Sin Is The Problem
Sin Is The Problem
Lamentations 2:14-15
Did Jeremiah prophecy against a people hated by God?
Did the fulfillment of the destruction of Jerusalem please God?
Was the fulfillment of the destruction of Jerusalem, a result of an uncaring God?
All was a result of the people’s own sinfulness.
I. There are many false prophets speaking empty and foolish things.
A. They excuse sin and devise methods of plausible escape.
B. They speak of relationships with God, that they know nothing of.
C. They disregard His word altogether or change it to suit themselves.
II. God’s people still like the message of the false prophet over the man of God.
A. No one likes to think about hell, or judgment, etc.
B. We don’t like the message of…
1. Hard work
2. Honesty at all costs
3. Integrity
III. Christian’s are a bad testimony of faith in God.
A. The world sees our distress and weakness and failure in faith.
B. there’s a lot of talking but no action.