of a sudden he freaked out like totally freaked out like to the point where you if anybody else was outside. We're out in the back deck. You would have thought like we were just doing something incredibly evil to him. Just I mean freak out that was Charlie last night. And what should have taken about 5 minutes just to buzz his head. I give him a bath took over an hour until we finally calms him down. I know that's a that's a really tried thing in light of God's ways taking longer maybe than we had planned but it isn't it true that sometimes you your you're moving forward and you're going through life and you hit a bump and it like why is it taking so long? Why is this so hard when it should just be really simple and really easy different have that? God's way is often longer and harder and we would ever choose for ourselves.

Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 Proverbs 3 says trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding in all of your ways do it. Acknowledge Him and He will let you know he will direct your paths or he will make your path straight.

And it might take a lot longer than you anticipated. It might be a lot harder than you anticipated. But that's often. How God's Ways work. It's how they worked with the Egyptians or the Egyptian Theater lights here. Is that leaving Egypt? It says again here in verse 17.

I'm sure let the people go God does not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines. Although that was near for God said bless the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt to God's way is is often the long way, but he has purpose in it friends. Cousins vs. Purpose in it gives purpose in taking us the long way.

I mentioned some already. Sometimes that purpose is for His glory. Sometimes it's for our faith to be built at for character to be developed But you have purpose in it.

Psalm 23:3 says he restores my soul and he leads me in Paths of righteousness. Why do you know that song? For whose sake for his namesake for his glory which his glory is for our good and for other and other is good and our joy Wright. That later and saw in the Psalms in some 25 Verses 4 through 5 and says making known to me. Make me fuse me to know your ways O Lord, teach me your paths Lead Me In Your Truth and teach me for you are the god of my salvation for you. I wait all the day long.

She has purpose and it being harder his purpose in it taking longer. And sometimes that purpose is really clear. Sometimes that purpose becomes clear after you've gone through it you looked back and you go home, you know, you can also I so you can often see God's leading a lot more clearly in the in the rearview mirror then you can out the windshield. And you look back and you see how I see how God's hand was involved in that. I see how he was orchestrating off things and now he was faithful. And sometimes you get through it. And you have no earthly idea what his purpose was.

Ever have that one.

God's way is often the long way but he has purpose in it. He has purpose in it.

I finally he's with us always he's always with us.

Let me just read this whole passage. Now one for all that the people go God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. For God said let the people change their minds when they see war and return to Egypt. But God led the people around by the way of the Wilderness tour the Red Sea and the people of Israel went up out of the land of Egypt equipped for battle. I'll get a little sign out your Moses. It says he writes took the bones of Joseph with them for Joseph and made the sons of Israel solemnly swear saying God will surely visit you and you suck at my bones with you from here for hundreds of years prior. Excuse me. What Joseph brings God's people into Egypt when God uses Joseph to ultimately have everybody come to Egypt. I should say towards the very end of his life. Joseph says listen, we're going to be here awhile jobs going to keep all of his promises promises. He's going to make us into a great nation. This is what he's implying. I believe with the statement is that he's going to take us back to the land that he promised Abraham So when he takes us back listen, he will surely visit you when he does as an Act of Faith don't bury my bones here man. Take them back and bury them in the Promised Land. Now I know whose task it was to hold onto Joseph bones for 400 years, but they did and Moses brought them with them and they carry them through the Wilderness and eventually in Joshua. Once they enter into the land Joshua berries Joseph's bones. alongside Isaac and Abraham it was this act of faith knowing that God was going to keep his promises no matter how long it took no matter how hard it got to keep his promises. And then look at versus 20 21 and 22 in it and he's always with us whatever is 20 and they moved on from Secaucus to the camp to and encamped at least them on the edge of the wilderness. And the Lord went before then. By day and a pillar of cloud to leave them along the way. And by night in a pillar of fire to give them light but they might travel by day and by night. The pillar of cloud by day in the pillar of Fire by night did not depart from before the people. She got was with them the entire time his presence. Was manifest to them as they continue to follow him even in the midst of their Disobedience. Guess what didn't disappear God even want to go see next week.

