10 Reasons Why I Believe the 2nd Coming Could Happen Soon
10 Reasons Why I Believe the 2nd Coming Could Happen Soon
Sunday 10/14/07 p.m.
- The Reestablishment of Israel to the Land, May 14, 1948 Ezekiel 36:8-12; Matthew 24:32-33[1]
- The Rise of Liberal Churches, Revelation 3:14-22
- The Increase of Knowledge Concerning the End Times, Daniel 12:4a
- The Speed of Travel, Daniel 12:4b
- The Increase of Overall Knowledge, Daniel 12:4c
- The Scoffing of Believers and Unbelievers, 2 Peter 3:3[2] Matthew 24:3-5, 11, 23-26, 48-51;
1 Tim. 4:1-3;
2 Tim. 3:1-9;
2 Peter 2:10;
Jude 16, 18
- The Destruction of Marriage and the Family, Matthew 24:36-39
- The Missions Movement to the Whole World, Matthew 24:14
- The Rebuilding of the Tribulation Temple, Matthew 24:15
- The Appearance of an AntiChrist and Religion Who Hates Both Christians and Jews, Matthew 24:16-26;
Rev 12:1-11
[1] Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild:
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Arthur James Balfour
[2] 3:3. Peter understood that he and his readers were living in the last days, the period of time between the Lord’s First and Second Advents. First of all means “above all” (as in 1:20), foremost in importance. Scoffers are the false teachers who deny Jesus Christ (2:1) and His return (3:4). Jesus had said these heretics would come (Matt. 24:3-5, 11, 23-26), and Paul had written the same (1 Tim. 4:1-3; 2 Tim. 3:1-9). Peter echoed the warning, adding that their scoffing is accompanied by their . . . evil desires (epithymias, also used in 2 Peter 1:4; 2:10, 18; Jude 16, 18). Arrogant snobbery and disdain for the idea of a coming judgment led to sexual perversion.