Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9
Charitable Deeds
Why should we do our charitable deeds in private?
To answer that, we have to ask another question, why are you doing charitable deeds?
Because it’s what people expect?
Then what does it matter if other people know about it?
Because it’s what people expect?
Are we trying t
Because God said so?
Because it’s the right thing to do?
In other words, are we trying to impress God, impress man, or none of the above?
If we are trying to impress man, then why should we expect a reward in heaven?
If you impress man, from man will you get your reward.
We ahve
If we are trying to impress God, He is not impressed.
We seem to forget that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
He’s not impressed by the little things we do.
If we are just trying to do the right thing, isn’t that reason enough?
We may say we’re just trying to do the right thing.
But if we are expecting rewards, we are not.
Our heart betrays our intentions.
If we are truly just trying to do the right thing, who cares if others know?
mt 6 2
I think about those press events where some person or group hands over an oversized check.
Shouting to the world: See how good we are.
See how much we care.
Or the press release announcing some policy or initiative to show how “good” people are.
Or the “church” organization that makes a big deal about their “good works”.
These are all the modern equivalent of sounding a trumpet to announce how good the are.
We want the glory of men.
It’s something we can readily see.
It’s something we can point to.
It’s proof of how “good” we are.
And as Jesus said, that is all the reward they will receive for it.
mt 6
Why should we do our charitable deeds in secret?
Why shouldn’t we let our left hand know what our right hand is doing?
Just imagine your left hand going “Hey, what are you doing?”
So why should we do it, if we don’t get credit for it?
For the same reason we shouldn’t trumpet our charity.
It’s one thing to trumpet our charity, to stand up and shout what you have done,
But your deeds can still attract attention.
Someone hears about what you’ve done and congratulates you for it.
Of course, no one has ever just “left evidence” around for someone to find, right?
The focus is on you and what you have done.
By doing your charity in secret, you don’t bring the focus on you.
Your secret deeds will be rewarded though,
But rather than being rewarded by man, it will be rewarded by God.
It may be in this life or eternity, but it will be rewarded.
In fact, you may not even recognize the link between the reward and the charity.
mt 6 5
Just as with our charitable deeds, our relationship with God is not something to be paraded around.
Especially to garner man’s accolades.
Those who make a point of being seen praying.
Or of how long their prayer is.
Or how many high sounding words they can use.
Those who make a big deal of their prayers or prayer time are drawing attention to themselves.
Don’t get me wrong, prayer and time with God are important.
But are you doing it to be with God or to show off to others?
If you show off to man, from man will be your reward.
If God is everywhere, then we can pray to Him anywhere.
Sure, I have my quiet place where I frequently pray.
But I have spent countless hours praying in hotel rooms, while driving my car or sitting in an airplane.
And not just when the ride gets bumpy!
And I’m not saying we shouldn’t pray in public,
I pray aloud almost every week here in this church.
But am I drawing attention to myself?
Or am I sharing a discussion I am having with my Lord,
to share my joys and pains with my congregational family?
and to encourage you to have a conversation as well?
I believe the point Jesus is making is ultimately, who is the audience for your “prayer”?
If there is one thing that makes my spirit cringe when I hear it, is repetitive prayers.
Father, Father, Father, Father....
How would you feel if your children talked to you like that?
Even if you are doing it to honor God, is that the relationship you want to have with Him?
God doesn’t need you to tell Him what is going on, He already knows.
God doesn’t answer your prayer because you use a lot of fancy words.
God doesn’t move your prayer to the top of the list based on how many words you use.
Or how often you repeat it.
It is not the quantity of words that matters to God,
But the quality of the heart behind the prayer.
We call the “The Lord’s Prayer”.
But based on the description in , we should call it the disciples prayer.
Yes, this is an example prayer,
But it’s also a framework for our prayers.
Our Father, not some impersonal deity, but our Father.
Like a child coming to his earthly father with a request.
His name should be hallowed, sanctified.
Not used as a tag line to show your piety.
We shouldn’t be looking for God to fulfill our will, but for His will to be fulfilled.
On earth, through His people, of which I should be one.
Just as in heaven, where we wish to be one day.
Why just bread for today?
Why not abundance?
Because, we have a nasty habit of forgetting who gave us that abundance.
de 6 10-
Can I be content with God and enough for today?
Do I need treasures to put my trust in?
But more on that next time.
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