Jesus Is Better
The three characteristics involve worship, glory, and confidence.
Old Set of Values
Old Set of Values
Than Your Accomplishments
Than Your Accomplishments
He’s Better Than
These seven characteristics of heredity and achievement reveal that Paul’s accepting Christ did not occur because he was marginally Jewish. He had not failed in his own religion. He had seen a better way and had chosen to follow it.
New Set of Values
He is Worth Everything
New Set of Values
theology and life go together and that the antidote to poor living is proper theology.
If the Philippians understood the richness of Paul’s life, they would not follow the false teachers.
There the grace of the Lord Jesus found Paul the terrorist
Our only boast, our only confidence, our only hope must be in Christ. Paul went on to say, “that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead” (3:10, 11). That’s the passion that flows through this entire passage. We must emulate those whose constant confidence and boast is in Christ Jesus and in nothing else. He is our only hope.