What are the greatest commandments Notes
Although the scribes and Pharisees considered the whole Old Testament to be authoritative, and not just the five books of Moses as did the Sadducees, they nevertheless considered Moses to be the supreme human figure in Scripture.
The Jew had placed Moses in a category by himself. He had spoken with God face to face, was the humblest man on earth, and had taken the engraved tablets of the law directly from the hand of God, as it were. Jesus had assured them that he hadn’t come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it.
Love- agapap- it is a purposeful, committed, self-sacrificing love. John MacArthur- Godly love for a man is measured in what he will give not what he may gain. It does not love to gain but because it is right. I believe that the transforming new creation that takes place at salvation produces a new will, desire, and attitude deep within the person that can best be described as love for God. John 14:23-24- love is always revealed by action. John makes it clear that love for God and obedience to God are inseparable.
Eph. 6:24- those who love the Lord in sincerity.
Love for neighbor- John MacArthur- Genuine love for one’s neighbor is of the same kind as genuine love for God. It is by choice purposeful, intentional, and active, not merely sentimental and emotional. And it is measured, Jesus said, by your love for yourself. When a person is hungry, he feeds himself; when he is thirsty, he gets himself a drink; and when he is sick, he takes medicine or sees a doctor-all because he is so consumed with caring for himself.
If people loved perfectly there would be no need for law, because the person who loves others will never do them harm. In the same way, the believer who loves God with all his being will never take His name in vain, will never worship idols, and will never fail to obey, worship, honor, and glorify Him as Lord.