Prayer: Don't Change the Channel

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Illustrations for Biblical Preaching Prayer, Perseverance in

When Edmund Gravely died at the controls of his small plane while on the way to Statesboro, Georgia, from the Rocky Mount-Wilson Airport in North Carolina, his wife, Janice, kept the plane aloft for two hours. As the plane crossed the South Carolina/North Carolina border, she radioed for help: “Help, help, won’t someone help me? My pilot is unconscious.” Authorities who picked up her distress signal were not able to reach her by radio during the flight because she kept changing channels. Eventually Mrs. Gravely made a rough landing and had to crawl for forty-five minutes to a farmhouse for help.

How often God’s people cry out to him for help but switch channels before his message comes through! They turn to other sources for help, looking for human guidance. When you cry out to God for his intervention, don’t switch channels!

Illustration: The New York Times wrote an article on Jan 11, 1982 about Edmund Gravely. A prominent business man from Rocky Mount, N.C. was flying his plane from Statesboro, Georgia, to the the Rocky Mount-Wilson Airport in North Carolina, with his wife, Janice. He had a flight plan, but he must have known something was wrong, because he turned the plane around and headed for home before he passed out, said, a Civil Air Patrol officer, Jim Carr.
While flying he died in the cockpit. Janice kept the plane aloft for two hours. As the plane crossed the South Carolina/North Carolina border, she radioed for help: “Help, help, won’t someone help me? My pilot is unconscious.” Eventually Mrs. Gravely, 60 years old and not a certified pilot made a rough landing and had to crawl for forty-five minutes to a farmhouse for help. She incurred a broken pelvis.
When the authorities arrived, they said, “Ma’am, we picked up your distress signal, we heard you crying out for help. but weren’t able to reach you because you kept changing channels.
How often God’s people cry out to him for help. In times of confusion we cry out for clarity. In times of needing answers, we cry out for instruction. In times of loneliness we cry out for companionship. In times of need, we cry out for love to Him. But switch channels before his message comes through!
This is where I’m going today!
Today’s Teaching is, “Don’t Change The Channel!”
Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary.
(1): a path along which information (as data or music) in the form of an electrical signal passes
(2) plural: a fixed or official course of communication 〈went through established military channels with his grievances〉
1chan•nel \ˈcha-nəl\ noun
e: a way, course, or direction of thought or action 〈new channels of exploration〉
f: a band of frequencies of sufficient
[Middle English chanel, from Anglo-French, from Latin canalis channel—more at CANAL] 14th century

d: a means of communication or expression: as

(1): a path along which information (as data or music) in the form of an electrical signal passes

(2) plural: a fixed or official course of communication 〈went through established military channels with his grievances〉

e: a way, course, or direction of thought or action 〈new channels of exploration〉

