Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
*Galatians 5:1-15*
* *
* Lucifer is one of God’s greatest creations.
The most beautiful and resourceful of all the angels became convinced that he could declare himself equal with God.
The Scriptures tell us that he leads a third of the heavenly host in rebellion against God to this very day.
In His omnipotence and omniscience, the Heavenly Father has looked forward to the end of the struggle and declared Himself the winner.
Satan knows that he has no chance for success.
He cannot attack God directly and therefore chooses to hinder God’s plan for the redemption of mankind.*
* The philosopher Paschal said that within every human heart there is a God shaped vacuum.
Each of us will at some point in time feel a deep need to be in touch with the infinite, to be connected to something or Someone outside ourselves.
Satan offers false gods to satisfy that longing.
Sometimes he convinces the seeker to settle for proximity to Christ – to join a church or religious movement without being born again.
To others he offers strange beliefs and doctrines.*
* Modern human beings are too sophisticated to idolize gods of wood and stone; instead, they elect to make gods of their philosophy.
The human body and its sensations have become the temple and religion of the average American.
I have often been asked whether I think there are still demon-possessed people in our midst.
My usual response is that I see less demon possession than self-possession.
Primitive minds need hocus-pocus; modern man needs only the power of positive thinking!*
* In our text, Paul uses a familiar metaphor.
He describes the Christian experience in terms of a race.
The Galatians had begun the race well, but had become hindered by outside influences.
Now they were stumbling and in danger of failing to complete the race.
To make matters worse, their example was like a small lump of yeast that had spread itself and corrupted others in the race.*
* *
I. Lost People Are Hindered In Finding Christ*
* *
By their ungodly nature*
Christian living appears dull when viewed through Satan’s lens – no fun, no excitement, too controlled, and too much effort*
They cannot accept the theology of belief*
By the temptations of life*
Having a good time is paramount – never sad, never in pain, never alone, always numbed*
With friends and experiences to distract*
The worst evil imaginable awaits the hindered*
Wasted opportunities become accusers*
Eternal separation from God*
* *
Recently, Even Believers Appear Hindered*
* *
The results of hindrance are obvious*
Not so loving or zealous for the lost or even for Christian fellowship*
Forsaking the faith and fellowship for other pursuits*
Committing spiritual adultery*
Whom do we blame?*
The pastor or church staff – forgive and intercede for them*
Some wagging tongue within the fellowship?
Why so thin-skinned?
So unforgiving?*
Is it not more likely a lapse of attention, a worldly glance, or a straying of affection?*
A certain way to resolve this problem*
Fix on Jesus and be loyal*
Recall your commitment and His promises*
* *
*Why blame someone else for the condition of your faith?
Maybe someone hurt you or misled you?
Why punish the Lord and His work?
You have done far worse to Him and yet He has never deserted you.
Let this moment be an opportunity for rededicating our lives.*
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9