Yeargin Solomon's Search
Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life • Sermon • Submitted
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Finding God’s Purpose for Your Life
I) Looking For Purpose () Gibeon BC 1015
I) Looking For Purpose () Gibeon BC 1015
*possibly 19 years old
Vs 1- Strengthened- God was moving but direction needed to be clear
Vs 2- Communication- Solomon asked for help
Vs 3- Gathered- Solomon gathered with others to worship, sought God collectively
Vs 4- Ark of Covenant-
Vs 5- Seeking- Sought God
Vs 6- Sacrifice- Put God first, showed God he needed Him; He meant business
Vs 7- Offer- God asked a question
Vs 8- Mercy- God given responsibility and skill
Vs 9- Wisdom- Recognized his greatest need to serve God effectively and honor God
Led to His Purpose ()
Led to His Purpose ()
A) Commitment- altar not the ark
A) Commitment- altar not the ark
(Gibeon not Jerusalem)
God often calls those who are serving
God often instructs those who are seeking
God often calls those who are completely committed
And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.
How did sacrifice play in Solomon discovering God and God’s purpose in his life? How does it apply to discovering God’s purpose in my life today?
B) Connection- to God’s People ()
B) Connection- to God’s People ()
B) Connection- to God’s People ()
B) Connection- to God’s People ()
“That thou mayest judge my people”
Fill in your blank “that thou mayest __________ my people”
He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
Solomon’s purpose in God’s program was to rule and judge the people of God; “that thou mayest judge my people.”
Can you think of ways God has called others and how they have served his people? How in your own life has this been true?
C) Connection- to What God had Given him ()
C) Connection- to What God had Given him ()
God had given him the crown
God had given him the judgment seat
God had given him the Word of God
Solomon’s purpose was largely founded on what God had given him. What conclusions can you draw between the skills, abilities and gifts God has given you and His purpose and calling?
II) Living out His Purpose (2 Chron 2:1-5, 5:13-14) Jerusalem BC 1011
II) Living out His Purpose (2 Chron 2:1-5, 5:13-14) Jerusalem BC 1011
II) Living out His Purpose (2 Chron 2:1-5, 5:13-14) Jerusalem BC 1011
II) Living out His Purpose (2 Chron 2:1-5, 5:13-14) Jerusalem BC 1011
Building the Temple ()
Building the Temple ()
Vs 1- Determination-
Vs 2- Invested- Solomon took the burden of his economy/resources and placed it into God’s kingdom
Vs 3- Recruitment- Solomon gathered allies as he knew God’s work was to big for one
Vs 4- Dedication- Solomon had the goal of pleasing and obeying God
Vs 5- Admiration- Solomon was in awe of God and thought there was no expense to great that could not be given to such an awesome God
A) Inward Relationship () BC 1011
A) Inward Relationship () BC 1011
*possibly 23 years old
This shows us some insights into Solomon’s heart or his inward living out God’s purpose
He began building in the fourth year of his reign ()
1) Dedication and Admiration
1) Dedication and Admiration
God was everything to Him, his relationship, and pleasing his God was of the utmost importance. Other projects and endeavors could take a second place to the great work God had given him. He was living out God’s purpose in his life. Inwardly he was determined to do something great that God had called upon him individually to do. Inwardly he was invested, and dedicated; there was no price, no sacrifice, nothing that was off limits to God in his heart. Lastly inwardly he was in admiration; the fuel of this fire was a burning admiration for who God was, what he did, and what he promised; God was who inspired everything he did and the lens by which he viewed everyone and everything around him.
Reading these verses how would you evaluate Solomon’s relationship and view of God in his life? What changes would you make in your own relationship to God based on his example?
B) Outward Recognition () BC 1004
B) Outward Recognition () BC 1004
*possibly 30 years old
Seven years later () note that many of the times when living out God’s will for our lives; people cannot see the inward; but outward fruit often comes from our faithful work and service to his kingdom years later. Solomon had at this time devoted 7 years of his life to building this house for God.
Vs 1- Finished- from the inward working to the outward manifestation was seven years; do not rush the timing of God’s fruit and work in your life, results will come; be patient and faithful to living out the purpose God has called you to.
Vs 2- ark of covenant- Joining his Gibeon with his Jerusalem
Vs 3- feast- celebration
Vs 4- ceremony
Vs 5- treasure
Vs 6- sacrifice- this time without number
Vs 7- Rest- God’s presence now had a temple to abide in
Vs 8- Covered
Vs 9- settled
Vs 10- Promise
Vs 11- Sanctified
Vs 12- Worship
Vs 13- Praise
Vs 14- Glory
1) God’s Manifestation
1) God’s Manifestation
God’s Glorification was so intense and visible people lives were changed- something supernatural that man cannot do ()
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
2) Man’s Maturation
2) Man’s Maturation
Solomon living out his purpose resulted in many praising and thanking God () Men were profited or built up
Queen of sheba (992 BC)
What elements of Solomon’s example of fruitfulness for God can you relate to in your life? How can we maximize our fruitfulness for our Lord Jesus Christ?
III) Losing His Purpose () BC 984
III) Losing His Purpose () BC 984
* possibly 50 years old
Vs 1- Estranged
Vs 2- Hardened
Vs 3- Unquenchable
Vs 4- Away
Vs 5- After
Vs 6- Evil
vs 7- Builder
vs 8-
A) Problems Reproduced
A) Problems Reproduced
tarts small and grows; started with the daughter of Pharaoh and grew to over 1000, a small distance between him and God grew larger and larger, and he never stopped the bleed or turned around and said enough is enough. The flesh is never satisfied, it always wants more and more, it says just one more, just one more time and Ill never ask again, it says; I need it to live. Notice he did not simply dabble but ended up cleaving; meaning they were inseparable; they were so hardened together that to separate him from his sin would break him as he had become formed to it.
B) Passion Replaced
B) Passion Replaced
Something took God’s place in his heart; his love, his devotion, his admiration, his dedication
C) Purpose Redirected
C) Purpose Redirected
Our purpose is redirected towards another god, in fact Solomon took the gifts and skills God had given him; building and began using them for his new god. Whitney Houston
Engages in unspeakably evil acts;
D) Power Rent Away
D) Power Rent Away
God had to take the kingdom that he had given to him and give it to another
God had to remove his protection away, his presence away
What changes could Solomon have made in his life to solve the above issues?
What judgments or hard decisions have you had to make in your life to avoid or correct losing God’s purpose in your life?
IV) Learning Again His Purpose () BC 977
IV) Learning Again His Purpose () BC 977
*possibly 57 years old
As he served God perfectly for 7 years here he gives the devil 7 years
Possible death at BC 975 (2 years in his wisdom)
Died possibly 59 years old
purpose must be found in something beyond this temporal life eccl 1:1-11
not enough to have wisdom eccl 1:12-18
purpose not found in pleasure eccl 2:1-3
purpose not found in success eccl 2:4-26
purpose not found in work eccl 4:5-12
purpose cannot be found in others eccl 4:13-16
purpose not found in routine or rituals eccl 5:1-7
purpose not found in wealth eccl 5:8-20
purpose not found in sin eccl 8:8-17
purpose must be found in God eccl 12:13-14 and your obedience to Him
Based off the snap shots of the stages of Solomon’s search for purpose what stage do I find myself in today?
What steps does God want me to take based on where he has me?