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(NASB95) 1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the men of old gained approval.
Making Room For Gods Greatness
(ESV) 3 By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.
(NKJV) 34 Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”
(NASB95) 5 By faith Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death; and he was not found because God took him up; for he obtained the witness that before his being taken up he was pleasing to God.
35 And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.
6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.
37 For with God nothing will be impossible.”
Faith- What you believe in, Your Conviction, Assurance about what is true.
38 Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
----Believe The Good News----
---Pleasing God Requires Faith---
---Understanding Through Faith---
By Faith Enoch Was Taken Up
(NASB95) 5 By faith Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death; and he was not found because God took him up; for he obtained the witness that before his being taken up he was pleasing to God.
5 By faith Enoch was taken up so that he would not see death; and he was not found because God took him up; for he obtained the witness that before his being taken up he was pleasing to God.
By Faith Abraham Obeyed God
“To Obey is better that sacrifice”
The Highest- Most High, Supreme, you cant go any higher
(NASB95) for we walk by faith, not by sight
Faith Requires Steps
Faith Requires Steps
(NKJV) 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?
Dead- Corpse, Lifeless, Useless, Ineffective, Powerless
Not Knowing Where You Are Going
The Unknown Aspect Of Faith
(NASB95) 8 By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going.
Steps Of Faith- a journey begins with one step
Steps Of Faith- a journey begins with one step
Steps Of Faith- a journey begins with one step
Don’t Worry about how the big picture comes to pass.
Don’t Worry about how the big picture comes to pass.
God Tells Us What We Need To Know
God Tells Us When We Need To Know
Making Room For Gods Greatness
(NKJV) 34 Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”
35 And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.
37 For with God nothing will be impossible.”
38 Then Mary said, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
The Highest- Most High, Supreme, you cant go any higher
(NASB95) for we walk by faith, not by sight
(NKJV) 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?
Dead- Corpse, Lifeless, Useless, Ineffective, Powerless
Not Knowing Where You Are Going
Not Knowing Where You Are Going
The Unknown Aspect Of Faith
(NASB95) 8 By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going.
Steps Of Faith- a journey begins with one step
Don’t Worry about how the big picture comes to pass.
God Tells Us What We Need To Know
God Tells Us When We Need To Know