Called To Freedom

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Living in Liberty  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  38:57
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So it's good to be free. And to enjoy the freedom that we have been gifted with as citizens of this nation, but I want you to understand with me that freedom goes back a lot further than American history the value of Freedom the concept of Freedom what it is and how important it is particularly to life in Christ. So let's begin here with recognizing the call to Freedom that God gives to each one of us. This is the heart of God. Heart Of God for each and every one of us. He has called us and invited us to live in Freedom. Here again the words of Galatians 5:13. Listen again to this amazing declaration and consider what it means for you. Galatians 5:13 Paul says you my brothers and sisters were called. to be free call

so again, the calling of God is for each one of us to live in Freedom.

Don't you think about that statement? Let's dissect it together for a few moments. Let's start with what a calling is. This is one of those religious terms that isn't commonly understood or used by by The World At Large, but I hope for many of you. It's it's a familiar concept. I don't always are often resort to calling from the dictionary when I preached but in this case Merriam-Webster actually gets it, right and the dictionary definition of calling is a good one because it reflects the presence of God communicating his heart and will two people. Here's here's the way that the definition is is put a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action, especially when accompanied by a conviction of divine influence.

Think about that listen to it again a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action, especially when it Company by conviction of divine influence. God is influencing us. Speaking to us calling out to us and inviting us into a particular way of life. As followers of Jesus Christ and that way of life is marked by freedom. defined by freedom It's the heart of God that we would live in Freedom. In simpler terms if I can put it in my own language. Basically what the what Paul saying is that the living in Freedom responding to the call of God involves our response to his initiative. Are our answer to his invitation right God's communication of his will and his ways always requires our response. So with regard to anything that God wants for us and freedom in particular. There's an invitation given a calling that's placed upon us, but we have to respond to experience that reality. God doesn't do this to us without our partnership without our acquiescence without our agreement. You can't live in Freedom that is freedom in Christ specifically unless you choose to actively respond to the invitation and call of God. So what this means done is if God is indeed the one calling us into a life of Freedom. He values freedom for us. And we have to Value it enough to want to experience more and more of it.

To receive the life that he offers us in Christ. It's the heart of God for us to live in Freedom and thereby discover the joy and the piece that results from freedom. But the reality is there are many people not experiencing the freedom in Christ that they've been offered. even Christians it's all going to talk about that struggle. We're going to talk about the the difference between the way of life that we've been offered. Called into and the experience that we're living in. Now as we think about this concept of Freedom, I'm reminded of some famous words that all of us as Americans are likely familiar with perhaps. Your mind is already gone to the opening the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence pens many years ago by Thomas Jefferson and then edited by the committee that worked with him on the Declaration. Here's what are at least how it was edited into its final form. We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal. That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. And that among these are life. Liberty and the pursuit of happiness

think about that statement and what it reflects what it means is that our nation was uniquely founded upon the principle and the value of individual liberty. Which is meant to be understood as a basic human, right that is given to every person. by God himself

So it's fair to say then that the sentiment of of Jefferson and of our nation's founding fathers. Was that Liberty or freedom is the desire and intention of God for every human being not just every American citizen, but every citizen on planet Earth It's God's heart for us to live in Freedom. And government is mint. when it's done God's way to protect that right not to deny it.

Now fast forward a few years to the area just after the Civil War in American history and you'll find this value. We emphasized in another famous quote that I'm sure many of you will recognize and remember it's from our Pledge of Allegiance written in the 1890s. It Was Written actually by A passer maybe you didn't know that. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. Which is meant to be one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Liberty and justice for all that's the American ideal. That's the American idea. It was real besides the gun Years Later by Martin Luther King in his I Have a Dream speech when he repeated again and again and a rising Crescendo at the end of the speech Let Freedom Ring. Let Freedom Ring

And so as we think about these quotes from our own history, we recognize the value of freedom. And we we have affirmed as a people as American people that that freedom we value is meant to be the gift of God. It is the heart of God it is the will of God for men and women to live in Freedom.

Freedom is so vital to the American way of life that it's part of our culture and part of our worldview. It's how we believe that life is meant to be lived.

But as familiar as those quotes are for us as Americans what you might not realize is that they actually reflect truth the truth of scripture. ISO freedom is not just an American value more importantly. It's a Biblical value.

Liberty is God's heart for us God's will for us and the scriptures affirm that in a multitude of different ways. They reflect the words that the heart of God the words of God reflect the heart of God and some want you to hear some words from scripture declared and proclaimed as God's heart for us regarding freedom, and God's calling Upon Our Lives. I don't want these words to be declared over us and into us in an in such a way that they they might begin to shape our mindset and give us a renewed focus of the vision of life as God intended it. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to have a little declaration relay and to do this. I need some volunteers to help me out and let me tell you what your volunteering for I'm looking for four people that can Proclaim scripture with some passion and enthusiasm and I'm going to give you each to verses to read as opposed to me reading them all and be much more fun if we do this together, so who'd like to help me out I need for volunteers.

