Hand Me Another Vessel
II Kings 4:1-7
This story reminds us that we should continue to trust God. It does not matter who is against you or what you are up against, we must choose to trust the Lord to meet our every need.
Main Point of the Message:
You can overcome your circumstances by trusting God to meet your need. Jesus said, “I have come to give you life and life more abundantly.” (John 10:10).
Background and Biblical Context:
A widow comes to Elisha, the prophet of God asking for help because she cannot pay her debts (II Kings 4:1). Creditors have come to take her sons away as slaves which woud leave her destitute and without any viable means of survival.
Key Questions:
What do you when big problems come against you? How can you make it through tough times?
1. Keep Praying Through Your Problem (II Kings 4:1).
Prayer is the difference between giving-up and continuing. The Bible says, "In everything by prayer and supplication make your request known before God." (I Th. 5:17.)
2. Keep Preparing for God’s Promises (II Kings 4:2-5).
She took the matter to the prophet. The prophet told her what to do. Find out what you have and put that in service for the Lord. As long as she found a vessel, the oil kept pouring.
3. Keep Pouring from What You Possess (II Kings 4:6-7).
The more she poured the more God blesed. What she poured she sold. Clearly we are to give to someone else in need from what God has blessed us with. Sometimes, God blesses us with a little; at other times, He blesses with a lot. But however you ar blessed, keep pouring. Don't stop receiving blessings from God because you run out of vessels.