f: a band of frequencies of sufficient

1 a: the bed where a natural stream of water runs
b: the deeper part of a river, harbor, or strait
c: a strait or narrow sea between two close landmasses
The scriptural definition of a channel is.... PRAYER! It is the official course of communication! It’s the path along which information passes!
d: a means of communication or expression: as
(1): a path along which information (as data or music) in the form of an electrical signal passes
(2) plural: a fixed or official course of communication 〈went through established military channels with his grievances〉
The scriptural definition of a channel is.... PRAYER! It is the official course of communication! It’s the path along which informationpasses!
e: a way, course, or direction of thought or action 〈new channels of exploration〉
f: a band of frequencies of sufficient width for a single radio or television communication
If you were to translate this into an equivalent theological concept, it would mean to keep communication with God! We communicate by praying to Him. Don’t change the channel means to stay locked into communicating with God. Be persistent in prayer and wait for his response!
Merriam-Webster, I. (2003). Merriam-Webster’s collegiate dictionary. (Eleventh ed.). Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc.
We are quick to turn to other sources for help, looking for guidance. We’re to quick to shift to other voices, spiritual gurus, new age philosophers, and strange convoluted doctrines. If you are a Christian we have no business consulting any other medium without first praying to God about it! When you cry out to God for his intervention, be persistent, don’t switch channels!
We are quick to turn to other sources for help, looking for guidance. We’re to quick to shift to other voices, spiritual gurus, new age philosophers, and strange convoluted doctrines. If you are a Christian we have no business consulting any other medium without first praying to God about it! When you cry out to God for his intervention, be persistent, don’t switch channels!
We are quick to turn to other sources for help, looking for guidance. We’re to quick to shift to other voices, spiritual gurus, new age philosophers, and strange convoluted doctrines. If you are a Christian we have no business consulting any other medium without first praying to God about it! When you cry out to God for his intervention, be persistent, don’t switch channels!
If you were to translate this into an equivalent theological concept, it would mean to keep communication with God! We communicate by praying to Him. Don’t change the channel means to stay locked into communicating with God. Be persistent in prayer and wait for his response!
The purpose of this teaching is to prepare your hearts for the 1 hour Sunday services in the month of July from 9a-10a, where the focus is on prayer.
PP- “Don’t Change The Channel, Stay on The Prayerline”(Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) Retweet this Friday and Saturday for me.
The purpose of today’s teaching is to prepare your hearts for the month of July’s prayer services each sunday morning. Sunday service will be 1 hour from 9-10a.
The purpose of today’s teaching is to prepare your hearts for the month of July’s prayer services each sunday morning. Sunday service will be 1 hour from 9-10a. The Theme for all next month is… “Don’t Change The Channel”
Jesus teaches the power of locking into the channel of prayer! Prayer is a channel, an avenue. It’s a pathway to help, victory, power, strength, authority, comfort and hope.
The purpose of today’s teaching is to prepare your hearts for the month of July’s prayer services each sunday morning. Sunday service will be 1 hour from 9-10a.
Jesus teaches the power of locking into the channel of prayer! Prayer is a channel, an avenue, a pathway to help, victory, power, strength, authority, comfort and hope.
Our job is to be persistent!
What God does in answer to prayer in one case does not bind Him to do the same in some other instance. He has liberty to answer in the way His wisdom and will incline Him. He has unerring perception and sees all the factors in any case, whereas we do not. He may give good health to one person, and entrust another such as Job with a great trial of ill health to accomplish some good purpose. He may work safety to keep one person alive, but take another into the life after death (cf. John the Baptist, ; James taken in death yet Peter spared, ). He may permit a special trial as he did for Paul with his “thorn” to teach :”My grace is sufficient for you” (), or allow another believer an easier life. He may heal one, or allow another such as Timothy to have a stomach ailment ().1
What God does in answer to prayer in one case does not bind Him to do the same in some other instance. He has liberty to answer in the way His wisdom and will incline Him. He has unerring perception and sees all the factors in any case, whereas we do not. He may give good health to one person, and entrust another such as Job with a great trial of ill health to accomplish some good purpose. He may work safety to keep one person alive, but take another into the life after death (cf. John the Baptist, ; James taken in death yet Peter spared, ). He may permit a special trial as he did for Paul with his “thorn” to teach :”My grace is sufficient for you” (), or allow another believer an easier life. He may heal one, or allow another such as Timothy to have a stomach ailment ().
His divine knowledge and insight gives him the authority to make a decision about our case that will work out for our good!
Our job is to be persistent!
Case and point
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Prayer is one of those spiritual disciples we are to continue strong in! Jesus taught us on the subject of persistence in prayer in . Let’s glean from this passage.
Jesus taught us on the subject of persistence in prayer in . Let’s glean from this passage.
1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