All right, Gerald come out and right over here.

There's the first one.

there's The second one I'm looking. All right. Okay, come on. I'm going to have you right back there in the corner by Erick. Okay, here's your first one.

here's your second one Alright who's next? Okay. Thanks for 8.

All right, we're going to use the handheld here. So I'm going to give you this one. Okay?

Yes, please and that one okay. And last but not least. I need one more great volunteer, or I'm going to pick somebody.

I saw Hanover. Okay, great. Thank you.

All right now just a quick word of instruction. Okay, you're going to read these scriptures, but I want you to not just read them. I want you to Proclaim them. I want you to declare them over us. Okay, and I want all of you that are listening to listen closely for the heart of God and the call of God reflected in these words of scripture. So what you going to do if you're going to read one, okay, and then Gerald you'll take the microphone over to Deanna and she'll read her first one and then she'll take the microphone over to Becky's she'll read her first one and then she'll take the microphone over here to Jackie and she'll read her first one. And then Jackie you're going to walk over here and take the spot that Gerald was in and read your second one and then we'll just continue right around until we finish with Becky reading the last one. Okay, we got it. Alright, let's bring it. Listen, I will walk about in Freedom. For I have sought out your precepts.

Stay there.

The spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to Proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to Proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to set the oppressed free to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.

1st Peter 2:16 live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil live as God's slaves.

Acts 13:38 through 39 there for my friends. I want you to know that through Jesus. The Forgiveness of sins is Proclaim to you through him. Everyone who believes is set free from every sin a justification. You are not able to obtain under the law of Moses.

2nd Corinthians 3:17 now the Lord is the spirit. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.


Galatians 5:1 it is for Freedom that Christ has set us free stand firm then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the Yoke of slavery.

John 8. 3132 to the Jews would believe him Jesus said if you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Actually Jackie's got one more hair. Go. Go ahead. That's fine. Thank you.

Life through the spirit. Therefore. There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. because group

Hey, man, I thank you so much for since you guys helping me out there. Thank you.

So you've just heard 8 passages of scripture. All of which speak to us. From The Heart Of God about his desire his intention his will that we should live in Freedom? Now if we're going to understand what this means for us so that we can live it out and experience it more and more with talk about the nature of Freedom. We talked about the nature of our calling what it is to hear that Divine influence and respond to it. But what is this freedom? What's the nature of the freedom that God is calling us into and quite honestly, I think this is important for us to think about together because as I said earlier Freedom can be misunderstood and misapplied and there are many who think that they do something as an act of freedom and by doing it actually bring themselves into slavery. So let's talk about what freedom is here is the way that I'd like you to understand it and I appreciate this definition because in my mind, it covers every aspect of Freedom political Freedom individual Freedom spiritual Freedom all aspects of Freedom have one thing in common. Here's what it is. true freedom Is the states not being imprisoned enslaved or controlled by any master? other than God

not being imprisoned and slaved or controlled by any Master other than God. I will talk a little bit more about God as the exception to the rule here in just a bit. But what I want you to recognize first and foremost is that that freedom is being able to live in a state of liberty where you are not imprisoned enslaved or controlled by any master. Look again with me at 2nd Corinthians 3 are 5 13 and 14 the beginning of this passage. I'm sorry Galatians 5:13 and 14 where Paul writes you my brother and sisters were called to be free, but do not use your freedom to indulge The Flash. So we talked about the first part of the statement already what it means to be called. But here's where Paul begins to clarify what he means by freedom and how freedom is meant to work in our lives. Do not use your freedom to indulge The Flash rather serve one another humbly in love. I want you to consider with me that that freedom. Living in Freedom does not mean that you are never a servant. Living in Freedom does not mean that you are never a servant but there's a different there's a difference and a significant one between being a voluntary servant and being made to serve being forced to serve. What pause calling forth in US is the freedom to choose servanthood. Serving God first and foremost and serving others in love is the mark of Freedom by God's definition. And this is a it's a bit disorienting or confusing because it's not commonly understood as what freedom is really all about what I'm saying, is that freedom and servanthood are intertwined together by God's definition. Think carefully and look closely at the words. Paul uses do not use your freedom to indulge The Flash. But rather serve one another humbly in love.

