Now is the Time
Now is the Time 4 the True Gospel • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 31:08
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Now is the Time
Now is the Time
Have you ever been the last one picked to play on a team? Or were you picked first to play?
Have you ever been the last one picked to play on a team? Or were you picked first to play?
Not just the appointed few, the appointed (and empowered) many. There were 72.
Not just the appointed few, the appointed (and empowered) many. There were 72.
Jesus is Calling a Courageous People
Jesus is Calling a Courageous People
Another side to the Shepherd: Sending Lambs Among Wolves
Another side to the Shepherd: Sending Lambs Among Wolves
What is the Task?
What is the Task?
Do not get distracted along the way.
Do not get distracted along the way.
Proclaim peace wherever you go.
Proclaim peace wherever you go.
Heal the sick and proclaim that the Kingdom of God is near.
Heal the sick and proclaim that the Kingdom of God is near.
“Wait What? Heal the Sick? Me Jesus?”
“Wait What? Heal the Sick? Me Jesus?”
There is a reason why Jesus said to take NOTHING with them. They must totally rely on him.
There is a reason why Jesus said to take NOTHING with them. They must totally rely on him.
Be content with what is offered and stay where you are welcomed, but if it becomes inhospitable, move on with no regret.
Be content with what is offered and stay where you are welcomed, but if it becomes inhospitable, move on with no regret.
Do not worry about rejection, because they reject God by their own choice and not even God will violate their own will.
Do not worry about rejection, because they reject God by their own choice and not even God will violate their own will.
Always thank God, not for our authority over the enemy, but for salvation given by God’s grace.
Always thank God, not for our authority over the enemy, but for salvation given by God’s grace.
Jesus thanked the Father, in the fullness of joy, for hiding the deep things of God from the wise, and revealing it to those of limited learning.
Jesus thanked the Father, in the fullness of joy, for hiding the deep things of God from the wise, and revealing it to those of limited learning.
God does as he pleases.
God does as he pleases.
It pleases God that we hear and obey his commands.
It pleases God that we hear and obey his commands.
We do it because we love God and others.
We do it because we love God and others.
We take the chance of getting hurt because others need to know of God’s love and goodness.
We take the chance of getting hurt because others need to know of God’s love and goodness.
Our protection comes from God, if we are persecuted, we share in the persecution of Christ, knowing him more intimately.
Our protection comes from God, if we are persecuted, we share in the persecution of Christ, knowing him more intimately.
No one knows Jesus as their Savior unless Christ reveals himself to them.
No one knows Jesus as their Savior unless Christ reveals himself to them.
Never presume to be under the grace of God, always act in humble obedience to the Word and Spirit of God.
Never presume to be under the grace of God, always act in humble obedience to the Word and Spirit of God.
Jesus is Calling a Humble People
Jesus is Calling a Humble People
Walk with Humility, and God’s grace will be revealed by your courageous obedience, recognizing our sinfulness.
Walk with Humility, and God’s grace will be revealed by your courageous obedience, recognizing our sinfulness.
Remember, Jesus said “Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.”
Remember, Jesus said “Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.”
God gives blessings to the humble (meek & gentle), including wisdom, good news, honor, life, and sometimes even wealth. (Isa. 61:1, Prov. 11:2, Prov. 22:4)
God gives blessings to the humble (meek & gentle), including wisdom, good news, honor, life, and sometimes even wealth. (Isa. 61:1, Prov. 11:2, Prov. 22:4)
Matt. 5:3 “Blessed are poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God.”
Matt. 5:3 “Blessed are poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God.”
“The poor in spirit are those who recognize their total spiritual destitution and their complete dependence on God.”-The MacArthur New Testament Commentary
“The poor in spirit are those who recognize their total spiritual destitution and their complete dependence on God.”-The MacArthur New Testament Commentary
Matt. 5:5 “Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Matt. 5:5 “Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.”
Matt. 10:16 "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Matt. 10:16 "I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Jesus calls his disciples to be humble from the beginning, and he calls his disciples continually to Go and tell others the Good News: Jesus will save them as they can’t save themselves, if they would only believe.
Jesus calls his disciples to be humble from the beginning, and he calls his disciples continually to Go and tell others the Good News: Jesus will save them as they can’t save themselves, if they would only believe.
An addendum to the beatitudes: Jesus tells his disciples, “Blessed are the eyes of those who have seen what you have seen”; the Christ, Messiah come; those who have seen the power and authority of Jesus at work in the world for our deliverance.
An addendum to the beatitudes: Jesus tells his disciples, “Blessed are the eyes of those who have seen what you have seen”; the Christ, Messiah come; those who have seen the power and authority of Jesus at work in the world for our deliverance.
Those Lambs are truly blessed and receive joy from it, as Jesus did.
Those Lambs are truly blessed and receive joy from it, as Jesus did.
Jesus Calls us to be Humbly Courageous (as Lambs among Wolves)
Jesus Calls us to be Humbly Courageous (as Lambs among Wolves)
Now is the Time for us to Go! Go and deliver the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Now is the Time for us to Go! Go and deliver the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Jesus alone saves by his Grace.
Jesus alone saves by his Grace.