Prayer is one of those spiritual disciples we are to continue strong in!
PP- show - pros - a preposition of purpose.
The premise of Jesus’ story is upfront. Don’t switch channels, don’t give up, don’t throw in the towel, don’t quit, stay locked in. Keep praying! Even when the plane is going down, don’t flounder, stay tuned in. Don’t jump from one thing to another out of frustration, fear and impatience.
The premise of Jesus’ story is upfront. Don’t switch channels, don’t give up, don’t throw in the towel, don’t quit, stay locked in. Keep praying! Even when the plane is going down, don’t flounder, stay tuned in. Don’t jump from one thing to another out of frustration, fear and impatience.
Why is he giving this command to believers, because we are consciously or unconsciously wandering, going to different channels, places, avenues looking for answers that only God can give!
We live in a time where people are giving up, changing the channel, no longer being content and patient to hear from God. In order to resists the enemy’s attack on our families, we are to be in constant contact with God.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
We live in a time where people are giving up, changing the channel, no longer being content and patient to hear from God. In order to resists the enemy’s attack on our families, we are to be in constant contact with God.
We live in a time where people are giving up, changing the channel, no longer being content and patient to hear from God. In order to resists the enemy’s attack on our families, we are to be in constant contact with God. Prayer should be a regular unconscionable action. It should be an orientation, not just an activity! Prayer is an atmosphere, it’s like your breathing. It just happens! You’re not waiting on someone to call a prayer meeting. This is a normal way of functioning. This is Jesus’ thesis. God is a way of life, not a penciled in appointment!
We are to be in constant communication with God. Especially when you live in a society like what we live in. A putrid society, one that dishonors God. As we will see in this story, a society that shuns, almost abhors Godly principles and have no regard for others.
As we will see in this story, a society that shuns, almost abhors Godly principles and have no regard for others.
PP- “they should” - is a verb in the present active tense. It is an obligation out of necessity. Meaning it needs to be an ongoing spiritual discipline.
We are to be in constant contact with God. It should be a regular unconscionable action. It should be an orientation, not just an activity! Prayer is an atmosphere, it’s like your breathing. It just happens! You’re not waiting on someone to call a prayer meeting. This is a normal way of functioning. This is Jesus’ thesis. God is a way of life, not a penciled in appointment!
Prayer should be a regular unconscionable action. It should be an orientation, not just an activity! It should be organic not artificial. Prayer, once embraced, becomes your atmosphere. It becomes automatic like breathing. It just happens! You’re not waiting on someone to call a prayer meeting. This is a normal way of functioning. This is Jesus’ thesis. God is a way of life, not a penciled in appointment!
PP- “to show” - (Greek) pros - a preposition of purpose. means to be compared to, face to face.
20Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought.
PP- “to show” - (Greek) pros - a preposition of purpose. means to be compared to, face to face.
When we say, “You need to consider the “pros and cons”, we are saying to consider advantages and disadvantages of something carefully so that you can make a sensible decision.
Jesus is dealing with “pros” to prayer, the advantages to persistent prayer, staying locked, not quitting. Jesus want to give yo a leg up in this life.
Jesus is showing us up close and personal why you pray and not give up.
PP- “they should” - is a verb in the present active tense. Meaning it needs to be an ongoing spiritual discipline.
2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought.
2 He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought.
He doesn’t care what God thinks or what people say!
In ancient days, judges would go on a circuit. They’d rotate, visiting various villages for a designated time in order to hear cases and render judgment.
This judge was called an unrighteous judge, one who doesn’t go by the rules. He does his own things. His disposition of doing what he wanted to do, made him a candidate for taking bribes. Matter of fact. If you wanted your case to be on the docket, you either had to know somebody who knew the judge, who could get you in, or you could pay money to get your case heard, and maybe even sway the judgment. So the wealthy could often buy their way out.
He renders judgment but he doesn’t do it righteously.
We live in a society that mirrors this judge’s mentality. A putrid society, one that dishonors God for entertainment. God and Christians have become the butt of jokes more common than I've ever seen in my life time. They try to shame people into denying Christ and accept strange doctrines and philosophies. Some of the things people call progressive is what the bible condemns as perverted.
We live in a society that mirrors this judge’s mentality. A putrid society, one that dishonors God for entertainment. God and Christians have become the butt of jokes more common than I've ever seen in my life time. They try to shame people into deny Christ and accept strange doctrines and philosophies. They call progressive what the bible calls perverted.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.
This is the posture of many in our modern society. They use words like, “Don’t judge me.” This is code for, “I don’t want any accountability. I want no oversight. I want nothing that goes against my inner feelings.”
This was the judge, neither the laws of God nor public opinion can stir his conscience.” Appealing to this guy would be difficult.
“Neither the laws of God nor public opinion can stir his conscience.” Appealing to this guy would be difficult.