I remember hearing a story years ago, and I probably won't get all the details right because I couldn't I couldn't I looked and I couldn't find the reference the original reference from which I'd learn the story but it was the story of a ruler many many years ago who had a power struggle with his own brother and one brother became king and the other brother wanted to be king. And in order to keep the brother who was a threat in his proper place that the king can find his brother to a room in a castle. At first he can find them with lock and key and the man was constrained. He was imprisoned. He was enslaved to his own brother kept in that room. But eventually eventually the room was unlocked and the brother was invited to leave. But here's the catch. Here's the catch listen to this. the brother who was King upon enslaving is his younger brother began to feed him all sorts of delectable food in his confinement until the young man grew to become quite obese and addicted to food as his comfort. Eventually when the older brother the king had accomplished his purpose he unlock the door and said to his younger brother you're free to leave whenever you want.

But he continued to feed his younger brother the same. the same food the same fare

Am I not surprise you to learn that the younger brother never left that room? But the remainder of his life he was confined not by lock and key but by his own appetite. He was enslaved not by his brother or by the room that he was kept in he was enslaved by his own Desire by his own appetite. Freedom is often thought of and misunderstood as the freedom to do whatever we please. That's the way Americans often think of it and Define it the freedom to do whatever we please but what I'm driving at is that the Bible teaches us something very different about the nature of true freedom.

We can actually be enslaved by our own sinful desires and appetites. So what you may think you're free to do whatever you want. an act upon that desire that desire may actually enslave you.

This is the irony the Paradox of how Freedom really works from God's perspective. You see what the Bible teaches us and what Paul's driving at even here in Galatians 5. Is that freedom true freedom. Is is freedom from our sinful desires and appetites? So in some instances where actually held captive internally by ourselves, even when we're not held captive externally by another person or power. Human desires our appetites left to themselves and not submitted to God are not expressions of freedom to the contrary there actually expressions of our slavery to sin.

so think about the ongoing debate in American culture about what freedom is and how Freedom should be expressed and experienced. 20 30 40 years ago. There was a significant debate over what's now referred to as freedom of choice. The freedom of a woman to terminate her pregnancy with an abortion. Overtime the argument has changed and other types of Freedom have been championed in our culture and in our country the freedom to marry someone of the same gender or the freedom to choose to even change. Your own gender has become popular rally cries with regard to Freedom.

But does it really lead to Freedom? Are there really an expression of freedom? I don't think so.

You see what God's speaking to us in his word is that freedom from his perspective is not the freedom to do whatever we want. its freedom from our desires and appetites the things in the flash that would enslave us. So the reality is done that people are always free to make poor choices and do bad things. Even when those things are legal.

Even when they're illegal. The true freedom is not just the freedom to choose to do whatever you want. That's actually the tyranny of Self Indulgence. The tyranny of self-indulgence taken to its natural conclusion such an extreme value of individual Freedom would actually lead to two limiting any and all laws. Think about it. If somebody really wants absolute freedom to do whatever they want. Then they should then they should want to do away with any and all laws or rules.

Why do we have laws or rules in the first place? That curb our freedom? Why are they important to a civil society? Because they protect us from ourselves and from other people.

Consider that Paul used this language about slavery because it was common in his day for people to understand the reality of slavery slavery was still permissible. And so one of the things we find describes particularly in Roman 6 is that this language of slavery was used by Paul because he knew that everyone could relate to it. Everyone could understand it. What are you saying? Essentially is considered what it means to be a slave and slave to another person as your master and then apply that same principle spiritually to the reality of Sam at work in your life.

You can be Mastered by sin. Just as you can be Mastered by another person.

so just as human beings long and cry out to live in Freedom externally freedom from enslavement or imprisonment or the control of other people are powers people also long to live in Freedom internally or spiritually I thought that's the kind of Life freedom in Christ that we were made for that we were designed for. We were designed to live in right relationship with God and with one another until the fall soured both of those relationships. So spiritual Freedom or freedom in Christ is freedom from sin. And it's negative effects in our lives. And the more we live in this freedom and experience it the more we enjoy life as God intended it. That's the invitation that we've been given. If you want to experience life to the fullest we have to continually pursue freedom. impressed freedom from whatever Masters us whatever controls us.

Eloquii clothes this morning by just drawing your attention to the irony that Paul speaks of both in Galatians 5 and especially in Romans chapter 6. I want to close with a statement that seems again paradoxical seems confusing at first glance, but this is the biblical reality that pause describing for us. Essentially. What are you saying wasn't Galatians 5 and another places is that freedom in Christ is actually voluntary slavery to Christ.

Think about that freedom in Christ is actually voluntary slavery to Christ. It's not forced. It's your choice to respond to the lordship of Christ and allow him to master. How you live.

Look with me for just a moment at a cross reference. That's particularly helpful when it comes to this theme, it's Romans chapter 6 verses 15 and following. Same author speaking of the same theme, but in a different context and it adds some color to what we find in Galatians 5. Paul writes what them? I always send because we are not under the law but under grace by no means. Don't you know that when you offer yourself to someone as obedient slaves you are slaves of the one you will be whether you are slaves to sin which leads to death or to obedience which leads to righteousness. But thanks be to God that though. You used to be slaves to sin. You have come to obey from your heart. The pattern of teaching that is now claimed Your Allegiance you have been set free from sin and a become slaves to righteousness.

