The Best is Yet to Come
John 2:1-11
This story reminds us just how easy it is for our best laid plans to go awry. Have you ever made plans in your life particularly in terms of what you wanted to do? Where you wanted to go? How you were going to get there? For some of us, our life plan took an abrupt detour, and we were blown off course because of unexpected problems or unanticipated trouble.
Main Point of the Message:
Don’t give up because your plans are seemingly put on hold or they are going in the opposite direction of your intended dreams because the best is yet to come. Jesus tells His disciples, “I have come that you might have life and life more abundantly” (John 10:10).
Background and Biblical Context:
Jesus arrives at a wedding in a town called, Cana, in Galilee. At some point during the ceremony, the host discovers that he is out of wine. Jesus uses this embarrassing situation to demonstrate His Deity and His power over the unexpected circumstances in our lives.
Cana was known as a village of upper crust Galileans as oppossed to Nazareth. It was Nathaniel that stated that nothing good could ever come out of Nazareth in John 2.
Yet, here Jesus is invited to a wedding in Cana and the host has run out of wine. If the wine had run out in Nazareth, it was no big deal, you expect the wine to run out in Nazareth. Something has gone wrong in a place where you would have never expected something to go wrong. Cana respresented wealth, prestige, power
I believe there are a a lot of people who are living a "Cana lifestyle" today on the outside, but when you really examine their life, they are struggling to get by. This is a story of "Cana-behind-closed-doors" where you end up doings that you never thought you would have to do. And the text says the host discovered a that at the biggest day of his family's life, they had run out of wine.
Key Questions:
What do you do when life throws you unexpected problems? How do you keep going when your dreams are deferred?
1. Look at the Example from Mary (the Mother of Jesus) (John 2:1-5).
- She told Jesus that there was a problem - the host had run out of wine. Jesus said to her, "Lady, I know - I will do what needs to be done at the right time", Jesus says to her.
- Sometimes the Lord will let stuff run out because we are stuff-dependent. He allows stuff to run out so that He can put your focus back where it needed to be all along. Mary spoke to the servants saying, "Whatever He says to do, do it." That is good advice. "Lord however you are going to work it out, it's alright with me. I know that whatever you are doing, you are doing it for my best interest, so that I can give you a terstimony of your awesome power in my life."
2. Learn to Execute the Messiah’s Message (John 2:5-8).
- I have discovered that The Lord will use whatever is available to Him to demonstrate His power. Allow the Lord to use whatever He wants to bless your life. The text says that Jesus saw 6 waterpots. He told the servants to fill them to the brim with water.
- The text inimates that the water pots were not filled at all. Here they were at a wedding feast without using the customary cleansing and washing that was required.
- The servants could have disobeyed Jesus and if they did they would have missed their blessing. Sometimes the Lord will have you do something that doesn't make sense to you, but yet, it has spiritual significance.The text says that the servants filled the pots with water.
- Water consists of H2O. But wine is made from the crushing of grapes mixed with just the right portion of water. I see the water but where are the grapes? Well, wine is made from the crushing of grapes. Jesus was crushed at Gethsamane and at Calvary when he took on our sins. Jesus says in effect, I will be grapes that will be crushed, you supply the water for proper fermentation.
3. Let the Lord Exhibit His Might (John 2:9-11).
Jesus said to the servants take the water pots to the host. Somewhere between where they started out and before they arrived at the host what was water was turned to wine. It is a matter of faith - trusting God at His Word.
The host tasted the wine and said that normally they serve the best wine first, but this time they saved the best for last. Trusting what you lost does not compare to what God has waiting for you. Our God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you could ever ask or thing.
God can turn your life into something greater than what you have right now or what you have lost. Just because you had not seen your breakthrough yet doesn't mean that God has not already fixed it for you. Remember, the best is yet to come!