I'm Staying with the Lord
Going Forward With God
“I‘m Staying With the Lord”
John 6:47-58, 60-69
This story reminds us that following Jesus Christ is really a personal choice. Some want the blessings Jesus offers without the problems associated with making a real commitment. Others want the benefits of following Christ but want those benefits on their own terms.
Main Point of the Message:
The Lord wants you to follow Him because He wants to meet your physical needs as well as your spiritual needs. Jesus said, “If any man desires to come after Me, let him first deny himself take up his cross and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).
Background and Biblical Context:
Jesus is teaching in a synagogue in a town called Capernaum in Galilee (John 6:59). Jesus has just performed the miracle of feeding the 5000 with fish and loaves a day earlier. The crowd began following Him not to hear His teaching but to see His miracles and to make Him their earthly king (John 6:15, 26-29). Once Jesus corrects their thinking, many disciples decide to leave Christ and to disassociate themselves with Him and His ministry (John 6:66).
Key Question:
Why should we stay with the Lord?
1. Because Jesus Has the Words to Eternal Life (John 6:68).
2. Because Jesus is the Way to Eternal Life (John 14:6).
3. Because Jesus Will Give Us Eternal Life (John 6:69).