He Returns!
1st Peter 4
The Epistles of Peter were written to a suffering Church. Satan had convinced the government of the day to openly attack members of the New Covenant. Satan used rumor and innuendo to incite the public against Christians.
1. Cannibalism – The Lord’s Supper was seen as being the actual blood and flesh of Jesus
2. Home wrecking – Families were being divided by the Gospel (Just as Jesus suggested would occur)
3. The Agape Feast – A time of weekly fellowship, praise, and worship was believed to be orgiastic.
4. Traitors and zealots – Early believers were accused of being unpatriotic and disloyal to government
Roman emperors from Nero to Domitian ordered government persecution and Christians died for their faith. The early Church lived in constant fear of discovery, torture, and death.
Peter encouraged the Church not to lose hope. He reminded them that Jesus would someday return and set the world aright. The Apostle wrote these words nearly 2,000 years ago believing that Jesus’ return would be very soon. If Peter could look at his world and imagine Jesus’ return how much more should we be certain that His appearing will be very soon? A study of Revelation and a careful reading of the news headline leads me to one inescapable conclusion – Jesus will be returning soon!
Look at some of the prophecies that have been fulfilled:*
1. The Jewish return to Israel – Began in 1948 and continued throughout the 1990’s
2. Ezekiel told of a great northern army in alliance with the Arabs – Russia and Iran
3. Ezekiel also foretold a great Arab confederation against Israel
4. The 200 million man army in China – The Chinese need oil and will march against the middle east if those supplies are threatened
5. Revival of the Old Roman Empire – The European Economic Commission (EEC)
6. Resurrection of occultic practices
7. Wars and rumors of war
8. A great falling away of believers
9. The decline of the family and an increase of lawlessness
I. An Exhortation For Readiness
A. Time to get serious
1. There is no more time – our generation is the last?
2. We must set a better example
B. Time for prayerful watching
1. Watch for God to make His move
2. Opportunities to serve Him openly
C. Time to love one another and hold tight
II. That God May Be Glorified
A. Our ministry has one purpose
B. Faithfulness and obedience glorify God
It is time to set our houses in order!