This judge was not the type to be moved out of compassion. As Manson (1949: 306) says, “Neither the laws of God nor public opinion can stir his conscience.” Appeal to this character would be difficult.

3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’
3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’
Notice that Jesus used a social outlier to make his point. He uses what society deemed at that time to be one of the one of the weakest persons in society, a widow. Widows and orphans were treated with disdain and disrespect. Throughout the bible, God gives instructions to take care of widows and orphans, matter of fact he said, if you do this it is a sign of your righteousness.

As widows are often overlooked by men, God has a peculiar concern for them (Pss. 68:5; 146:9; Pr. 15:25), and kindness to them was commended as one of the marks of true religion (Jb. 29:13; Is. 1:17). The oppression and injury of widows, on the other hand, would incur dire punishment (Ps. 94:6; Mal. 3:5).

26) Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.
27) Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
She had many issues:
Little protection for women.
As widows are often overlooked by men, God has a peculiar concern for them (; ; ), and kindness to them was commended as one of the marks of true religion (; ). The oppression and injury of widows, on the other hand, would incur dire punishment (; ).

As widows are often overlooked by men, God has a peculiar concern for them (Pss. 68:5; 146:9; Pr. 15:25), and kindness to them was commended as one of the marks of true religion (Jb. 29:13; Is. 1:17). The oppression and injury of widows, on the other hand, would incur dire punishment (Ps. 94:6; Mal. 3:5).

As widows are often overlooked by men, God has a peculiar concern for them (Pss. 68:5; 146:9; Pr. 15:25), and kindness to them was commended as one of the marks of true religion (Jb. 29:13; Is. 1:17). The oppression and injury of widows, on the other hand, would incur dire punishment (Ps. 94:6; Mal. 3:5).

