Sunday Service
Tell me that God talks to him. How much bolt should we be to share with God says to us? Does anyone have a word if you've not we're going to move on come on. Yes.
I just felt my heart not.
God's love so great. And if we find that place of his love. And we find that place in our hearts. It's not forced. But it just flows from that place when we find that secret place in our hearts and his love. That's what I was feeling. Come on. Notes take a shower, man. Thank you. Is there anyone else that says I don't know. I am kind of scared if you're kind of scared. I'll come to you but thank you for sharing. Do you know this is how we begin to edify the body? It's biblical everything I'm doing right now is so biblical. It says that the two or three prophesy and let another sit by so if there's anyone else on open this opportunity for the spirit of God to move your heart.
and if not We're going to move on.
Can you guys see me? Okay, we need to cut some lights on right. It's because of my natural tan.
Is that better?
Dude, you should play hide and seek with me at night though.
I remember being on the camping trip. I was a taxi at Men's Retreat and man. So everyone else, you know, they get their war-paint going right. So they're they're giving cuz we're getting ready to pull pranks on the older man 71 get stir warpaint out. They reach in one guy get screen is really dark military green guy gets black really dark black. I pull out my lotion I go boom.
I said let's go guys are like you're not dude, but let me tell you those pranks were so awesome.
Those pranks for awesome and we had fun. I'm going to talk to you guys today about Deep Cries Out to Deep. the Sun that I felt got steering in my heart and it's pretty cool because the worship team did not know any of any of my sermon points and they were singing Songs about God take me deep. Do you understand that one song that we song that says all consuming fire? You're my desire and then it says Let Us Fall more in love with you. Have you asked God to bring you into a deeper love and adoration for himself for you. Have you done that? Have you ever asked God I really want to love you real deeply I want my affections to be there, but they're not you just ever ask God to help me fall in love with you. God's waiting for God's waiting. He hasn't invitation. He's waiting for you to say will you be standing at the door? He's knocking he saying let me come. Will you come will you? Let me come in and outs up with you. I'll make my habitation with you a lot of times if you noticed a relationship. We like we like to stay surface e
You know, that's when you were that's like when you're in the church and your ass. Hey, how's it going Niger? I'm good. But underneath there is a bad storm. It's like man if you understood the undertale right now, you guys are probably think I'm insane.
Are we willing to go deeper with God because God doesn't want your surface talk. He wants to hit the heart of the matter. In order to build community with one another we have to go deeper in relationship to the time we talked.
But if I can't be vulnerable with my wife and the privacy of my home and are at a park and just talk to you about what I'm stealing with and what I'm feeling then there's a problem and I realize a lot of times if we're not doing that with people we're not also doing it with God. You a WhatsApp? I don't understand that. You don't understand I said you ready for this God and His word it says how can you say you love God and hate your neighbor and your neighbor was made in the image of God. I wonder if there's a parallel thing there.
How you treat people if you're willing to be real with them, it's a clear sign that you're willing to be real with God how people be real with God then lie to their neighbor. That's weird in it. Could you imagine? Oh God you I'm so real and true with you. But yet you're lying to everyone else around you. Scripture exercise you're a liar, and the truth is not in you.
I'm talking about us not staying surface-level anymore. Like the problem is that we live in a world a society that has seen the surface Christianity for so long. They seen it. And they realize when they stepped into it was really shallow. And it was full of people that were shallow. Are you guys going to go deep? God wants us to learn how to scuba dive. He wants us to learn how to scuba dive and as you get accustomed to being underwater he wants to take you in his submarine. Any wants to take you to explore he wants you to do you to understand what his plan is for you and also share those things and where you're not just singing songs, but it's a internal hard drive to God. But when no one else is around are you talkin to God?
Cuz if you're struggling talking to. When no one's around you're going to struggle when you're with people.
We have to go deep. If we don't then we'll always get what we always got. And if you want something you never had you got to do something you never have done before.