And that they're about to cross the Red Sea and then look back in here comes Pharaoh's Army cuz he changed his mind again that's hard hard and he's chasing them down and what happens if it says that the presence of the Lord shifted from in front of them around behind them and was in the way between the Pharaoh and got people and he was with them the whole of every moment Jesus promises us this right in Matthew 28 in his last words to his disciples. He says go therefore Make Disciples of all Nations baptizing them in the name of the father Son and Holy Spirit teaches even to the end. C frenz God's way is often the long way. I don't know what it is in your life that's showing up right now, but maybe you're looking for direction from him or maybe you're following him and you're going I don't know if this is worth it cuz this is a lot harder than it should be more than I think it should be and it's taking longer than I really planned. And what's the deal? Listen to God's word is often the long way, but he has purpose in that. And you can trust them. because he's with you through all of it and then Things are going to do this morning. We're going to we're going to try here in a moment. Then we're going to sing the kids are going to come in and we're going to dedicate God's gracious provision in this building and all the work all the gifts all of the the planning all of it. We're going to thank the Lord for we're going to celebrate. But it doesn't escape me. That our route to get here. Was a little longer than certainly I had originally planned. It was a little harder. then I had ever hoped for

forgot a Turkish and it didn't he and he was with us the whole of every moment wasn't he? And even though I don't understand all of it, I do know that he was building me. He was for me personally is building. My character is building my trust in him building my ability to be patient with his plans. Listen, what whatever it is in your life God's way don't be surprised if it's the long way, but trust me he has purpose in it. He's good. He's faithful to the end and he's with you always do the whole of every moment. Let me pray father. Thanks for Jesus. Thanks for your great. Great grace to us in him.

Your ways Isaiah rights, or are you tell Isaiah Auntie rights are higher than our ways your thoughts are greater than our thoughts and of many times Lord. your plans

they don't make sense to us. Or sometimes we can't necessarily Trace what you're up to in the midst of them.

But Lord, we know that your way is often the long way and that you do have purpose and it's so is that the old preacher Spurgeon used to say when we can't trace your hand we can trust your heart knowing that you're with us to the whole of every moment. And Lord on the days then like today where we get to come through and see how your faithfulness in the past four generations. We can worship you and praise you. Knowing that you've never changed throughout any of it knowing that your goodness and your faithfulness endures forever.

Help us to trust you to worship the praise you we thank you for your grace. We pray all this in Jesus name. and all God's people said amen

Great joy. we get the opportunity this morning to to do something that not every Church gets to do once But along three times now to be able to blast into a new facility to his and his glory and I want to show you just a short slideshow of kind of the process. I thought maybe you'd enjoy looking back on the last 2 months.

a man You guys are welcome to stay or you're welcome. Have a seat to whatever you want to do won't be real on but you're welcome to stay where you're at.

Do you know what happened on June 23rd? 1987

32 years ago today Did you know that that was the very day that they broke ground on the original building? And here we are 32 years later by God's grace.

I came across this week and some of the history again of our church and that date stood out to me June 23rd. Sunday crazy had no idea about it until Friday and I just thought what a cool thing and a cool testimony at the God's grace and God's faithfulness. I mean how many of you thought years ago?

Thankful for God's faithfulness through you. For your willingness to be faithful into dream in to take a risk both in planting a church, then establishing the church with a physical presence in our community, you know in a 1st Kings chapter. We read about Solomon dedicating the temple to the Lord now clearly, I understand. That our church is not God's Temple. Like the temple was his temple in the Old Testament, right? There was unique things that happened in terms of Theology and in Salvation history with the Temple of God's faithfulness in creating a place of worship for his people. I won that his people had dreamed of and that he was faithful to bring forward to fruition. And so I think it's applicable for us to look at what happened in 1st Kings chapter 8 is at the end of this dedication service. He praised this

He says oh Lord. God of Israel There is no God like you and all of Heaven above or on the earth Duo.

