Foreshadow and Fulfillment
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Biblical Theology to Jesus
Biblical Theology to Jesus
Jesus All Over Genesis
Jesus All Over Genesis
he is the Logos of God that created all that is. (, )
he is the true and perfect image-bearer. ()
he is the greater Adam who resists temptation crushes the head of the serpent to rescue his tempted and troubled bride.
he is the better Cain who give his life for his brothers rather than violently taking theirs.
he is the greater Abel the truly innocent one who pleased God yet was met with violence and rejection by his own.
he is the better Noah who has walked with God from the beginning, who is the righteousness of God, who through obedience in the midst of a twisted generation will save his family.
he is the true target of God’s bow set in the clouds.
he is the missionary whose Spirit will undo the confusion of languages and who will call people to gather for God’s glory and will send people to disperse to make God’s name great.
he is the seed of Abram through whom all the world will be blessed.
( and ) he is the better husband who unlike Abraham and Isaac is willing to give his life for his bride rather than leverage her beauty to save his skin.
he is the better Abram who rescues us (the Lots of the world) from captivity to false, enslaving kings.
he is the better Melchizedek, the “King of Righteousness”, “King of Jerusalem”, “King of Peace”, and priest of God Most High.
he is true receiver of the covenant curses and the gift of the covenant blessings.
he is the Angel of the Yahweh who sees us in our sorrow.
he is the better Isaac, the long-awaited and promised son.
he is the better Isaac, the only son of the Father who is sacrificed, and not just for the sins of one man, but sufficient for all sin past, present, and future.
he is the Lamb of God that Abraham promises God will provide for atonement.
he is the better Esau who does not sell his birthright for a mere meal, but willingly leaves it aside, humbling himself in order to raise up siblings to be coheirs with him.
he is the true ladder that Jacob saw on which the angels of God are ascending and descending. ()
he is the better Jacob who willingly marries the Leah of the church and makes her into a beautiful Rachel through faithfulness and agape love.
he is the better Jacob who wrestles with God in the Garden of Gethsemane, but rather than walking away with a limp he is lead away to a sham trial, a brutal beating, and a wooden cross.
he is the better Esau who when mistreated by his own he still forgives and embraces.
he is the better Joseph who is the beloved son not of a favorites playing earthly father, but of the Heavenly Father. And he is the better Joseph who is hated by his own family for his divine appointment to rule and reign. (, John 1:11)
he is the better Joseph who is sold for some silver (and rather than being merely thought dead) is lead away to be executed.
he is better Joseph who sees God’s love and blessing as motivation to resist sin and temptation.
he is both better the baker and better the cupbearer who is lifted up both unto death and restored to his position at the righthand of God.
he is the better Joseph who through humility is exalted to the right hand of (not a mere Pharoah), but to God on High. And who through his humility is able to where he can save the earth from the greatest famine because he is the Bread of Life.
he is the better Joseph who does not merely reveal himself through the disguise of a foreign dignitary, but reveals his identity as true God underneath the disguise of true humanity.
he is the better Joseph who was not merely thought dead, but was truly dead and has raised literally not metaphorically to new life such that he can provide salvation for the household of God and be reunited with his true Father in Heaven.
he is the better Joseph who looks at the evil of unbelief, the evil of sin, the evil of unfaithfulness, the evil of fleshly failures, the evil of twisted wills, the evil of torture and brutality, the evil of injustice and political expediency, the evil of the cross and says “you meant it for evil against me, but God meant it for good to bring it about that many people should, not merely be kept alive but, that many should have true life everlasting.”