Turn to me infusions. Is going to be the third chapter the 14th through the 7th verse if you don't have your Bibles have it up here I'm becoming from I'm using the Amplified version. But this one it says two part was talking to the Ephesian church, and he's praying for them. And then he says this prayer and we quote this thing a lot. But do we understand? He's telling us how He's telling us the house if Paul says for this reason seeing the greatness of the plan by which you are built together in Christ. I bow my knees before the father of our Lord Jesus Christ death before when he's praying. He said because you guys have been built together. I'm going to pray this way because you guys got past the first part which we talked about those tubes and they had to learn the Kinect first. I'm going to print this way. From whom every family in heaven on Earth is named that father from whom all fatherhood takes his title and the rides his name. He's basically saying from the everyone is connected to the father. Who is the father of all
may he Grant you out of the rich treasury of his glory to be strengthened and reinforced with the mighty power in the Inner Man by the Holy Spirit himself in blowing your innermost being and personality pretty big statement.
He said the first thing you need to do is to be strengthened and reinforced with Mighty power. If you have the King James version, it says that you be strengthened with Mike and the Inner Man.
This is why it's so important for us to connect with holy spirit because he wants to give you strength. Strip not only end in your spirit. But strengthen your soul your inner man. You just so love you your mind will in a motion to give you strength because when you got bored again when you got here it was made whole but we realized it's the soul of man that has all the fractures. And that's the place that you need to be reinforced and strengthen that. How many people got insecurities? You need to be strengthened and reinforcing those areas. I'm not condemning you about having them. I'm telling you find that internal strength through God spirits and allow him to quit. Because if you can't allow him to where we're headed as you're not going to be able to go. You know, if you go swimming and you go scuba diving if you don't get your scuba tank and everything else chances are you're not going very deep, right? Cuz you didn't get your you didn't bring the right equipment. It'll look really foolish for me to say I'm going to I'm going to dig a basement and I don't got What is the activator for the job? It'll look weird to be weird. If if you're going in for heart surgery and the doctor says alright, give me the tape measure you like Doc you brought the wrong equipment for the job my question to ask do we have the right equipment for what? He's calling us for? Because we have to understand that if we're going to go there we have to allow the spirit of God to strengthen our soul and which we become Bowl now become outraged innocence outrageous and what all Races and Faith outrageous in love and get me outrageous and all those areas because we will begin to show the character of God. That's whose God character is is got outrageous and love ya. Are you sure about yeah because he gave his only begotten son. How do we know because he says that why you were sinners Christ died for us? How do we know because it says it's in scripture. He said he commanded his love towards us. That's why no one's going to pluck you out of his hand because when God commanded his love towards you, it's yours. Are you secure in his love? And we pick up here make Christ through the roof your faith actually dwell settle down a bike make his permanent home and your hearts. May you be rooted deep in love founded securely on love. Turn order for you to understand this part. You have to go back to be allowing yourself to be strengthened with my in the Inner Man and when you allowed that strength from God to strengthen that which is to realize how perfectly Loved You Are. Like have you ever just sat there and thought to yourself how much God really loves you? Most of the time we spend our lives trying to please God. I had a conversation with a friend this week. I said do you think you could disappoint? God music? Yeah. Yeah, okay. I said are you sure he's like, yeah, I can disappoint God I said, okay, do you disappoint God I said, I don't think I can I don't think I can't disappoint them last time I checked he was missing and omnipresent and all-knowing. So if he knows my ends for my beginning that I think he's knows what I'm going to do in the next second. I wonder if he knows the next words. I'm going to come out of my mouth. I wonder if I ever catch. Off-guard like I didn't see that coming.
Do you know 50 Cent from the foundation of the world Christ died for us? So before God even made Adam and Eve. He already had Jesus Christ from the foundation the world dying for they're sending their screw up before they even screwed up.
That's what your Bible says. That's what mine says. I don't think I was in shock.
