Fully Persuaded About the Power of the Gospel
Fully Persuaded About the Power of the Gospel
II Timothy 1:8-14
The Apostle Paul was a unique individual; he epitomized the extremes at points in his life. At one point, he was hostile to the church and he himself said that he persecuted the church. Now at the end of his life, he is seeking to be an encouragement to Timothy by means of personal testimony. Paul’s thoughts in this passage are centered on the Gospel.
Paul was fully persuaded about the power of the Gospel (cf. Romans 1:16)
We must possess boldness in the Gospel
I. Because of the content of the Gospel (vs.9) What does the Gospel say?
a. The character of the Gospel – the Gospel is the source of salvation
b. The source of the Gospel – the Gospel is sourced in Christ
c. The ground or foundation of the Gospel – Eph. 2:8, 9 – not our works, but according to His purpose and grace.
II. Because of the charge of the Gospel – What does the Gospel compel us to do?
a. We are charged with communicating the Gospel – vs. 11 “the good news needs to be told”
i. It could cause problems at work
ii. Other things are more important
b. We are charged to suffer for the Gospel – vs. 8, 12
i. The Gospel will be offensive to some
ii. The Gospel demands that we make full and complete disclosure about sin.
c. We are charged to guard the Gospel – vs. 14. Deposit
i. This is a stewardship of trust
ii. We are to guard against distortion, dilution, deletion, and addition (cf. Gal 1:6-9)
III. Because of the confidence in the Gospel (vs. 12) What does the Gospel accomplish?
a. Be confident in the person of Christ who embodies the Gospel – Hebrews 13:8
b. Be confident in the power of Christ – (Hebrews 7:25)
c. Be confident in the promise of Christ – vs. 12
· Have you been intentional about communicating the Gospel?
· Are you willing to pray about opportunities to share the Gospel?