You keep your Covenant and so unfailing love to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion. Isn't that a great prayer? You are faithful like no one else in heaven on Earth Below. Isn't it? True that our God is great that there is no one like him in Heaven above or on earth below that he shows complete an unfailing love to us. Call him and then prays for God's presence and God's glory to fill the place. He prays for God's people that they would walk in obedience to him and his prayers when Solomon finish making these prayers of petition for the Lord. He stood up in front of the altar of the Lord where you've been dealing with his hands raised toward Heaven he stood and it allowed voice. He blessed the entire Congregation of Israel Israel. Just as he promised promises he gave through a servant Moses. May the Lord never leave us or abandon us everything. That's my prayer for us until they all the commands decrees and regulations that he gave our ancestors. I made these words. He then says that I've prayed in the presence of the Lord be before him constantly day and night so that the Lord Our God may give Justice to me and To His People Israel. According to each day's needs them people all over the Earth will know that the Lord alone is God and there is no other and may you be completely faithful. He says for the people to the Lord Our God may you always obey his decrees and commands just as you're doing today.

As I was looking back and I have noticed this a few years ago actually reading back through some of the history of our church this Sunday that they dedicated. The original building was December 16th 1987. And I keep kind of reference in the past because that was really are heart in this whole thing. Right? We called it the 3430 Journey because we wanted to extend the faith of those 30 years ago. Honor it and hopefully by God's grace extend it and see it extended at least for another 30 years. Call center faithfulness in our facility and our ministry. That was our heart and so as we look on that night told that I think is probably applicable to us, especially in light of reading 1st Kings chapter 8 and here's what he said. This is from his transcript. the church today and I would like all of you to decide if we go through this where we are now is a church and if the Lord tarries where we will be one year from now or 5 years from now.

Cassano's apparently says there was a dangerous sea coast along which there were many shipwrecks and along the Seacoast a crude little edifice was built as a matter of fact, it was just a high but one boat several individuals command of the Sea Coast Outpost without any fear for themselves with day after day. With no thought for themselves these few devoted people went out and sought out those who are perishing. They threw out the lifeline. So those who are lost and through the efforts of these few people many lives were saved. So many lies in fact that before long the little Outpost became famous. Community money Crews were trained more souls will put more pulled out of the clutches of death of those Waters and the work grew. Does it always does? And it wasn't long before some of the members of these life-saving crew has decided that has spread far and wide what? What are we doing in? This is our building. It's too crude. We need a larger nicer place for the first Refuge of those we save from the sea until the building was enlarged in the emergency cops were put away in hospital beds were put in their place. and the work expanded

and more were found and more were saved and more were brought in.

but slowly As Time passed this life-saving station began to be a place 4 people simply gathered and discussed the work

somehow they quit doing the work and it became more and more a place that took on the characteristics of a social club. The remodeling continued in the building continue to grow overtime and more and more people.

Before long more and more people became less and less interested in going out and risking their lives in the waters to pick up potential drowning victims. Fewer and fewer people were involved in the life-saving activities section of Crews were hired and they were sent out to search the waters and it's time went by less and less people were involved in the work.

More and more these were merely symbols their building in their stationery and everything else commemorating a previous era has this group in this edifice took on the life of a social club.

One day there was a particularly large ship which crashed on the Rocks off the seashore and the fire Crews went out and brought in as many people as I could by the boatload. They were told they were when they were dirty some of them were diseased nearly to the point of death.

the next day the building committee immediately met and decided that we need to build a station outside of our building. We can't bring these people in until we clean them up and make them acceptable at the next meeting. There was a split in the club in the club members. Wanted to get rid of this. Is this what we were founded on And so they have the vote no to wanted to search the waters. And those who wanted to say wives were told if you want to continue this you're going to have to stay outside. I'm past in the cycle repeat itself and said you go by that Seacoast today. You will find many many many Exquisite clubs along the seashore ship still Rec. People are still thrown into the sea. And most still drown.

