Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
I. What was the purpose of the Temple/Tabernacle originally?
A. When we broke fellowship with God, we needed a way to be restored.
Illus: I want to begin by starting with the need for the temple.
To explain that, you have to understand the purpose of the temple, and how the Jews misinterpreted it.
Let me do a brief overview of the whole of scripture.
1. God created the man to be in perfect relationship with him.
2. Man sinned.
3. Man cannot be approach God in sin without facing God’s wrath.
4. Step by step scripture moves forward from the promises to Abraham to the tabernacle, to the temple, and forward to Christ who create the way for us to be restored to God.
Today we are going to focus on the temple, to understand why Jesus’ words were so offensive.
The temple was God’s way of relating to his people without obliterating them.
Look to scripture to see how God created us, and what we lost when we chose to sin.
B. The whole of scripture, including the temple, is God’s plan to restore fellowship with men.
Illus: Why were Jesus’ words by explaining why they were so controversial?
To explain that, you have to understand the purpose of the temple, and how the Jews misinterpreted it.
The Jews saw the temple (building) as sacred, we need to see God’s plan as sacred.
When Jesus was talking about tearing down the temple, he was proclaiming the good news that the time where one had to go through animal sacrifice and then ceremonially approach God was over.
Can I ask a tough question?
how much of our identity is wrapped up in the brick and mortar of our building, and not in our identity in fulfilling God’s plan.
Think about it… just as the jews went to the temple, they lost the purpose of it.
The building began to be the object of worship, as opposed to God’s tool to lead them to worship him.
We must fight that temptation today.
Our building, traditions, music do not exist to be worshiped, but instead to foster worship to God.
When you think about the temple… remember God intended to temple to be a step to a grander plan, restored fellowship with Him.
What is the Temple/Tabernacle today?
A. Jesus replaced the temple.
Illus: The goal of sacrifices, the temple, and all the covenants was to point to Jesus.
What Jesus spoke before the religious leaders should have scandalized them because of the shear audacity of the statement.
The audacity of the statement was not the physical crazieness of what he said… though rebuilding physical temple in three days was ludicrous.
The audacity of the statement was in understanding what Jesus was saying deep down… that HE was the replacement of the temple.
There is nothing we hold as Americans quite as passionately as politics.
Imagine if one of the presidential candidates on the eve of the elections stating “I am the government”.
What Jesus was saying at this moment was “I am the way to speak to God, be forgiven by God, enter God’s presence, and be restored to God.”
His words were truly earth shattering.
Jesus in a few words stated that he had come to be the temple replacement.
B. Because of Jesus we are individually God’s temple, AND corporately God’s temple.
Illus: Jesus restored our relationship with God.
Jesus acted as the temple… but that was not the end of God’s plan.
Remember… the entire point of the temple was to be a piece in restoring what was lost in eden.
After Jesus left the earth, Jesus sent the holy spirit to all believers.
What then happened is that God’s great plan of restoring his relationship to us took another step forward.
He placed is very presence in us!
Follow the story— Eden the relationship was lost.
God began a plan to restore our relationship through the tabernacle which became the temple.
Jesus replaced the temple by becoming the temple, AND then placed His spirit in us and called us His temple!!!
But there’s more… God’s presence is especially close when we gather as a body, the bride of Christ and experience divine fellowship.
Will there be a future temple?
A. There will be no need for a Temple as God restores all things .
The Holy Spirit is not the end of God’s plan.
As Christians we should long for the day when we are restored to Eden.
As Scripture teaches about whats next, the new Jerusalem, the new Eden, our resurection home, it communicates that the temple is gone.
We long for a day that we do not need a mediator.
We do not need temple, tabernacle, but instead will be able to know God and the world as God intended it… Look what scripture promises is to come.
< .5
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