I'm using it as an example from everyday life because of your human limitations just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness. So now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness. When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness what benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of those things result in that but now that you've been set free from sin and have become slaves of God the benefit you reap leads to Holiness and the result is eternal life. For the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ. Jesus our lord.

Friends what Paul is describing again is a supreme irony a supreme paradox. That to walk in Freedom from sin is to voluntarily offer yourselves as a slave to Christ a servant of Christ.

It's to be enslaved if you will to righteousness. to obedience to the way of life that God has invited you into. And we do this. Not to earn God's grace, but as our response. As a response to the reality of God's grace and forgiveness.

So over the coming months we're going to press them on this team some more. I want to close with an illustration of how this works and what it looks like. It's a story from a young woman named Sherry who wrote about her own relationship with her father and the way that that relationship had shaped or in many negative ways. She writes my childhood was one of great fear. I grew up with an alcoholic father who frequently had bouts of drinking followed by fits of Rage. I learned at an early age to run and hide in the safest place that I could find in our home, but the truth is there really was no place to escape. Even though my mother tried to hold the home together, I withdrew more and more. In the midst of my father is alcoholic rage. He would often say very abusive and demeaning things to me and to my siblings. It caused me to live in fear with a deep sense of rejection mistrust and hopelessness. And this continued right into my adult years how I long to be loved by my father.

When I was a young girl my uncle came to our home and share the love of Jesus with me. He gave me a small white Bible and prayed with me. I cried out to Jesus. I remember having a sense of Joy, but the excitement would dissipate in time there would be no one to teach her Mentor me for many years. I know now looking back that God love that broken little girl and that alcoholic home as a hurting young woman. I looked for any circumstance. That would help me escape my volatile home life. A man came into my life and offered me what looked like love and safety. I moved in with him and we eventually married. Soon I realized that he had the same strong hold of alcoholism in his own life to my horror. The nightmare went on and my life became one of day-to-day survival.

What I held our first baby in my arms, I desperately needed some reassurance and hope knowing I was now responsible for this little life. I begin to think about that little white Bible and the things my uncle had shared with me many years ago. I decided to go to church and begin to learn more about Jesus. I was excited about learning God's word for the first time and yet terrified of anyone finding out what my home life was really like, I continued my pattern of hiding even in the midst of believers. Then God did something beautiful in my life. I heard there was a Bible study called healed and set free being offered in our church. And there was one opening left in the study. The Lord moves upon my heart and I was able to set my fear of side and sign up for that class. It was a decision. That would change my life forever. This beautiful study took me back to God's word. And for the first time I began to understand what Jesus did for me at the cross. I realized that the sin of not forgiving my father broke. Heart just as much as my dad said. I began to see my dad now Through The Eyes of Christ would love and forgiveness. I could pray for my dad now that I felt the love of Christ for him. I would visit him. With and without the bitterness or fear in my heart that used to be there. Then a miracle happens my dad chose to stop drinking after he became seriously ill. He began to seek the Lord and read the Bible. I would visit with him and he would talk to me about the Lord and ask me questions. Then one incredible day. My dad asked me to forgive him for all the wrong that he had done to me. I was able to look at him with all sincerity and tell them that I had already forgiven him. It was a beautiful moment for both of us and the thought of it still brings me to tears to this day. My dad would pass away not long after that Miracle because the Lord showed me the way of freedom and forgiveness. I was able to have those final days of relationship with him and I will be forever grateful.

That's a story about a woman who discovered. the freedom that Jesus is Calling each one of us in two. freedom in Christ

It's God's desire. It's God's intention. It's God's invitation.

And extends it to each one of us.

For that reason over the next several months summer months. We're going to work together through what are called the steps to Freedom. It's a workbook put together by fantastic author and and leader named Neil Anderson and some of you are probably familiar with this material that it's actually been several years many years since I've taught on this so I'm excited to revisit and refresh on that theme of freedom in Christ. So if you're interested, I want to come into you this workbook call the steps to freedom in Christ. We've ordered a few of these already and my intention is to order a good a good many more and what I'd like to do is to offer that to you. As a helpful tool to work through any unresolved spiritual or emotional issues in your own life so that you can experience more and more of the freedom in Christ that God has in mind for you. That's my friends what we're going to do together over the next two or three months. I pray that God will use this and each one of our lives and that it will be a time of growth of increasing freedom. And that's in this way. Each of us will experience more freedom and have opportunity to live in a way that others are attracted to. Spray.

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