Missões Urbanas
The Church and the City
The Church and the City
Robert C. Linthicum, City of God, City of Satan: A Biblical Thoelogy of the Urban Church (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1991), 17.
Harvey Cox, The Secular City: Secularization and Urbanization in Theological Perspective (London: SCM Press, 1966), 273
The Church as mission
Why must the church be engaged in mission?
The Church can never possess the King so as to monopolise the Kingdom. The Church is communities resulting from the preaching of the Kingdom. They serve the Kingdom as symbols which show imperfectly what the Kingdom is like. The Church is to bring to visibility for the world fellowship with Christ as King and obedience to him. The Church is to be ‘God’s colony in man’s world, God’s experimental garden on earth’. She is a sign of the world to come and at the same time a guarantee of its coming.6