The Relationship That Matters Psalm 18:1

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The Lord is My Strength

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Relationships are important to everybody, at least if you live a normal, healthy life (not like a hermit). We all tend to have many relationships, many of them that regard as extremely important. But there is one relationship that really matters. In fact, the Bible says that it is the most important relationship.
If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple” (; also see ). Jesus was using hyperbole (exaggeration) to make a point: Our relationship with God gets priority. Take a look at this verse that David wrote in one of his psalms:
I love You, O Lord, my strength.
Let’s diagram the sentence to see what we actually find in this short verse. Remember to look for the SENTENCE CORE 
(subject, predicate, direct object). To find the core we’ll cross out words that are not part of it.
What qualities should we have in our relationship with God?

A Personal Relationship

Something that might go unnoticed at first glance are three pronouns, or more accurately, personal pronouns. They are I, You, and my. David knew to Whom he was speaking because he regularly communicated with Him. This was not a CASUAL relationship, but one that was PERSONAL and ONGOING. He knows God (Jehovah), and God knows him.
Application: Is your relationship with God PERSONAL? At times, we tend to let it become formal. Other times it becomes casual. But a personal relationship begins with God’s grace giving us the gift of faith and repentance through Jesus Christ. Then We need to keep it PERSONAL by growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ ().

A Loving Relationship

In the first verse of the Psalm, David is speaking to God, and then he talks about God for much of the rest of the Psalm. But his first words express his love for Him. Are his words sincere? Does he mean what he says?  Or, is he just saying what he is expected to say? Is he just going through the motions?
Application: Would you describe your relationship with God as one that is loving? It can be cold and distant at times, but we know who’s responsible. “Remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first” (). It happens frequently, so we need to repent frequently.

A Dependent Relationship

Our mindset does not usually see this truth, but God did not create us to be independent. We need help! And David saw his help, his strength, coming from Jehovah. He knew that he needed God to live a life that would be an honor to Him.
Application: Are you depending on God in your relationship. Or do you go about your business and leave Him behind?  You know the verse, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.“ (). It is so easy to “lean” on our own thinking. But that is independent living. Trusting in the Lord means that we turn away from that way of life and turn towards God.


How do you know if your relationship with God is growing, that your love for Him is still there, and that you are depending on Him for living your live? What evidences do you see (and others) that your relationship with God is your priority? What evidences would others see that your relationship with God is secondary (or worse!)?
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