I think he was like, okay, okay, they're doing well because you knew that there was an enemy out there and the cat who was the deceitful cunning enemy and he was going to try to take dominion over man in the territory that God gave them. And he dead but God had a back-up plan. There's no mistake that you can make in your life that God can't rectify. There is no place that you can't go that God can't fix. He takes crooked things and make them straight. I don't care if you're 20 years there.
God can turn that around in one day.
Best strengthen with Mike when you can actually realize how much God loves you that. There's no getting out of this event in the Inner Man. You can be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and the Beast rent them by the holy spirit in the Enderman is to have joy we cross this to joy of the Lord is our strength, but where did that come from? Came from a time where Jerusalem was in ruin and the guy named yet. Mine is another guy named Ezra and they are shutting their able to go back over to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall and they start rebuilding the walls and after that got done they found the book of the law. It's so all of a sudden they see this handwriting of requirement that they all failed at.
Be filled at 100% is found in Nehemiah chapter 8 and so what happens? The people are sorry for like God. I'm really screwing up bad. We messed up. We deserve all these things and after they heard the law being read to them and heard how bad they were missing it Nehemiah in the people sorrowful. Hold on the 2nd. Don't be in sorrow and despair for the joy of the Lord is your strength and he says be strengthened today and go and rejoice in him and eat and drink and be merry and desire.
Pink phone strength matter what they did not meet and not win with big could not do but in God revealing the opportunity to know him more. Do you want to find joy and strength and peace during your trial? I'm going to tell you find joy and the God who loves you find that piece from him and allowed that piece to Fester up inside. You swell inside you. Can I see let it marinate all over you. I like marinating meat makes it very flavorful. I wonder if God likes marinating meat.
Fixes very flavorful and we got different flavors and personalities. But when we're saturated with God we connect regardless if you're A type personality or B type personalities last time I checked that doesn't matter to God, but we make it matter to us. Don't we that purse is a driver I stay away from them. I said last week. Jesus wasn't scared of getting cooties, but we are.
It's really weird. God is on our side. He's fighting for us. I'm going to play it quick cuz I want you guys to catch this. How big is an awesome God is for us and I'm going to plays for a little bit and I just want you guys to think about this.
If it shows up.
Well, anyways, it's a song I couldn't see it. There's no volume though.
Wonder if that's me, too. Nope.
They're working on it right now, but I'll see what it says. It says God is fighting for us pushing back the darkness. and it says that you're rocking out aren't they?
Are they were they really that was really cool. Butcher said in the name of Jesus the enemy is defeated and we'll shout it out. Then. They started singing a song about how God is on our side. He's fighting for us. He's with us. If God be for us who can be against us, but what we find is ourselves going against ourselves. And then we start believing that God is not for us.
Let's look back at the fusions are 317.
It says that that Christ may actually dwelling you that Christ May dwell in you make you permanent home settlement. It's abide his residence because you've been through a lot, but it takes your face. If you start believing God's not on your side you're going to end up in a ditch called guilt shame and condemnation.
If the Bob blind lead the blind they both end up in the ditch. So if you're sitting there remembering all your mistakes you're ending up in the dick if you remember your mistakes from a minute ago. You're going to end up in the ditch. Cool thing about God. He says listen, do your sins will cleanse you and separate them. As far as the East is from the West it says in my Bible he when he left the memory of your scent and throws it in the sea of forgetfulness, and he doesn't remember it no more.
If God's writing a book with your name on it, and it's about your life it only has that good things about you. Don't have where you screwed up 10 years ago when you got angry at your wife or your wife got angry at you doesn't have that thought that you thought.
Because he throws it in the sea of forgetfulness and he doesn't remember no more. He doesn't bring up accusation. Jesus said there is one who accuses the brother and some of you guys may and your spiritual discernment is really criticism. I still want you go around doing is thinking that your Discerning spirits and you're criticizing people about everything you're doing and you're bringing accusations against them constantly. You need to check with Team you're playing on.