2. She has no husband
3. Most widows in the bible were poor. Because of the lack of a husband
4. The fact that she has to go to court, meant that she has no advocate. No attorney. No lawyer. No one to speak on her behalf with legal language that could manipulate the facts to her advantage!
She is by herself trying to make it.
She is looking for someone with authority to vindicate her.
She is looking for someone with authority to vindicate her.
Even with all of God’s comandments of care conerning the widow, More often widows were left in penury. One of the earliest good works that engaged the attention of the church at Jerusalem was an organized daily distribution of alms to widows in need; and seven men were appointed to see that the Gk.-speaking widows were not overlooked in favour of those who spoke Aramaic (). Acts also gives a striking illustration of charity shown by one individual when, after the death of Tabitha, it records that ‘all the widows’ at Joppa assembled to testify before Peter to the kindness she had shown to them (9:39).
SO this story is not just about a widow, it is about those who find themselves out. In the poorest of conditions. A person that is normally fringed by society, but seen by God as valuable and loved by Him.
She is looking for someone with authority to vindicate her.
Douglas, J. D., & Tasker, R. V. G. (1996). Widow. In D. R. W. Wood, I. H. Marshall, A. R. Millard, J. I. Packer, & D. J. Wiseman (Eds.), New Bible dictionary (3rd ed., p. 1239). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
Something has happen that needed to be address legally! She needed legal intervention. She needed the societal rules to mitigate her problem. Maybe she was being taken advantage of, which wasn’t all that unusal.
She wanted legal protect. She had someone working against her in her town, her area of operation, that is causing her some discomfort! This opponent was winning!
Have you ever been in a situation, where you needed help, and the folk that had the power to help, wouldn’t judge fairly your case!
She stated that she needed JUSTICE! She needed to get her opponent off of her back!
4 “For some time he refused.... But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think,
It seems that she had been to court before and had not been vindicated. For a while he was unwilling to hear her case!
Perhaps by the same judge. It is normal to petition or pray about something and it seems like there is push back or resistance.
PP- Most people hear “no” and stop pursuing!
Illustration: We have a home warranty. We had an incident where we had to break with the rules and appeal to a higher level to prove that our circumstance warranted fairness. The company was treated us with disrespect. Ruth was on the phone for hours dealing with a customer service. Round and round they went. Till finally I could see her exasperation. I could hear it in her voice. I talked to the people for an extended amount of time. They were to call back. Ruth went round and round again.
Yes, they finally released what we knew was ours! in the first place! It literally wasn't our fault. They figured out that we weren’t going to stop pestering them for what we knew was the right thing to do.
Most people hear “no” and stop pursuing!
Yet, he begin to realize something. She won’t stop! She keeps on coming. She is bothering me, making me uncomfortable, she is pecking at me, you know… she is a woman, she is making my life misarable right now. Fellas, we know how determined a woman is! Every time, I come to this town, she is in line waiting for me to hear her case!
4 “For some time he refused.... But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think,
5 yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’ ”
I’ve got to do something, because I can’t get rid of her. Every time I try a case she is on the outside of the tent, talking, badgering me!
Anybody every been taken through the ringer by a woman?
Listen.... to this… (Play the audio of the woman calling us and informing us that a check would be released)
Listen.... to this...
Yes, they finally released what we knew was ours! in the first place! It literally wasn't our fault. They figured out that we weren’t going to stop pestering them for what we knew was the right thing to do.
The Greek word literally means, “To give someone a black eye”. It points to
The Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament said, “Used figuratively, it means to wear down emotionally or to beat down someone’s reputation. Since this judge is not concerned with loss of reputation, the term here refers to the woman wearing him down emotionally. She is a nuisance. The judge foresees that the woman’s constant requests will eventually wear him out, and so he purposes to take up her cause. He wants to avoid the hassle of her coming on a regular basis. If he doesn’t, she is going to continue to come. He decides to vindicate her (ἐκδικέω, ekdikeō) in order to stop her from bothering him any longer. This evil man decides to do the right things, because of the woman’s petitioning for rightteousness!
An additional description gives the judge’s frame of mind: he fears being “beaten down,” ὑπωπιάζῃ (hypōpiazē), a term that literally means “to give someone a black eye.” Used figuratively, it means to wear down emotionally or to beat down someone’s reputation (Stählin, TDNT 9:450 n. 88; K. Weiss, TDNT 8:590–91; BAGD 848; BAA 1691).12 Since this judge is not concerned with loss of reputation (18:2, 4), the term here refers to the woman wearing him down emotionally (against Derrett 1971–72: 189–91 and Marshall 1978: 673).13 She is a nuisance (Fitzmyer 1985: 1179)! Godet (1875: 2.201) sees the woman coming in frustration and literally beating on the judge, but such action would guarantee that she would never get justice (correctly Manson 1949: 306–7). The judge foresees that the woman’s constant requests will eventually wear him out, and so he purposes (ἵνα, hina) to take up her cause. He wants to avoid the hassle of her coming (ἐρχομένη, erchomenē) on a regular basis. Διά γε (dia ge, yet because) states the cause of his action rather emphatically (cf. 11:8; Arndt 1956: 377). If he continues to refuse, she will continue to come. He decides to vindicate her (ἐκδικέω, ekdikeō) in order to stop her from bothering him any longer. The woman’s constant intercession has brought success. Here is the example that the disciples’ prayer should emulate.
The woman’s constant intercession has brought success. Here is the example that the disciples’ prayer should emulate.
Illustration: I have a recording of the intense fellowship Ruth and I had with this company. Ruth kept telling the person she was speaking with, “I need your supervisor!” Listen.... to this… (Play the audio of the woman calling us and informing us that a check would be released)
Listen.... to this… (Play the audio of the woman calling us and informing us that a check would be released)
Yes, they finally released what we knew was ours! in the first place! It literally wasn't our fault. They figured out that we weren’t going to stop pestering them for what we knew was the right thing to do.

An additional description gives the judge’s frame of mind: he fears being “beaten down,” ὑπωπιάζῃ (hypōpiazē), a term that literally means “to give someone a black eye.” Used figuratively, it means to wear down emotionally or to beat down someone’s reputation (Stählin, TDNT 9:450 n. 88; K. Weiss, TDNT 8:590–91; BAGD 848; BAA 1691).12 Since this judge is not concerned with loss of reputation (18:2, 4), the term here refers to the woman wearing him down emotionally (against Derrett 1971–72: 189–91 and Marshall 1978: 673).13 She is a nuisance (Fitzmyer 1985: 1179)! Godet (1875: 2.201) sees the woman coming in frustration and literally beating on the judge, but such action would guarantee that she would never get justice (correctly Manson 1949: 306–7). The judge foresees that the woman’s constant requests will eventually wear him out, and so he purposes (ἵνα, hina) to take up her cause. He wants to avoid the hassle of her coming (ἐρχομένη, erchomenē) on a regular basis. Διά γε (dia ge, yet because) states the cause of his action rather emphatically (cf. 11:8; Arndt 1956: 377). If he continues to refuse, she will continue to come. He decides to vindicate her (ἐκδικέω, ekdikeō) in order to stop her from bothering him any longer. The woman’s constant intercession has brought success. Here is the example that the disciples’ prayer should emulate.

