Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Giving Thanks Always
There are corollary responses to trusting God that are also important
We are to be thankful in good times and bad
Being thankful is one of the fruits of the Spirit.
It is something we learn as we grow as a believer.
the unbeliever isn’t naturally thankful.
They may congratulate themselves on their success or blame others when things go wrong.
A telling scripture on the condition of the unsaved:
Throughout our study, we’ve studied that we are to bring glory to God through all the circumstances we face.
This is one of the things which makes us different from the unbeliever.
Thanksgiving is an admission of dependence.
In the physical realm, God gives us life and breath and everything else.
In the spiritual sense, God made us alive again through the sacrifice of His Son who died for our sins.
Everything we are, we owe to Him.
We need to be thankful in all situations - good and bad.
tells the story of the ten lepers who were crying out to be healed.
All were, but only one came back and thanked Jesus for the healing.
Our human nature isn’t to forget to give thanks.
Our human nature is that we are to preoccupied with our own condition to care about others and what they have given up.
As Christians, we must grow an attitude of always being thankful and grateful.
This is implanted in us by the Holy Spirit when we’re saved.
This story makes sense to us.
We should find ourselves like the one giving thanks, but there are times we forget.
This is an element when the person was receiving something good.
When we struggle with giving thanks is in the time of hardship or things not going our way.
Why should we be thankful in the difficult situations we will face?
What happens if one person is healed from a horrible disease, but another person contracts something that is just as bad or worse?
This has been the basis for this entire book.
It is the firm belief that God is at work in all things - ALL OUR CIRCUMSTANCES - for our good.
If we truly trust Him, we must believe that His sovereignty, wisdom, and love are with us through all the twists and turns our lives will take, good and bad.
He is working for our good.
We are to give thanks in everything because we know that in all things God is at work for our good.
We must realize God is at work in a preactive, not reactive, fashion.
God doesn’t react to a bad situation in our lives and decide how He is going to turn it around and make it good.
He already knows how it is going to work for our good.
He is already actively involved in the adversity before He either allows it to happen or permits it to.
Joseph recognized this when He told his brothers that they intended to harm him, but if they hadn’t done what they did, God wouldn’t have been able to put Joseph in the place he was at.
Paul therefore tells us to
Give thanks in all circumstances, FOR THIS IS GOD’S WILL FOR YOU IN CHRIST JESUS.
Giving thanks in all circumstances is part of God’s moral will for our lives.
Giving thanks in all circumstances, whether good or bad, is another response to our trusting God.
Worship - another response to the trustworthiness of God.
We must do this in good and bad times as well.
Instead of being against God, Job worshiped Him.
Worship involves a two-directional view.
looking upward we see
His majesty
our sovereign Creator
He’s worthy to be
served obeyed
looking at ourselves we
recognize our dependence on God
see our sinfulness before Him
we are mere creatures
unworthy sinners
we fail to
We deserve nothing from Him but eternal judgement.
We are continuously in His debt
There is another dimension to God’s sovereignty.
We’ve seen He has control over all the actions of His creatures
His sovereignty also includes His absolute right to do as He pleases with us.
He had no obligation towards us to send His Son for our sins.
Here, God is saying He is under no obligation to anyone.
Worshiping God during the rough times is an acknowledgement of who He is and who we are.
No matter what we have or don’t have, everything is a gift from our Heavenly Father.
God doesn’t just wield His sovereignty as if He doesn’t care.
He showed how much He loves and cares for us through the sacrifice of His Son.
He also will use all the things we go through to try and make us more like His Son.
As we worship Him we can rest knowing that He is using His power for us, not against us.
Humility Humility
1 peter 5:
We should show humility in God’s dealings with us.
We should cast our anxieties, which come from the adversities His hand brings into our lives, on Him.
We are to accept the adversities, not the anxieties.
We tend to do the opposite.
The way we can cast our anxieties on the Lord is to humble ourselves under His sovereignty and then trust in His wisdom and love.
Humility should be both a response to adversity and a fruit of it as well.
Paul said the thorn in his flesh was to keep him humble.
Humility should be both a response to adversity and a fruit of it as well.
Paul said the thorn in his flesh was to keep him humble.
If Paul had a tendency toward pride, then we do as well.
When we have a blessing, we should expect there to be something to come along and humble us as well.
That way, we know our strength is in Him and not ourselves.
We have two ways we can respond to our thorns:
We can fight it and be miserable from all the anxiety and stress it will cause us.
We can humble ourselves before God and cast our anxiety and stress to Him.
We can humble ourselves before God and cast our anxiety and stress to Him.
Adversity often comes to us through the actions of other people.
Sometimes they are directed at us.
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