Understanding the sermon the spirit isn't doing that. It's Discerning what's wrong and praying against it? So God can make it right. popcorn around your neighbors hear Hey, Brother Did you know that they had smelly feet on Sunday? And he decided to wear sandals with shorts? It was horrible smelly feet. Did you know he has smelly feet to I'm Discerning it the snow in is a feet. That totally is not God's attention.
God wants you to do this. Hey, bro, come with me man. This could talk I'm sensing this dude. Let me smell my feet stink. Thank you for telling me that I would have made a complete fool of myself. that's what actual discernment and understanding what we're called to do is actually about Let me tell you this you're talkin about God dwelling in your heart richly in a week. Because if we don't miss it because we were joined together when Paul was praying that they were connected and he said I want you to be strengthened and now after you've been strengthened, I want you to really and again a group setting and in the person already have faith that God is actually with you how many people actually believe Jesus is here right now?
Joe was difficult. Just leaving when scripture says where two or three are gathered together in his name. He's there in the Mets. But instead of being confident that God is actually with us in the moment. We're praying for the better day of the Rapture to come. So now we're waiting for Jesus to come instead of believing that we're two or three are gathered. He's here. And that means we're pretty dangerous.
If we're going to walk this out with God we got to get rid of some things. Are you willing to let go are you want to let go of Gossip? Are you willing to let go of backbiting are you willing to let go of?
If you coming come on if your married you like she did this 2 weeks ago Let It Go. He said that three months ago Let It Go why I remember the time at my mother's wedding Let It Go.
It's not doing that with this but we seem to hold on and have a ledger and we want people to make a payment and retribution and that sounds like a parable that Jesus said there was a man who owned a lot of money and he got forgiven, but then after that he finds a man that I owed him money and threw him in jail.
Got told that man very Wicked because you receive Mercy Grace and forgiveness and you yourself will not extend the same Mercy Grace and forgiveness.
Time to get over yourself.
That you may have power and be strong to apprehend and grass with all the saints. God devoted people the experience of that. Look. What is the best to lift the height and depth of it? Hold on a lease quote that show that I may know that the death the height and we put it real pretty and if we have the King James it sounds like Shakespeare.
He wants to take a hold of it. There's something that happened when you take a hold of God's love and you allow that love to express through you in a great way. And what happens is the fullness of God begins to dwell back in the fall.
I'm just say this old, you know, I can never searched out. The deaths pulse is grasping. You know. Bind it together.
make a covenant with
grass the love of God And never let it go. They let go of all the nonsense, but don't let go of his love. It is talking about that you would experience in the death of his love and there's always a new deeper. There's always a higher height. There's always an experience and to extend his love and this is the reason why
that you may really come to know practically practically to experience for yourself the love of Christ which far surpasses mere knowledge without experience. I'm not against teaching and schooling but the thing with God is that don't work with him. That way you can do a lot in the Bible says now it's puffs up but love edifice. You walk around telling people how much about God, you know, listen, I discussed the other day. I can know a lot about LeBron James, but if I go to him and knocked on his front door, he's going to say get out of here. But LeBron I knew where you went to high school add. I know how many points you score. I know you're working here. I studied the stats. I even know that person you don't like on your team. LeBron say dude. I do not know you please get off my property or I'm calling the card or dude. I got a concealed to carry. So how do you want to handle this?
Sugar knowledge about God does it matter?
My question is are you do you know him? Have you experienced him? Cuz this is why that you may be filled through all of your being all you're being all of you your body your soul and your spirit the hold you.
A to all the fullness of God may have the richest measure of the vine present and become a body Holyfield and flooded with God himself. You know, it's pretty crazy to me that we're used to people and a church society and culture were used to people being demon possessed.
Were you sad when it's on building a mass-murdering crusade? We're like that person was demon-possessed. If someone's doing living a perverse life, so we're seeing that person possess. Happy for you were believing if you ever watch the Poltergeist and yeah that thing would possess. And we have all these images of what a possessed person by the devil looks like and how they may act and how they may think and what they may do.
