The Teaching Ministry of Grace
The Teaching Ministry of Grace
Titus 2:11-15
I. Grace Teaches Us to Deny Some Things v. 12a
A. Denying Comforts -for Prayer
B. Denying Riches -for Giving
C. Denying Pleasures -for Fellowship
II. Grace Teaches Us Duty to Some Things v. 12b
A. Duty to Self
B. Duty to Sinners
C. Duty to the Savior
III. Grace Teaches Us to Delight in Some Things v. 13
A. The Blessed Hope
B. The Beautiful Appearing
C. The Beloved Savior
IV. Grace Teaches Us to Be Devoted to Some Things v14
A. The Payment "...who gave himself for us..."
B. The Purifying "...that he might purify unto Himself”
C. The Peculiarity "...a peculiar people..."
V. Grace Teaches Us to Deliver Some Things v. 15
A. Be Ready to Present Grace -by your life
B. Be Ready to Proclaim Grace -by your words
C. Be Ready to be Persecuted -give no man reason