Experience is what you get when you don't get what you expected
Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you expected
I Kings 12:1-16
This chapter takes place at the time when Rehoboam succeeds Solomon as king of Israel. Rehoboam has some critical decisions to make as the newly crowned king of Israel. It has been said that Rehoboam was the son of the wisest of men, that he did not inherit his father’s wisdom. He came to the throne at 40 years of age, when men will be wise if they ever will. Wisdom does not come by age, nor is it the multitude of years, nor the advantage of education that reaches it.
I. Your attitude toward those for whom your decision has direct repercussions.
A. Verse 5 – “ Go away” 3 days
B. “These people” ~ “This people” (4 times)
C. Contrast Solomon “this great people” –39 (English)
D. Pride goes before destruction – Proverbs 16:18
E. Proverbs 15 – A soft answer turneth away wrath
F. Possibilities
1. You could exhibit a wrong attitude as a leader
2. You could watch a leader self-destruct
3. You could be the recipient of contempt by a leader
II. Underestimation of the value of experience over time.
A. The passage makes a big deal out of the experience and exposure of
Solomon’s advisors vs. Rehoboam’s friends
B. Three possibilities
1. You might fail to heed others with experience
2. You might watch a leader with a closed mind
3. You might experience rejection of your experienced advice
C. The ultimate test, however, is quality of advice, regardless of its source.
Remember age is not a guarantee ( Prophet eaten of a lion in I Kings 13)
III. Rejection of one opinion before all opinions have been heard (vs.8)
A. Proverbs 12:15-16
B. This probably happened due to the power of the poor relationship between
Rehoboam and his friends.
C. Proverbs 13:20, 15:31, 19:20, 20:28
D. Remember a powerful relationship may misguide your decisions. You may observe development of questionable relationships.
E. You might find yourself outside of the “circle of favor” in spite of your character or experience.
IV. Misunderstanding of what good leadership actually is (vs. 7)
A. Good leadership is not the exercise of oppressive control over one’s inferiors,
B. Good leadership is the investiture of one’s self as servant to one’s inferior or
1. Manifested in service actions
2. Manifested in caring words
C. You may speak harshly and demand to be served
D. You may be harshly spoken to or about
E. You may be demanded/or tend to mis-serve
V. Operating on the conception that you must “make a statement”
A. “Your father…” “My father” multiple times
B. The pressure to lead in the shadow of other great leaders – distorted view,
drastic consequences.
VI. Consulting the “yes” men
A. Proverbs 18:24 – many companions vs. one good friend
B. Proverbs 27:9 – the pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest