The Meaning of Baptism - 1/13/08
For Jesus:
John was preaching a message of repentance from sin, and the baptism he gave was a sign of that repentance. When Jesus came to him, John recognized that Jesus was without sin and therefore did not need to be baptized. In fact, John realized that Jesus was God’s Messiah and should baptize him.
Jesus responded that it was right for John to baptize him, that it was part of God’s plan because it represented the work and person of Christ.
It indicated why He came
Willingness to identify with humanity – indicates Jesus willingness to be our representative and take on our sin.
Willingness to die to bring us new life - Baptism symbol of death and resurrection
It indicated who He is
God’s Son
For Us:
It indicates our willingness:
To obey – Christ’s command to be baptized
To identify with Christ
To die to self and receive Christ’s life
It indicates what we need to do
Be baptized