6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says.
Listen to what the unrighteous judge said.
6 And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says.
7 And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?
Now get the contrast,
If the unjust judge who doesn't care would give justice, then imagine how God, the just judge, will see that they get justice, and quickly.
In order to protect his name and his
The widow was a stranger to the judge, the elect aren’t strangers to God.
if such an insensitive character responds to repeated pleas from someone he does not know or care about, how much more will a righteous, sensitive, God respond to his children. God will vindicate even if he is patient about responding.
8 I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament: Luke 9:51–24:53 i. Comparison of the Judge to God (18:6–8a)

The point of application plays off this portrait in a lesser-to-greater argument (qal wahomer): if such an insensitive character responds to repeated pleas from someone he does not know or care about, how much more will a righteous God respond to his children

Points of application… Don’t change the channel....

PP- Talk about the Law/God’s Word is His Law!
It was her knowledge of the LAW that made her confident! WE have to know the WORD, God’s LAW! When you go to the righteous judge, you don’t nag! You take the WORD! It is your right! She knew was was written. If you do not know what is written, you will not have grounds for appeal in a court of law!
The woman didn’t care about how the judge saw her. She wasn’t trying to befriend the unrighteous judge. All she wanted was for the Law to be executed.
What gets God’s attention, what brings heaven down to earth is calling out your legal right! SHe didn’t have the judge on her side, she had the law on her side. We don’t see where she complained and belly ached. WE see where she kept talking about justice, the LAW!
What gets God’s attention, what brings heaven down to earth is calling out your legal right! SHe didn’t have the judge on her side, she had the law on her side. We don’t see wher she complained and belly ached. WE see where she kept talking about justice, the LAW!
God who cares about us, is concerned about one thing above everything! His WORD, His LAW! God is tethered to his own law. God will always operate in concert with his own law.
PP- She knew she was a citizen!
As citizens of the kingdom of heaven, we have rights!
PP- She knew she was a citizen! It was her knowledge of the LAW that made her confident! WE have to know the WORD, God’s LAW! When you go to the righteous judge, you don’t nag! You take the WORD! It is your right! She knew was was written. If you do not know what is written, you have you grounds for appeal in a court of law! AS citizens of the kingdom of heaven, we have rights!
PP- The widow’s weapon was persistence!
PP- We have an advocate. She didn’t have an advocate, but we do!
Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
Some of us have been in problems, for years, jacked up, and many have never appealed to their rights, why because they don’t know their rights!
When we pray, we don’t come with the law! We come with prayers that are nice cute sayings. But when you’ve been in the thick of trouble, you need to know your rights, the law, the WORD!
She didn’t switch channels, she continued to press in on her legal rights! She didn’t go on a drinking binge. She didn’t say, well since I’m getting nowhere, I might as well give in to the adversary. She didn’t go hang out with the baker of the town and eat herself in a stupor until she felt better. She didn’t stop coming to court! People quit to easy. If they think God isn’t doing something or working on their behalf they quit.
8) I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”
When God starts to work in your life, will he find you in faithful? Will you be found hanging on to God’s unchanging hand?

