From Independence To Liberation
2 July 2006
Hosea 4:1-6
I want to come back to the idea of ignorance as a lack of knowledge today.
As the country pauses this week to reflect on its own independence, we acknowledge today that that word must be used loosely. We are even now in a war that no one can firmly conclude why we are there and everyone except those at the highest places of power wish for us to untangle from this commitment of both military strength force an young, dedicated lives. We are still reeling in this country from the lasting effects of the Vietnam War and its wiping out of a generation of black and brown men.
With no end in sight. Debates across the political aisles and our young ones in the balance. Let us pause for a moment f silence for all of the lost life during this war.
I spoke last week of how the lack of knowledge, according to Isaiah 5 places a people in bondage. Now we move to an even more devastating form of ignorance, that which leads beyond captivity to destruction.
I want to talk about the lack of moral knowledge today. Last week when I left, a young, bright member told me to take it easy on Hip Hop this week. I have no intention of throwing barbs at HIP HOP. We’ve got more seriously and more directly effecting trouble than that.
Moral ignorance. Macy’s escalator
When you read this passage carefully, God is not making an indictment upon the “Dirty world” out there somewhere. God has an issue with the people who belong to him, with the people who are supposed to represent the divine presence in the world. There is trouble here within the worshipping community. More specifically, God has an issue with the priest.
Shame on the priest who preaches a gospel that is only directly to the sins of the people. The preacher is affected and infected with the same disease, sin. The lack of knowledge in this case is within the house of God and God holds the priest responsible for the abomination that goes on in the midst.
It is so easy in this day and time to fall prey to the entertainment side of religious life. We are all tempted to give the people a show.
The preacher was getting a flu shot…
You have neglected knowledge.
They feed on the sins of my people. God knows we are sinners and it is too easy to exploit our short comings. Some of us fall prey to it even within the context of religious life. God knows you are pre-occupied with the American dream and having your own and the like so the masquerading prophets tell you that you can have it all as long as you “Sow a seed to the Prophet first”
As soon as we speak of the word to know we are in danger of the false sense of knowing. Young ladies, a man does not have to take your clothes off to get to know you. Yong men, you do not have to drop your pants to become acquainted. Even after the sex is over, you do not know that person any better. SO many people cry afterwards, “And I thought I knew him.”
IN order to understand the terms of this text, it is necessary to understand the context of the book of Hosea. God told Hosea he had arranged a marriage for him. mandated that the prophet go out and marry himself to a whore by the name of Gomer. They had three chirlden aptly named for the circumstances of their birth. One child named My child, ON e child named, not my child and a third child whose fathering was uncertain.
The marriage of Gomer and Hosea and their life together is a parable of the relationship between God and Israel. Or for our purpose God and the church.
Whereas many of us in this story would love to be Hosea and exhibit unconditional love we are in fact Gomer, the unattainable lover, the non-committed the wayward, the straying eyes and affection. We have played the whore.
Unsatisfied, eat
They shall play the whore.
This is why I have to teach you. I am not just a preacher nor do I ever want to be. My people are not destroyed because they do not hear good sermons - They are destroyed because they lack knowledge.
A people without understanding come to ruin.
This is not Greek or Roman mythology where the human desire was to copulate with the gods.
Above all, get understanding.
Seek wisdom.
Get it in your head. But also get it in your heart.
Come to know Christ whom to know is life eternal.
Phil 3.10
Oh that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection…