Introduction: Exploring the Grand Canyon
I. Introduction
a. Spiritually malnourished Christians is an oxymoron.
i. Why does such a condition exist?
b. Transition
i. The goal is to introduce the letter
ii. Description
1. “The Grand Canyon” of Scripture. Inexhaustible and breathtakingly beautiful.
2. It’s depth cannot be plumbed
a. Martin Lloyd Jones: 8 volume commentary, 37 msg on Ch1
b. Calvin: 48 sermons and 705 pages
c. William Gurnall: 1200 pages on 6:10-20
II. Riches and Wealth (6x’s)
a. A bank statement and more.
i. Ephesians informs us of how rich we are and how to use that wealth.
1. Result of our union w/ Christ. V. 3
ii. Not prosperity teaching. This sells us short
1. Nothing this world offers can satisfy.
2. Material goods are a diminishing commodity.
b. Quotes. McArthur, Lewis
c. Wealth of Heaven is ever increasing.
i. Withdrawals actually create greater wealth
1. Example: faith.
ii. God puts us in positions requiring withdrawal of His resources.
1. We think we have enough. But we drain our accts quickly
d. Summary: One aspect of Eph. Therefore we should not be malnourished.
III. Fullness (5x)
a. Closely related to wealth.
b. 3:19.
c. Filled w/ the Spirit. No room for the flesh
i. Affects how we speak, serve, live in harmony etc.
IV. Mystery (6x)
a. Definition: The private thoughts of God hidden from human reason.
i. Ephesians speaks of a mystery “revealed.”
b. Paul refers to the mystery of His will (1:9)
i. This mystery has been made known to Paul (3:3). Referred to as the mystery of Christ (3:4).
ii. 3:9, the mystery hidden for ages so that the wisdom of God may be made known through the church
c. What is the mystery? 3:6
i. Huge racial divide. Much greater than what we might know of.
1. Fulfilling the promise to Abraham (2:11-16)
V. Church (9x)
a. All believers (not local), in the entire world.
b. Gentiles are partakers of this assembly.
i. Unity is a key issue of this truth.
1. Church is presented as a body. An interlinking organism w/ Jesus as the head.
2. As part of the church we are to be working in unison to make visible the invisible God.
a. When one part is sick, broken, wayward the whole is affected.
ii. No such thing as “_________” church.
c. God is to be glorified in the church.
i. “Don’t look at the church look at Jesus” does not fit this letter.
d. Bride of Christ. Pure, holy
VI. Paul’s Greeting (1:1-2)
a. A quick glimpse of the “Grand Canyon.” Now we will travel into it.
b. Written by Paul- an apostle by the will of God
i. Thelema (qelhma)=will
ii. Paul fought against this will but eventually surrendered
1. “I called you from your mother’s womb to be My mssgr.”
iii. Paul is not unique. He has called, gifted and equipped you to be His servant. Don’t kick against the goads.
c. Written to saints (regular believers) and faithful.
i. Faithful. Those who have responded to the call of God
d. Grace and Peace
i. Peace always follows grace.
VII. Grace.
a. God’s unmerited, unearned and unlimited supply of favor.
i. Grace holds this letter together
b. W/o grace we are paupers, empty, dismembered individuals
c. Summary
i. United w/ Christ by the Father who has blessed us w/ every spiritual blessing by grace.