Starting Right: A Biblical Mind-Set about Money

Starting Right: A Biblical Mind-Set about Money
Are we faithful in how we handle money?
First, we should come to grips with reality—even when we imagine we have little money, we have far more than we realize. Many who say, “I have nothing to give,” spend large amounts of discretionary income on cars, clothes, coffee, entertainment, phones, computers, and so on. They have nothing to give when they’re done spending, precisely because they’re never done spending. Then, when they run out of money, they think it’s because they didn’t have enough.
In , Jesus suggests that all of us are continually tested in our money management: “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” ().
This principle invalidates all of our “if onlys,” such as “If only I made more money, I’d help the poor,” or “If only I had a million dollars, then I’d give it to my church or missions.” If I’m dishonest or selfish in my use of a few dollars, I would be dishonest or selfish in my use of a million dollars. The issue is not what I would do with a million dollars if I had it, but what I am doing with the hundred thousand, ten thousand, or ten dollars I do have. If we are not faithful with what God has already entrusted to us, why should he trust us with any more?
Don’t miss this: Jesus made a direct connection between our present handling of earthly wealth and his future decision to entrust to our care another kind of wealth. “If you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?” There is a direct connection between our faithful use of money here and now and the “true riches” God will put us over in his future Kingdom.
If a child can’t be trusted to return the change after shopping with his father’s money, neither can he be trusted to stay overnight at a friend’s house. But if he’s faithful to clean his room and do his chores, he can be trusted to have a bike or a dog.
God pays a great deal of attention to the “little things.” He numbers the hairs on our heads, cares for the lilies of the field, and is concerned with the fall of a single sparrow (; ). As a business owner pays attention to how an employee handles the little things, God pays attention to us. What we do with a little time, a little talent, and a little money tells God a lot. The little things are a major factor as he considers whether to commend and promote us—or reprimand and demote us—in his Kingdom operation.
This thought raises a sobering question: What opportunities are we missing, or will we one day miss, because we’ve failed to use money wisely in light of eternity?
Alcorn, R. (2011). Managing god’s money: a biblical guide. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
PP- This implies that faith is often strengthened by waiting on God and persistence in prayer, even if we do not receive immediate answers. Job had faith to recognize the goodness of God even when, humanly speaking, all seemed lost ().
PP- This implies that faith is often strengthened by waiting on God and persistence in prayer, even if we do not receive immediate answers. Job had faith to recognize the goodness of God even when, humanly speaking, all seemed lost ().
The bible is filled with recurring/aspects that can comprise prayer.
Prayer appears as praise/thanks, confession, petition, intercession, affirmation, oath, vow, blessing, availability (“Here I am”), question.
What God does in answer to prayer in one case does not bind Him to do the same in some other instance. He has liberty to answer in the way His wisdom and will incline Him. He has unerring perception and sees all the factors in any case, whereas we do not. He may give good health to one person, and entrust another such as Job with a great trial of ill health to accomplish some good purpose. He may work safety to keep one person alive, but take another into the life after death (cf. John the Baptist, ; James taken in death yet Peter spared, ). He may permit a special trial as he did for Paul with his “thorn” to teach :”My grace is sufficient for you” (), or allow another believer an easier life. He may heal one, or allow another such as Timothy to have a stomach ailment ().1
What God does in answer to prayer in one case does not bind Him to do the same in some other instance. He has liberty to answer in the way His wisdom and will incline Him. He has unerring perception and sees all the factors in any case, whereas we do not. He may give good health to one person, and entrust another such as Job with a great trial of ill health to accomplish some good purpose. He may work safety to keep one person alive, but take another into the life after death (cf. John the Baptist, ; James taken in death yet Peter spared, ). He may permit a special trial as he did for Paul with his “thorn” to teach :”My grace is sufficient for you” (), or allow another believer an easier life. He may heal one, or allow another such as Timothy to have a stomach ailment ().
His divine knowledge and insight gives him the authority to make a decision about out case that will work out for our good!
What God does in answer to prayer in one case does not bind Him to do the same in some other instance. He has liberty to answer in the way His wisdom and will incline Him. He has unerring perception and sees all the factors in any case, whereas we do not. He may give good health to one person, and entrust another such as Job with a great trial of ill health to accomplish some good purpose. He may work safety to keep one person alive, but take another into the life after death (cf. John the Baptist, ; James taken in death yet Peter spared, ). He may permit a special trial as he did for Paul with his “thorn” to teach :”My grace is sufficient for you” (), or allow another believer an easier life. He may heal one, or allow another such as Timothy to have a stomach ailment ().1
Remember this is one of Paul’s prison letters to the Christians in Philippi. He was in an apartment in Rome on house arrest being chained to a Roman soldier. he might have been in prison, but his heart was free.
Toward the end of the letter he gives the instructions we read on the topic of prayer and our accompanying actions and attitude.
PP- God is not unwilling to help us. Rather, he measures our concern for a particular matter by our persistence and he will indeed speedily avenge his chosen people. Christ ended on a very solemn note. ‘Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he really find faith on the earth?’ (v. 8).
PP- Rather, he measures our concern for a particular matter by our persistence and he will indeed speedily avenge his chosen people. Christ ended on a very solemn note. ‘Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he really find faith on the earth?’ (v. 8).
Persistence is the indicator of your concern!
Opening Up Luke’s Gospel The Persistent Widow (18:1–8)