friends God given us a great facility, hasn't he? But the point is in a building. Jesus Christ isn't having a nice place for us to gather in to talk about the work the point. Is it being an outpost from which to do the work? Amen? By God's grace. Let us never lose sight of that. Yeah, let's praise him and honor him and rejoice and his provision to us. But never without the vision in mind that the friends were not sent to hang out here were sent to love people. To invite them to follow Jesus with us. My prayers going forward is that God would resurrect in me and in our church heart of evangelism. sharing the gospel of people meeting Jesus growing and planting other churches in our surrounding area

Awesome. Great if you're awesome. So as we worship and as we pray and as we dedicate our space now, let us always do it with God's God's heart and his vision in mind remembering this is just a place from which were sent to invite people. to be God's instruments of reconciliation and rescue MN Hey, man, what's that? I'm going to pray the same prayer that Solomon prayed so it would you stand with me. and actually Let's go ahead and before the spray.

pray together

God almighty God of Israel. There is no God Like You In Heaven above or on the earth below. But you keep Covenant you show unfailing love. Everyone who walks before you and wholehearted devotion.

Lord we praise you because you've given rest to us. You've given us your favor you've planted and sustained and grown our church over the years.

And you kept all of your promises and not one word that has yet to be fulfilled will fail to be fulfilled of all the wonderful promises that you give us in your word. Sword might you be with us going forward as you were with those who helped the plant this church 30 years ago, but you give us a heart of faith and of devotion of service. I like this church was founded upon Jesus that we wouldn't Drift from the purpose and from the mission and to being just busy but that we would keep out onto the water. I ready to rescue all who are perishing. But Jesus we dedicate our facility to your glory. We recognize that it is a gift that you provided for it through us through our gifts. But ultimately every good and perfect gift is from you. So we we praise you for that. We thank you for that. And Lord, we thank you for the fruitful Ministry that we do have to be able to fill a facility like this and be able to use it For Your Glory. And Lord Jesus I pray then that you would be faithful to that that you would use it to reach many more with the saving knowledge of Jesus. What's your Saving Grace? I pray that this would be a place where many would point to an eternity in say that that's where I met Jesus because of those people because of that place. Would you take for a sword and use it for that? It's too bad that we give our lives and we give ourselves of our talent and our Treasurer and our time.

So we give it to you and we trust you with it never to hold onto it tightly but always loosely. Knowing that your kingdom is so much greater than our little church. Do we have a great privilege to be a part of your kingdom here? This is Jesus we give this to you because it's already yours For Your Glory for the great good of our community. Jesus for a joy Thank you. So your name we pray. Hey, man. Hey, man. Hey, man. Hey, we're going to sing here in just a moment. But before we do, I should recognize a handful of people and they're recognized in the booklet that hopefully you got it came in today who served in leadership over the course of the almost five years, but this process has been in place for all those who served on our 30 for 30 committees and you're listed there. If if we miss somebody, please tell me so I can recognize that and that we can Rectify that but I think we got everybody listed for those especially those who helped us leadership Steve Unruh. Where is Steve at? Be back there somewhere. There is Steve and in Ross also, but have especially is given a ton of time outside of his regular work schedule and there's other stuff too. But I Steve especially working with DJ construction and helping oversee the project making sure things are going according to plan and it really being a great representative and and guardian for a church in many ways and man we're so thankful for you and we thank him now.

And there are others who helped lead. Randy helps lead our 3430 team a few years ago as we began this whole process or thankful for you Randy and I'd be remiss do without recognizing with Rocky and Greg and although extra work. They've done as our treasurer's and just the extra headache of working with a mortgage and not a construction loan and all that good stuff. So thank you guys for using your gifts and abilities in that and listen. There are so many others, but we're going to sing. We're going to get you out of here and you can just go explore and praise God and enjoy the space. Amen. Amen.

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