are you converted

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Doy Moyer
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Got a real simple question this morning.

Are we convinced? Or are we converted?

It could be one of the most important questions we ask ourselves.

Because we have the first answer. Are we convinced? And once we answer that question, we then have to take it to the next step. Are we truly converted?

I like to convince people of things. I don't know about you I buy Enjoy. fair amount of logic and argumentation

I like to convince people of the truth of something now that can be problem sometimes because if your pride gets in that mix. then you may find yourself hurt because you were wrong. Are there been times when I have been convinced of something that I was not previously convinced of even while I was trying to defend their particular idea. We convinced of something means that we are persuaded or removed by argument and evidence to a particular belief.

I think it's been necessary thing that we all recognize that we have to be convinced of Truth. We have to be convinced of something before anything else is going to happen. But be converted means that we've been changed. We've been transformed. really from one purpose to another Because we begin this morning. I just want us to recognize that it is possible to be convinced without being converted. It's not possible to be converted without first being convinced. So there is a proper order to this. You don't get converted then convinced. but you got to convince first and then converted and what that's really saying is that we are basically believing something to be true. But we have to move beyond that believed to demonstrate the reality of that conviction. And so Hebrews 11. And verse one reminds us what what's faith. Really is Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the conviction of Things Not Seen. Hey, it's really is the demonstration that you have a conviction in what can't be seen a conviction that is in the hope. That we will one day participate in its full reality. Highway song to three songs through this morning about our hope about heaven and we believe that.

recognize that we are in Here and Now we have to demonstrate that we have a conviction in the reality that that is the case. That's what faith is. That's why faith. is so significant a sew-in weave

was that convinced? And then convicted means that this is necessary for any conversion process. So we're going to be going through. Again, faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the conviction some translation City evidence of Things Not Seen. But again, the idea is that faith is what stands under your Hope and Faith is a demonstration that you really have been convicted of the reality that you can't see. Verse 6 tells us that without faith. It is impossible to please him. For he who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them who diligently seek him. It's going to be pleasing to God. First necessary concept here. We have to believe we have to accept the reality of that what we cannot see Okay, writing to the Thessalonians says in 1st Thessalonians 2. And verse 13 that we thank God constantly for this. That when you received the word of God, but you heard from us you accepted it not as the word of men but what it really is the word of God, which is at work in you who believe or can you believe it? What is it wasn't us alone. Ian's to this point in the chapter one. And he says that you became imitators of us and of the Lord he received the word in much Affliction with the joy of the holy spirit so that you became an example to all the Believers in Macedonia and then a cab in Macedonia and put your faith in God has gone forth everywhere so that we need not say anything people hear about you. They hear about your faith a know about your faith. What is it kind of reputation and I believe the answer is first 13 of chapter 2 But in their acceptance of the word of God, that's just your opinion and that's a good book. It's a good guideline, but accepted it for what it really is. And she there's two levels of that. It is possible to look at the Bible and say, you know, look all the author of this epistle and Peter is the author of that epistle and Matthew wrote this and you know, Isaiah wrote that book and you got these 40-plus human authors that are involved. But what it really is.

Add more foundational level is the word of God. And that word of God will Believers when we accept it for what it is and let it let it really 12 indicates. Take us apart from the inside. The word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword that pierces to the vision Soul and Spirit of joints and Marrow and is a judge of the thoughts and intentions of the heart. That's what the word of God will do. That's what we have to be convicted of that will be convinced that that is the case as James 1 verse 21 indicates that you lay aside all filthiness all that overflows the wickedness and you receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. Remember our theme this year in 2nd Timothy 3 15 path of the wisdom of God unto salvation comes through the scriptures that the recognition of what scriptures are and what they do for us is involved in this conviction. Have to be convicted if that is the case and when we are convicted it's kind of like an ax to in verse 37 when Peter had been preaching their own a fennec off and it says that they were they were cut to the heart. The Jews that were there on this day, they were cut to the heart and then they asked Peter but what should we do?

I don't know what to do. We can't really answer the question of what shall we do what we need to do until we first. Get the indicator that were cut to the heart. We believe were convicted and that will The Next Step but is it possible to be convinced only?

in John 12 John chapter 12 and verse 42 and you know, Jesus is talking about Isaiah and what Isaiah saw and a back in verse 32, if you want to lift it up from the earth. I will draw all people to myself the cross has the drawing power in it.

Ausable there are people who know this they see this they recognize this and yet still for one reason or another don't do anything else about it first 42 says nevertheless many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees, they did not confess it so that they would not be put out of the synagogue for they love the glory. Oh that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God doesn't that really get to the heart of the problem?

Tell us one thing more than another we could say I believe that this is true. I talk to people who will say that I got studies with you. I know that's what it says. I believe that is true, but

Something else is going on that keeps them from obeying the gospel. I still hear you have some people who were convinced. They believed they knew who Jesus was. They believe what he said about that. They didn't confess that so they weren't really converted. They just believed it.

And that is a problem that we have to face and even the demons believe James 2 and verse 19, even the demons believe and tremble the demons have an intellectual concept. It ain't no yuusha chapter 1 Jesus healing the man there that had the demons in them and they they basically say we we know who you are. You're the Holy One of God. I know exactly who Jesus was. They know who Jesus was. But if that have an emotional response to it, but they don't engage the will to change and they don't we're not going to say that they're saved by any means and so when people talk about well, I kind of think they're missing the point.

Leaf only

pain just convinced not enough. Just simply not enough.

Might not be enough either now.

possible to have a believe but it is possible to go through motions. Without Really engaging the heart

We might even Comfort ourselves by the Motions that we take. Well, I I went to church. And I and I took the Lord's supper and I did the things that we're supposed to do isn't really all God has in mind the answer to that is no. It's got to go deeper than that. We have some examples of the Old Testament Isaiah chapter one gives us an example of this very kind of thinking that some may have a tan again, you know, sometimes people look at the Old Testament and Sable didn't didn't God just want them to do certain things and didn't really care so much about the heart to remember that it's in the Old Testament where God said love the Lord your God with all your heart soul strength and mine. Then Jesus said that was the greatest commandment ever given but you have an example and Isaiah chapter one of those among his Michigan Israel who had believed they knew God was they they innocence were convinced but and even acted but they didn't do it from a proper heart and the rest of the time they would go out and do what they wanted to do. It's on Isaiah chapter 1 verse 10 hear the word of the Lord you rulers of Sodom, isn't it? Interesting?

Play the song Long been destroyed. But yes, but they're exhibiting the mentality attitude that saw them had good Mora what to me is the multitude of your sacrifices says the Lord they're offering sacrifices. They're doing the things. Going out there and their prices they believe something is but God says I've had enough. frings Rams the fattest felt well fed B. I do not Delight in the blood of bulls of the Lambs are of no type. That's not what I'm looking for is just going through motion. I'm not just looking for a sacrifice.

Got to be something else going on here. And it doesn't verse 12 when you come to the pier before me who is required of you this trampling of my courts. Bring no more vain offerings incense is an Abomination to me new moon and Sabbath in the calling of complications.

But when we just make it a going through the motions, this is how God feels about it. I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly.

We want to do. If I show up here on the first day of the week and go through the motions so that we can feel good about ourselves.

That's it. That's not what I want.

MMI 14 that's a strong language. Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hate they become a burden to me. I'm weary of bearing them. It's interesting to me and come back on track because I won 12 and 13 you have this idea among the worshippers who say this is wearisome to me.

You know, I'd go through this motion. We got an A.

of this Is it possible? We may find ourselves in a similar situation.

The treasury to get up and go to church. The treasury come back if I got other things I got to do. Soon as things going on, and I'm just getting home and maybe it's God telling us wait a minute. I'm tired of this. That's what he's telling Israel. I'm tired of you doing this. I'm worried about you think you're worried about.

Are we just convinced?

Are we truly inverted? 20 conversion then What Paul said in Romans chapter 12? verses 1 and 2 free declares that our bodies are living sacrifices I appeal to you Brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a Living Sacrifice. Holy and acceptable. Virtual worship do not be conformed to this world but be transformed and there's our word. There's our term. It's a metamorphosis.

You've you've heard that's the word that we think of with the caterpillar becoming a butterfly you change. Something has changed you've been transformed you have been converted into something else present your bodies a Living Sacrifice. He says do not be conformed but transformed. find

By testing you may discern what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect? transformed By the renewing of your mind this initial transformation that we're talking about here is not a transformation in the body percent time is coming by the way, and they're in the resurrection. There will be a great change. but first that change needs to happen in your mind. true repentance is and we think my repentance is kind of that change of mine that leads to a change of your of actions. And so you're transforming from one purpose into another check that if anyone is in Christ, we are a new creation old things are passed away. All things have become new. You don't become a Christian to stay the same.

You become a child of God. You have entered into a process of change in chapter 3. For just a moment.

I think we can say biblically scripturally we change. We are changing and we will be changed. There is a a process that is in place where there is a continual changing going on and 2nd Corinthians chapter 3.

And verse 18 says that we all with unveiled face beholding the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image from one degree of Glory to another for this comes from the Lord. Who is the spirit. But don't ask me to explain all of that. It's just interesting to understand here that when you become a child of God one day the next day doesn't mean that you reach full completion in perfection. There is a process going on. In fact, when when we look at it in terms of the Final Redemption process the Final Redemption of the body and then what the Lord is going to do in the end. But even now we look at our circumstances no matter how long you been a Christian. You understand. You still would say I have not yet attained that Perfection that the Lord has in store for us.

but then in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4

In verse 1. He says therefore having this ministry by the mercy of God. We do not lose heart. Believer now. It's disgraceful underhanded ways. We refused to practice cunning or the tamper with God's word that right. There is just to say we're not like we used to be We used to see things one way now. We see things quite another way, but by the opening statement of the truth, we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case the God of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of Christ. Who is the image of God for what we Proclaim is not ourselves.

Jesus Christ is Lord with ourselves as your servants for Jesus sake for God who said let light shine out of Darkness has shown in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of Christ in the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. There's a lot packed into that. First of all, what we're trying to do is is not say hey look at us. We're saying look at Jesus as Lord and we are supposed to be a reflection of of the lordship of Jesus of Jesus Christ the light. That is there wheat we can all the references Genesis.

He is shown in our hearts to give the light of a knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. And this is a process. In fact, we are still waiting for that final change into Glory Romans 8.

And in and our class in the back on this we've been talking about Romans that we just finished Romans such a beautiful chapter. At this point that he's making here. Creation itself was subjected to futility and it groans as it were and then the children of God this Redemption. in verse 23 not only the creation but we ourselves who have the first fruits of the spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for the adoption as Sons the Redemption of our body that you might stay awake already been adopted as Sons will guess we have But there's still something greater yet to come you see. There's a a process in place for the final change into glory for in this hope we were saved hope that is seen is not home. But if we do not see we wait for it with patience. And in the meantime. We're growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord if we're doing this correctly.

conversion Scott like children Jesus uses this illustration in Matthew the 18th chapter.

Cycle come to Jesus and look at what they're debating among themselves. In which one of Matthew 18 who's the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Who's the greatest in human nature changed all that much? We fuss and fight about who's greater. And who's going to who's the greatest in the kingdom and Jesus answer is to call a child to himself.

Isaiah verse 3 truly I say to you unless you turn. And become like children.