God is not unwilling to help us. Rather, he measures our concern for a particular matter by our persistence and he will indeed speedily avenge his chosen people. Christ ended on a very solemn note. ‘Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he really find faith on the earth?’ (v. 8). This implies that faith is often strengthened by waiting on God and persistence in prayer, even if we do not receive immediate answers. Job had faith to recognize the goodness of God even when, humanly speaking, all seemed lost (Job 23:8–10).

In prayer we discover peace! His spirit comforts us in the middle of the trying circumstance. Remember this is one of Paul’s prison letters to the Christians in Philippi. He was in an apartment in Rome on house arrest being chained to a Roman soldier. he might have been in prison, but his heart was free. Toward the end of the letter he gives the instructions we read on the topic of prayer and our accompanying actions and attitude.
In prayer we discover peace! His spirit comforts us in the middle of the trying circumstance. Remember this is one of Paul’s prison letters to the Christians in Philippi. He was in an apartment in Rome on house arrest being chained to a Roman soldier. he might have been in prison, but his heart was free. Toward the end of the letter he gives the instructions we read on the topic of prayer and our accompanying actions and attitude.
In prayer we discover peace! His spirit comforts us in the middle of the trying circumstance. Remember this is one of Paul’s prison letters to the Christians in Philippi. He was in an apartment in Rome on house arrest being chained to a Roman soldier. he might have been in prison, but his heart was free. Toward the end of the letter he gives the instructions we read on the topic of prayer and our accompanying actions and attitude.
In prayer we discover peace! His spirit comforts us in the middle of the trying circumstance.
Toward the end of the letter he gives the instructions we read on the topic of prayer and our accompanying actions and attitude.
Remember this is one of Paul’s prison letters to the Christians in Philippi. He was in an apartment in Rome on house arrest being chained to a Roman soldier. he might have been in prison, but his heart was free. Toward the end of the letter he gives the instructions we read on the topic of prayer and our accompanying actions and attitude.
PP- 6 (NIV)
PP- 6 (NIV)
6) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
5Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
Vs. 6 sounds similar to
27Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel
28without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.
He starts this letter by pronouncing blessings upon the saints.
1Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:
2Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  Paul writes to all the Christians at Philippi, both members and leaders. He calls them ‘saints’—meaning people who are set apart to lead holy lives for God. They do this by living ‘in Christ’—their whole lives caught up in his holiness.
Paul greets his readers with ‘grace and peace’. ‘Grace’ is the Greek word for God’s overwhelming goodness towards us. ‘Peace’ is the Hebrew word for the harmony God gives to our lives and relationships.1
This word for prayer occurs 36 times in the NT.
13Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.
14Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.
16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
17Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.
18Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.
The bible is filled with the recurrent theme of prayer. Not just prayer but consistent, persistent, faithful, ongoing, prayer.
Our job is to be persistent!
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
27Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel
28without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but that you will be saved—and that by God.
He starts this letter by pronouncing blessings upon the saints.
1Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons:
2Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  Paul writes to all the Christians at Philippi, both members and leaders. He calls them ‘saints’—meaning people who are set apart to lead holy lives for God. They do this by living ‘in Christ’—their whole lives caught up in his holiness.
Paul greets his readers with ‘grace and peace’. ‘Grace’ is the Greek word for God’s overwhelming goodness towards us. ‘Peace’ is the Hebrew word for the harmony God gives to our lives and relationships.1
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