Trusting God For The Details
6 August 00
Luke 12:22-34
I’M GOING TO WALK RIGHT DOWN SOMEONE’ S STREET HERE TODAY. Somebody cam e here with an excessive amount of worry. You need this word from the Lord.
Greed never gets enough. Worry never has enough.
This word is to his disciples Perhaps a direct response to the man who asked the previous question. Saying to them in effect, “Don’t pre-occupy yourselves with these matters.”
The Ravens sign of death Unclean.
God looks out for, provides for the unclean
The Short tall
The tall Short
The thin gain weight
The think lose weight
Stop second-guessing yourself
Our convention is headed for trouble. I know that. The writing is on the wall. I’ve got to tell what I know.
Live with the conclusions you have drawn. Go with your faith
Not anxious of mind
In Praise Jam on Friday evening I spoke of a passage that just gives me a great charge.
Psalm 16.11