You Have What You Tolerate

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You Have What You Tolerate

By: O.S. Hawkins

Daniel 3

During my days of pastoring at the First Baptist Church in Dallas I had many wonderful visits with a very unique man who was in the midst of a life-threatening illness, which eventually ended in his death. He loved his Lord and he lifted me up each time I was with him. His name was Jack Evans and he was a former mayor of the City of Dallas. Jack coined a saying that hangs on wall plaques in the offices of many business leaders of our city. His often-used quote says, "You have what you tolerate."

When we think about that statement, "you have what you tolerate," we see that it is true in every area of our lives. Parents who tolerate their children talking back to them will eventually reap what they sow. I was fortunate to have had a mom and dad who did not tolerate disrespect and my wife and I did not tolerate it from our children either. Yes, you have what you tolerate. This statement is true if you're teaching in a classroom of students. I had professors who did not tolerate work that was less than our best. "You have what you tolerate" is true if you're coaching an athletic team. Coaches who tolerate sloppy practices have sloppy plays when it is game time. It is also true in church work. Those churches that tolerate mediocrity and are simply reactive instead of proactive lack productivity in the long haul. Yes, Jack Evans had it right — "You have what you tolerate!"

We are living in a world culture where the church has tolerated things for so long that these words have come home to roost. We have today what we tolerated yesterday. Tolerance seems to be the law of our land, and today it has a different meaning than it did a few years ago. Tolerance used to mean that in America we recognized and respected others' beliefs without sharing them. Today tolerance means that everyone's values, everyone's belief systems, everyone's lifestyles, are acceptable. Tolerance today says that all truth claims are equal. The one thing that many people fear today is simply being called intolerant. We have been so formed into the mold of our culture that we in the church now have what we tolerate.

Josh McDowell has spent a lifetime taking the Gospel to college campuses. Recently, Josh mentioned that he has always known heckling but a few years ago it took on a different form. Yesterday college students exclaimed, "Prove it; I don't believe that, prove the claims of Christ." Today, however, they exclaim, "What right have you to say that? You're intolerant, you're a bigot!" John 3:16 has been replaced today with Matthew 7:1, Judge not that

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