You'll never enter the kingdom of heaven like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

There's a lot about children. I believe the essence of that is to say the one thing about the children. It's what they trust their parents. natural tendency to that the trust the ones who care for you. What is telling us is we've got to learn that kind of trust. forgot and when we fuss and fight and fume about who we're missing the point. That's not trusting God. We've got to change and be converted like children. It is possible to be convinced. But not converted reasoning with him about righteousness self-control and judgment to come. And Felix became frightened.

But he said basically not now. When I find a convenient time, I'll call for you. if there's not something he's been convicted of hear the message of the gospel and you think will it doesn't scare me at all. You're not convicted. But there is a sense of fear that can come into us when we realize what's at stake here.

And I think of the Rich Young Ruler Matthew 19:16 through 22. Jesus with the right question, what do I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus's will keep the Commandments.

What am I still missing? And that's that's pretty important question right there. What am I missing?

Jesus says you need to go sell what you have give to the poor come follow me. What's missing is you're putting your things in front of me?

I wonder if we would have that problem today, but are things in front of Jesus? What convinced you know a man walks away sorrowful. Because he had many possessions. And ask you how the disciples turn to Jesus instead. Who can be saved but that's the way it's going to be who can be saved. Well, it says With God all things are possible, but we have to trust it. That's the point we have to trust it. You can be convinced. You might even go to the right Source you might even say I know okay. So what do I need to do? You see what it says walk away sorrowful because something you don't want to give up.

Or not really? inverted

ask you the question. What is a Christian? How would you define that?

I want you to find what a Christian really is.

LTC to Define a Christian by outward things Christian goes to church Christian takes the Lord's Supper christian sings Christian. Praise is God a Christian lives a good life. Christian does thing that's not really the question. What is a Christian Bible gives us an answer and sit in in in Galatians chapter 2?

and verse 20 I have been crucified with Christ. This is what a Christian is. I have been crucified with Christ.

It's no longer. I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life. I now live in the flesh by if I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me a Christian is one who has been crucified with Christ.

I put a song that is dyed to self. And now lives for him. I think we can further understand that in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5. And verse 14 the love of Christ controls us because we've concluded this for all there for all that those who live for themselves, but for him who for their sake. Why did Jesus die he died so that we don't live for ourselves anymore.

So that we might live for him. That's what a Christian is.

Christ in you the hope of glory crucified with Christ dead to self alive to God in Christ Jesus Isaiah and Isaiah chapter 6

offers him and he's going to go for us and he says here my send me somebody else.

your mind send me Let me be the one. I would suggest to make disciples first be a disciple.

Be the one. This is I'm ready. Send me be the one who says I'm here to live for Christ. Everybody has to leave the key. point

Could be your neighbor. Be that person across the street. The person you see the dog park. I'll be the one that you see at the mall.

the band disciple then make disciples and to live. Was Christ return? in view BMX point is an Earth are reserved for fire. That there's going to be a new heavens and new earth.

cousin verse 11 Cuz all these things are to be dissolved what sort of people ought you to be in lives of Holiness and godliness. Looking for and hastening the coming of the day of. Because of which the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved in the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn but according to his promise. We are waiting for new heavens and new earth in which righteousness 12. We are living with eternity in view. The trial of God is someone who has set his mind on things above not on things of this Earth. Raised up with Christ seeking the things that are above and living without understanding that eternity. Is in View and Christ is coming again.

Are you convinced?

Are you converted? We're just think about that. We're going to sing a song here in just a moment.

invitation to come to Jesus for the coming of Jesus is more than just saying I believe coming to Jesus is saying I trust But I will get myself wholly and completely to him because he died for you so that you not live for yourself, but you live for him to be crucified with him. Buried with him as Romans chapter 6 puts it in the context of baptism your new life at all of that. The fact that you'll one day be raised again. So that's what has to happen this morning. I would urge you beg. You don't leave don't leave here without making sure. But you're in line with God's will and if we can help you do that. Let us know why we standing scene.

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