El Shaddai

The Names of God  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  17:56
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God is El Shaddai - God Almighty

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Let’s begin this morning by reading our theme verse.
Deuteronomy 10:17 CSB
17 For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awe-inspiring God, showing no partiality and taking no bribe.
So far in our series, we have looked at two names of God. We have looked at Elohim. God is the Mighty Creator God. We have talked about El-Roi. God is the God who sees me. Today, we are going to look at a name and title that God gives to himself.
Have you ever heard the questions some people have used to try to stump Christians? The question is posed like this, “If God is all-powerful, can he make a rock he can’t lift?”
Genesis 17:1 CSB
1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him, saying, “I am God Almighty. Live in my presence and be blameless.
I am God Almighty. I am El Shaddai. Have you ever heard the questions some people have used to try to stump Christians? The question is posed like this, “If God is all-powerful, can he make a rock he can’t lift?” People who use this question are trying to create a paradox. They say, “Can God make a jail so secure even he could not break out of it?”
The problem with this type of questioning is that it completely misses who God is revealing himself to be. I think you will understand why they are completely missing the point by the end of this message. God is El Shaddai. God is almighty.

El Shaddai - God the Almighty

Up to this point, Abram knew that God is Elohim, the Creator God. He knew that God was the most High God, but now God tells Abram that he is El Shaddai. He is the almighty God. This title for Yahweh maybe the oldest revelation of God to man, but what does it mean?
For 2,000 years this title was simply translated “almighty”, but the meaning is a bit more complex than that. In the Latin, the term omnipotent is used to describe God.

Omnipotent - possessing all power

When we think of almighty, we tend to think of power, like Thanos harnessing the power of the infinity stones. Maybe we think of the children’s song. “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty. There is nothing my God cannot do.” However, I think we need to think differently about what it means that God is almighty because Shaddai covers a much broader concept than simply unlimited power.
First, God has the power to accomplish what he promised.

God has the power to accomplish what he promised.

We have talked about God’s promises before. The Bible is full of the precious promises of God. God has the power to do whatever he has promised to do. I do not have the ability to do all I promise to do. You do not have the ability to do all you promise to do. You might promise to be home from work at a certain time, but there is an accident or an unexpected situation that prevents you from doing what you promised. You might promise get your grades up, but you don’t do what you promised to do. You might promise to go to the store, but you forget. The point is that we don’t have the power to do all we promise to do, but God is El Shaddai. He is able to do all that he promises to do.
Think about all of the promises God made to Abram. God made the promise to make him the father of many nations, but he had no children. Now, we know God kept his word. God promised to prosper Abram and make his name great. God kept his word and accomplished what he promised. God promised to bless all the nations of the earth through Abram. God kept his word and Jesus, the Son of God, blessed all nations and people by providing the way of reconciliation with God.
What has God promised to you? Do you know? Spend some time in the Scriptures. Read about what you have been promised. Does it seem impossible in your current set of circumstances? Sure, it does. I am sure being told about being the father of many nations sounded pretty impossible too. I am sure being told that Lazarus rise from the dead sounded pretty impossible. I am sure being told that you would defeat the army of the Midianites with 300 guys with only a torch, a jar, and a horn sounded pretty impossible. However, God is our Shaddai. He is powerful. He is able and will do all he promises to do.
Second, the title Shaddai, means that God is enough.

God is enough.

You need nothing else. God is enough. We sing a song about this from time to time. All of you is more than enough for all of me. He quenches every thirst and every need. He satisfies us. One of the biggest lies we believe is that we need something more than God to bring us satisfaction in life. We think we need more money to be satisfied. We think we need a boyfriend or girlfriend to be satisfied. We think we need a better job to be satisfied. We think we need so many things, when all we need is God. God is enough. He is El Shaddai. We find our meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in our Shaddai.
Obviously, the Rolling Stones didn’t figure out that God is the source of our satisfaction. They looked for satisfaction, but couldn’t find it. So many people look for satisfaction and happiness in all the wrong places. Some people are never satisfied no matter what blessings are given to them. Like the guy who was meeting his friend. He was looking very sad and almost on the verge of tears. The man’s friend said, "Hey my friend, how come you look like the whole world has caved in?" The sad fellow said, "Let me tell you. Three weeks ago, an uncle died and left me 50-thousand dollars." “Well, that's not bad at all...!", the friend replied. "Hold on, I'm just getting started, the sad one said, “Two weeks ago, a cousin I never knew kicked-the-bucket and left me 95-thousand, tax-free to boot." His friend said, "Well, that's great! I'd like that." He then said, "Last week, my grandfather passed away. I inherited almost a million." The friend was confused, "So why are so glum?" To which the other man sighed, "This week - nothing!" True satisfaction is only found in God because God is enough.
Do you believe that God is enough? When your marriage isn’t going the way you want it to, is God enough? When your child is rebelling hard against wisdom, is God enough? When you are struggling to pay the bills, is God enough? When life is overwhelming, is God enough? The answer is “yes”. God is enough because he has to be enough. He is Shaddai. No one but El Shaddai, who possesses all power, can meet your deepest need. Stop looking for false satisfaction offered by the world and find that God is enough. When the doubt, worries, and anxieties plague you, go to God. Immerse yourself in his Word. You will find that God is enough.
Philippians 4:19 CSB
19 And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Third, the title of Shaddai, means that God is the one who blesses.

