The Transfiguration of Jesus - 2/17/08
Went up the mountain
Disciples - Jesus knew He was heading for His death; needed time apart to pray,
prepare, be certain of God’s will, wanted some support
Us – we need time alone with God, close Christian friends, to pray, to seek God’s
will for our lives and be strengthened for whatever is ahead of us in our lives
Experienced a new vision of Jesus
Disciples – saw Jesus’ deity revealed, religious experience. Glory would not
come without suffering
Us – when we take time alone with Jesus we may have a new insight, an
Desire to stay there
Disciples – wanted to hold on to the experience, stay on the mountain
Us – we may try to hold on to or recreate an experience
Received direction – listen to Jesus
Disciples – directed away from Moses and Elijah and the experience to Jesus’
Word alone, reminded who Jesus is
Us – we need to stay focused on what Jesus would teach us
Returned to ‘the world’
Disciples – had to come back down the mountain, that’s where the work was
Us – we can’t stay apart from the world, Jesus sends us into the world
As we open ourselves to Jesus we will be transformed:
2 Corinthians 3: 18 And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.