Luke 5;1-11
Luke 5:1-11
Introduction –
I. What does it say?
A. Jesus teaches the people (1-3)
B. Jesus Teaches Peter (4-7)
C. The Disciples react to Jesus’ teaching (8-11)
II. What does it mean?
A. Peter had already met Christ – John 1
1. Spent the day with Him
2. Saw a small miracle - Bartholomew
B. Why Peter reacted the way He did.
1. He was amazed at the miracle
2. He recognized the holiness of Jesus
C. Why they followed Christ
1. He was something greater than they had ever know
2. He asked them to follow
3. He made them a promise
III. What does it mean to me?
A. Have we met Christ?
B. Have we seen His greatness?
1. His strength
2. His holiness
C. Are we following Christ?
1. Our part – follow Him
2. His part – Teach us to catch men
Conclusion –