What about a person possessed by God?
I wonder if that was a man named Jesus of Nazareth. Who is God himself but didn't do anything as God, but did it as a man submitted to God and all things according to his word is we have someone to follow and see if we can do it and was Jesus.
Absolutely. He was God's possession. He was his only begotten son. He was accepted in the Beloved. He was God himself. It's inscription says in his word. He didn't commit himself to know man, cuz he knew what was in there, but only committed himself to God. We know how it looks to be possessed by the devil know what it looks like to be possessed by God.
This is why you need to understand the depth of his love because God according to his word. He says he wants to feel you. He wants to possess you.
We sing about it, but do we really believe it when that song Oh How He Loves Us it's his and he is our portion and we are his prize salt by Redemption by the grace in his eyes. We sing it, but we actually sit down and actually think about it. Do you really want to be possessed with God?
That's so for one moment.
That means your speech is affected. That means how you treat people is affected. That means that means how how you think is affected. Like if I get skunk drunk up here with alcohol every part of me is affected even my speech and we call that indecency in public, don't we?
What about being? drunk and possessed with God we call that being in decency and church hoops.
Cuz now you're not trying to be the norm. You really believe me who got is you really want something more? What would it look like for a community of Believers to actually allow God to have them as his portion.
You like what dude listen I got my life. God says there's you want life have to lose it. And those who hold to it. They don't have life. You have to get over your preferences. You have to get over ultimately all your dreams to have history.
Are you excited about him from the time you first got born again? When you first came in the faith, are you still excited about God?
Or has it been more of a Dusty thing now?
any relationship that becomes stagnant Get infected. Which bacteria?
And with your relationship with God if you're not allowing yourself to go deeper with him, you're going to become stagnant. And then what's going to be the bacteria is your own thinking. your own reasoning Things that you think in that you do to make you okay, your preferences will have dominant and preeminence over you and other people. And then people will become your problem.
And then brother Owen if the hand says to the foot because I'm not the hand. I'm not part of the body. What good is that?
If the ice is I'm not important because I'm not the tong then what's good is that you'll start devouring one another Paul writes and says don't you say you're a vicious group in that group? Peter Annapolis Those who robbed all these things because I'm glad I didn't baptized. None of you where all the price through Christ that the father of all that is fatherhood would be in all
This is what it actually means to be. This is why as we move on? Mountain hymn by in consequence of the action of his power that is at work within us is able to carry out his purpose and to Super abundantly far above Far Over above all that. We dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers and desires and thought hopes or dreams. To him be glory in the church and in Christ, Jesus through all generations forever and ever. Amen. Some scriptures in the King James version says to him that's able to do far more abundantly and above anything we ask for or can expect or think. God wants to do this. Do you want him to do it?
But when the cost when the bill comes in to pay the cost the price for it, we don't want to pay that toll. We say we want it, but when we have to pay your toll we don't want it but God what's wrong with this TV show if you want to go deeper with me, you got to give it up.
Home and I'm going to talk now. I feel fire all over me. Put on juice what they did to me. You got to let it go if you want to go deep. We always did it this way. You got to let it go if you want to go deep.
This is what my mom told me. You got it. Let it go if you want to go deep. I feel like a doormat. You got to let it go.
Do you really want to go deep with God?
It sounds nice.
What about retaliation on thumb people? What happens when that person keeps doing the same thing? They always did to you. You got to let it go if you want to go deep.
We have to let go of that stuff. How much is that scripture let go of all these things that so easily beset you that means causes you to stumble and trip. But Papa got to come on. This is just my little pets in Demon thing. Don't talk about my Pokemon.
Humble yourselves in the sight of God. He'll lift you up. You have to let go.
Your unwillingness to let go. Is really your rejection to go deep.
Because if we go deep with him. I wonder if our families were really realize that something is different and things are shifting our families and in our neighborhood and in our community. I wonder if things would shift here in the service.
