Godly Revolution...Towards A Contextualized Servolution, 26 April 19_NOVA District Mtg
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Godly Revolution...Towards A Contextualized Servolution
Mt 7:16, NRSV: 16 You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? 1
True revolution in the Kingdom is not just about making a difference in the lives of people inside our churches. We all collectively must strive to make a difference in the lives of people outside our churches. Revolutionaries today are living the life we read about in the book of Acts. And we’re seeing similar miraculous New Testament results.
This is the way I, as does Dino Rizzo in his text Servolution sees it supposed to be. This is the Kingdom of God. “A life of radical Kingdom servanthood.”
Many have caught a fresh vision, a charge, and a calling to be obsessed with serving without expecting anything in return. It isn’t something they think about doing. It’s a new movement, a true “revolution,” that’s transcending denominational, and even faith-group boundaries.
Revolution according to webster is cited as:
1. activity or movement designed to effect fundamental changes in the socioeconomic situation
2. a fundamental change in the way of thinking about or visualizing something : a change of paradigm
Throughout the Bible, God’s cry is heard as He calls out to His people to notice others. Others in nursing homes, others without homes, others living without fathers, others living dysfunctional/abusive, and drug & alcohol abusing lives, others working in strip clubs or selling their bodies, some next door, and others around the world. But…Because of His intense love for the world, He sent His son to die for us, and whoever believes in Jesus—whoever believes—will be saved.
Why are we asking the self-serving questions of: “How can I grow my church is that the first thought in our hearts every morning shall actually be, “How can I serve the people in my life today? How can I reach out and care for those who live next door and work in the same office with me?”
I invite you to join a movement that is rumbling throughout the body of Christ, a revolutionary army of people ready to take up a fresh mandate. We are actively pursuing the lost, the forgotten, and the poor to show them a God who is passionately in love with them. We stand “at the ready” with one heart, saying, “We are here to do whatever, whenever, so that the others will not get away. We will serve others and show them the hope that can come only from Jesus.”
This is a revolution of serving others—what Dino Rizzo in his text: is calling a “servolution.” The troops are followers of Christ, the companies of soldiers are churches, and the weapons of our warfare are prayer and self-less service. Once you have experienced the sense of purpose that comes from serving others with every bit of energy, time, and resources you possess, you’ll want to serve more and more. And as you do, you’ll be plundering hell and populating heaven.
The Boston Tea Party is a great example of what it takes for a revolution to begin: a clear mission that everyone believes in, people who will not stand for oppression, and leaders who are willing to lay down their lives to initiate change.
We see examples of revolutions all throughout the history of the world and hear the testimonies of the brave heroes who gave their lives for their cause.
What Is a Servolution? 1. A complete and radical change of a person’s life caused by simple acts of kindness for the glory of God.
As I close, equip yourselves for the mission, do the self-work before you go out trying to “work on others”: be it educational, psychological counseling, and/or financial repair work. Make a solid intermediate and strategic plan and yet be ever so ready for it to change/shift in the midst of the battle and rapidly adapt to the needs of the people, and even the individual you encounter…day-to-day. Suit up yourself for battle…Take on your “spiritual” canteens, ruck-sacks, and M-16s. The word reminds us in Ephesians 6: 12-
12 For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Remember that many people have given up on church and, even worse, have given up on God. It’s a charge of this revolution to be servants to breech the gap and usher them back home to the true Kingdom of God.
Rizzo, Dino (2009-08-29T23:58:59). Servolution (Leadership Network Innovation Series) (Kindle Locations 180-183). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.