23 June 02
Genesis 12: 1-9
As we each are going to be challenged and charged at the end of this worship. I want to say to you that this text is significant to us. The first mentioning of an altar in the narrative. We all need a place a clear location. That is our sanctified altar. Hallowed ground. Sacred. A place for conversation with God.
V1 Leave the familiar
Abraham had it made. Already wealthy. Not blessed through wealth. Wealth and blessings are not the same
I will bless you
Cannot go by yourself
Although prayer can be personal it cannot be solely private in its focus. Not by yourself. Not about you
Fellowship, kinship, friendship
V8Guaranteeing a future –offspring
Some of your prayers will not be answered during your lifetime
I Tim 1.16 House of Onesiphorus
So he built an atlar. Bethel the house of God
What is an altar?
What is the significance of the places mentiuoned here?
“Pitched tent.”
Abraham journeyed by stages
Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid
Perhaps connect this altar to the altar of sacrifice of Isaac
Leave familiar
Expect the extraordinary
Be faithful and diligent