Do you know when the early church Matt crane to God's word Paul wrote to the Galatians instead? Is it the works of the law that all these miraculous things are done? I'm paraphrasing that you can read in the Galatians. And they said he said no, but it's by the spirit. It's always by the spirit of God why things are done the miraculous happens. The encounters happened is by the spirit.
Do you know one thing that Spirit once? Unity you ever seen a dove? Doves don't like a lot of shaking. They rest on things but the menu make a commotion like a pigeon right you get the picture. Good. God wants to put his Spirit on the so much and dwelling is so much that it would be Supernatural to everyone else. How things would shift when they come to a meeting?
How things would shift when we walk in the Walmart?
There's this guy who who's selling electric electric bills or whatever in Walmart. And the first time you talk to me I said I expect you to tell me about your deals and then and then he's like kind of brush me off. Is it okay if I call Jose r e y got shopping to do anyway, and then I came in there again. He was there doing it again this like a week later than a week later. But the last time I went in there, he's selling his electric deals and This time I was talking with people trade for a couple people at Walmart couple people got healed who's really exciting. and all of a sudden he said dude, can I talk to you for a moment and for about an hour in the middle of Walmart? This guy begins to tell me about himself and he begins his open up about his life and opened up about who he is and what God said to him and he his struggles.
It but it came out of place where you can't worry about what people are going to think if you actually live like Jesus did.
If you actually do with Jesus dead. if you actually think Like Jesus Does that sounds like scripture done that. Scripture says this says for the spirit of God searches the Deep things of God. In the spirit of man searches the Deep things a man, but the spirit that searches the Deep things of God brings it up for a revelation. If you want to go deep you have to connect with God spirit. And According To Jesus you said in the spirit of truth will guide you into all truth.
He wants to take us deeper and because of that moment that guy got paid for it at the end of the day. He's like I feel so uplifted man. Thank you so much. What's your number? He's always from like Canton.
We as a community of believers.
What we have to be zealous again.
Zelle is not for the law not for good words, but simply to know him more through experiencing of his life. And that's when we won't try to put what's the word. I'm looking for roadblocks in on what it needs to look like and what it needs to feel like and what it needs to sound like and what it means. I won't try to put a coin on it. Because when you put a coin on it, then you can say Hey, Brother 599. Plus 10% tax. Holy water. You ain't going to do that.
As we're closing up.
If that's you who say look man. I'm not really been deep with God. I haven't really went deeper with him. I heard about it. I haven't experienced it. I haven't tasted it that way if you never even knew God that I'm talking to you, but if you don't believe her and say I really want to go deeper, but I really don't know how. Did I want to I want to share this with you and which is Bowser heads. Close your eyes.
If that's you today what you put your hand in the air? No one's watching you.
Someone pray for you guys first put them down. Papa and Jesus name Lord I ask that you would begin to help them fall in love with you at a greater degree show yourself to them. Like they never have known you before and take them deeper into your presents deeper into your spirit and deeper into your word god. And begin to show them reveal things that hinder their relationship with you. Reveal the things that that keep you far in the sense that they can't sense you. It reveals in the next steps to take to go deeper with you to have a richer relationship. an energized them by your Holy Spirit in Jesus name into the next group I'm talking to right now every hit its power if you never came into a relationship with Jesus, he never experienced his love it all in your life if that's you put your hand in the
Little bit higher so I can see it. veritas that's you. I just want you to repeat this with us. If that's what you really want, can we can we repeat it all the AOC Jesus? I want you. I want to know you. I give you my life.
But I asked for yours. I believe everything about you.
He'll come and live in me.
rest for a second
Hey, Matt.
Sapulpa Splash everyone here doing visions and dreams make them hungry after you Lord. Let this community be like Gideon's Army that lap water like dogs.
Let us be humble. Help us that water. And then take us to war in Jesus name. Hey Matt, have a blessed Sunday.