Another Spirit
I. A Comparison Of Caleb’s Spirit With The Spirit of The Others
A. Theirs Was Unbelieving His Was Full Of Faith
B. Theirs Was Worldly His Was Heavenly
C. Theirs Was Disobedient His Was Obedient
D. Theirs Was The Spirit Of Satan, His Of God
II. What Caleb’s Eyes Saw, What The Others Saw
A. He Saw A Land Full Of Life, They Saw Death
B. He Saw A Land Of Opportunity, They Saw Destruction
C. He Saw An Opportunity For Victory, They Saw Sure Defeat
D. He Saw What God could do; they only saw what Man Could Do.
III. What Caleb Heard and What The Israelites Heard
A. Caleb Heard The Promise of God, They Heard The
Complaint of Man
B. Caleb Heard The Shout of Victory, They Heard The
Moans of Defeat
IV. What God Promised Caleb, And What God Promised The
A. Caleb Would See Canaan, They Would See Their
Wilderness Grave
B. Caleb Would Conquer His Mountain, All They Would
Ever Know Was Wilderness
What Spirit are you operating in? Do you only see what cannot be done, or the possibilities all around you?