The Destruction of Death
I. Christ Is Risen I Corinthians 15:20-26
A. Christ The First Fruits
1. The Guarantee of a Future Resurrection
2. The Assurance That We Will Receive Eternal Life
B. Christ Will Reign
1. The Fulfillment Of His Resurrection Will Be Ours
2. Christ’s Victory Will Be Made Complete With the Destruction of Death
II. Believers Shall Rise I Corinthians 15:35-49
A. New Body
1. Imperishable, Glorious, Powerful, and Spiritual
2. Forever “Just Right”
B. The Life-Giving Adam
1. The First Adam Brought Death
2. The Second Adam Brings Us Into Life
III. Victory Over Death I Corinthians 15:50-58
A. All Will Be Changed I Thessalonians 4:13-18
B. Victory Completed
1. Knowledge of This Allows Us to Focus on God’s Grace, Instead of Worrying about an Endless List of Things.
2. Knowledge of This enhances This Present Life
We have been assured of life eternal in Jesus Christ, let us rejoice!!