A Charge to the Christian Community
A Charge to the Christian Community – What is our responsibility?
Galatians 6:1-5
What do we do when we are faced with the sin of someone that we love and respect? Unfortunately, bad news travels fast and then we tend to make rash judgments without all of the facts. The Bible gives us our responsibility as to how we are to act and react in these situations. It is easy to pass judgment on someone who has fallen into sin, but we must remember what I Corinthians 10:12 states, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.” We must remember that we are a dependent people, dependent on God and interdependent on each other. We are called the “body of Christ”, “the household of God”. We see in the New Testament passages that make reference to “one another” These passages exhort us to remember and undertake our responsibility towards our fellow-believers. The directives that are given here in this chapter are given to spiritual people. These are people who are mature enough in their faith to be of help to others.
Therefore, we must seek to restore others. How?
I. By understanding the reality of sin – vs. 1 we understand the reality of sin by not denying its existence. Look around your world and observe what takes place in regards to what God calls sin. Simple things like bad speech, lying, etc. take place around us on a daily basis, but we sometimes become “de-sensitized”
a. In our passage, Paul is not speaking of one specific sin, but rather he is speaking generally. He states, “if a man is overtaken in any trespass”(vs.1)
b. The word overtaken here implies the idea of being overtaken by surprise or overpowered.
c. We are also faced with options with regard to sins – Criswell illustration(car accident Louisville – Smith’s Grove)
i. We can ignore them and hope they go away- this is apathy.
ii. We can dismiss them and write off the person involved – this is legalism.
iii. We can become involved with people and try to make a difference in their lives
1. By calling attention to the sin
2. By giving clear Biblical counsel
3. By praying with them
4. By providing them with accountability.
II. By acknowledging/fulfilling our responsibilities (vs. 1- ye who are spiritual restore; vs. 2 bear ye one another’s burdens ; vs. 3- self deception; vs. 4 rejoice in our work and not in the failures of others)
a. Look at the disparity between church membership and church attendance!
b. Church membership means very little to the average person
c. The question about church discipline.
d. See I Corinthians 12:20-27
e. If a man is truly spiritual, would he admit it? A truly spiritual man will never boast of his condition, but he will have the tender heart of a shepherd, making him want to restore the transgressor. He will not act in a spirit of pride or superiority, but in a spirit of gentleness
f. Remember that gentleness is addressed earlier in chapter 5 in Galatians as a fruit of the spirit.
g. Law of Christ – refers to all of the commandments of Christ given in the NT for believers.