One Minute to Midnight
“One Minute to Midnight”
Sunday 8/12/07 a.m.
Esther 8:3-6
I. We Must Carry A Burden for the Danger That the Lost Are In! 8:6
A. They are blinded to the danger, 2 Cor 4:3-5
B. They are hopeless and helpless to stop the outcome on their own, Eph. 2:11-13
C. Herein is the danger[1],
1. Hell will be a place of unquenchable fire, Mt. 3:12; 13:41-42; Mk. 9:43
2. It will be a place of memory and remorse. Lk. 16:19-31
3. It will be a place of thirst, Lk. 16:24
4. It will be a place of misery and pain, Rev. 14:10, 11
5. It will be a place of frustration and anger. Mt. 13:42; 24:51
6. It will be a place of separation. Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 15
7. It will be a place of undiluted divine wrath. Hab. 3:2; Rev. 14:10
8. It was originally prepared for Satan and his hosts. Mt. 25:41
9. It is a place of darkness, Mt. 8:12. Jude 13
10. It will be a place created for all eternity. Dan. 12:2; Mt. 25:46; Jude 7
a. The same word that is used for eternal judgment (Heb 6:2),
b. is used for eternal life (Jn 3:15),
c. and for the eternal God (1 Ti 1:17).
d. If one of these is temporary, then the others must be too.
e. Furthermore, the same phrase that means forever is used of God being alive forever (Rev 15:7), of eternal life (Jn 10:28), and of eternal torment (Rev 14:11).[2]
II. We Must Be Anxious as Well As Active On the Behalf of the Lost, 4:16
A. We must be determined to tell them of this danger!
B. We must be willing to pay the price, or the sacrifice to warn them!
C. We must be willing to intercede because no one else will!
III. We Must Work Together As One In Order To Reach Them, 4:16
A. In their leaders, Mordecai and Esther;
B. In the people, God’s chosen to covenant to fast, pray, and carry this burden together!
[1] Willmington, H. (1987). Willmington's book of Bible lists (133). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.
[2]Ryrie, C. C. (1995, c1972). A survey of Bible doctrine. Chicago: Moody Press.