God is the one who blesses.

The word Shaddai has an ancient origin in the word we translate “breasts”. The ancient idea of “breasts” was tied to prosperity and blessing. Even the Scriptures use the word in this way. This is not to say that God is female or has breasts, but it is to say that God is the source of our blessing and prosperity. It is God who brings the rain. It is God who causes our work to be successful. It is God who brings our increase. It is God who rewards the righteous. He is our Shaddai. He is our source of blessing and prosperity.
I hear people say that America is the source of their blessing and prosperity, as if an economic system is responsible for blessing them. No, God is our source of blessing and prosperity. God is the source of the freedom we enjoy. We can’t forget this and remove God, our El Shaddai, from the conversation. The more we remove God from the public arena, the more we allow political party and media figures to control what we think, the more we distance ourselves from the one we say we trust, the more blessing and prosperity will be taken from us. Voting into office godless politicians who support ungodly positions will result in the removal of our blessing and prosperity.
The principles and foundations of this great land were given to us by God-fearing men. This nation was founded on a Judeo-Christian heritage. When you see people trying to tear apart the fabric of this nation, know they do so because they hate El Shaddai. They don’t want us to see God as the source of our prosperity and blessing. They want us to see the government as god and the source of our freedom, prosperity, and blessing. Viewing the government in this way is idolatry. God is El Shaddai. He is our source of blessing and prosperity.
Notice what God says right after disclosing himself as El Shaddai.
Genesis 17:1 CSB
1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him, saying, “I am God Almighty. Live in my presence and be blameless.
Genesis 17:1–2 CSB
1 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him, saying, “I am God Almighty. Live in my presence and be blameless. 2 I will set up my covenant between me and you, and I will multiply you greatly.”
He says, “Live in my presence and be blameless.” Then he says, “I will”. Everything that God promised to Abram is on God ability to accomplish as El Shaddai. God wanted to have a deep and personal relationship with Abram. He wanted Abram to live in his presence and be blameless. In other words, “Conduct yourself above reproach.” Then, watch God do what only he can do.
The same is true for us today. God wants us to live in his presence. He wants a deep and personal relationship with each one of us. God wants us to be blameless. He wants us to conduct ourselves above reproach. Then, we watch God do what only he can do in our lives.
What do you need God to in your life? Maybe you need him to bring healing to your marriage. Maybe you need him to restore that relationship with your child. Maybe you need him to give you peace and comfort through the trials of life. Maybe you need deliverance from a situation you have gotten yourself into. Are you living in his presence? Are you conducting yourself above reproach? God is your El Shaddai and as your El Shaddai, he can do anything he wills to do. He has the power to complete his promises. As your El Shaddai, he is enough. He is all you need. As your El Shaddai, he is the source of your prosperity and blessing. He blesses us through the promises that he makes to us.
I realize, you might be here this morning and you need God because you have never made the decision to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You have never made the decision to give Jesus control of your life and right now, you are just living for whatever makes you happy. You are running from one relationship to the next, one experience to the next, and one empty promise to the next. You can’t find happiness and you can’t find satisfaction because you are trying to find peace and happiness apart from Jesus. Let me tell you. You will never find what you are looking for unless you give your life to Jesus, unless you place your faith in him.
and you have never made the decision to follow Jesus. You have never made the decision to give Jesus control of your life and right now, you are just living for whatever makes you happy. You are running from one relationship to the next, one experience to the next, and one empty promise to the next. You can’t find happiness and you can’t find satisfaction because you are trying to find peace and happiness apart from Jesus. Let me tell you. You will never find what you are looking for unless you give your life to Jesus, unless you place your faith in him.
The Bible teaches us that the only way you are made right with God is by the grace of Jesus. Our problem is our sin nature. We sin. We rebel against God’s ways. We do wrong things. Our sin separates us from God. However, God loves us and he didn’t want us to remain dead in our sins. Sin leads to death. God doesn’t want anyone to die because he wants to be with us.
John 3:16–18 CSB
16 For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Anyone who believes in him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the one and only Son of God.
I believe there are people here today who need Jesus. You can’t work your way to him. You can’t be religious enough for him. You receive the free gift of eternal life through the grace of Jesus Christ. You call on his name and when you do, he will hear your prayer, forgive your sin, and make you brand new. Your old life will be gone and you new life will begin. Come to Jesus this morning.
This morning, I want to invite you to respond to the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life. Our deacons will be at the rear of the worship center, if you want to talk to someone about how you can have a relationship with God, please slip out of your row and talk to one of them. If you need prayer, please slip out of your row and let them pray with you. If you are ready to become a member of FBC Laredo, please meet me down front so that you can be presented to the church family for membership. If God is dealing in your heart and life right now, don’t let this moment pass. We exist to minister to one another. We are here to support you in your walk with God.
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