Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
Pawn Shop Show-People thinking they have something valuable and it ends up being worth nothing.
The man who had an old baseball autographed by Babe Ruth.
The man had heard that the ball might be valuable, so one day he decided to sell it.
He was worried, however, because he could see that the signature was badly faded.
In order to make it clearer, he took out his baseball and carefully traced over the letters with a marking pen: B-A-B-E R-U-T-H.
The effect was to obliterate the real autograph, so that by the time he was finished, he had turned something priceless into something worthless.
Sometimes the things we think are so valuable are worthless.
This show illustrates an important point
When it comes to the Gospel, if we clinging to anything other than Christ work as our treasure, we will one day get to the counter and be disappointed, because anything other than Christ is worthless.
Our work.
Our goodness that we are so proud of, is ultimately worth nothing.
Christ’s work is perfect and valuable.
We see that here in this passage, but first.. let me remind you of the context.
Don’t forget he is dealing with people who are posing to know what is the Law.
He is dealing with false teachers, who are swerving from the true purpose of the Law.
Established elders.
But Paul corrects them .
I believe there are two purposes of this verse.
The first is to call out those who were teaching false doctrine and their unlawful use of the Law.
Now what is the Law?
When we think of the Law, We may think of the Ten Commandments.
And we would be right and that leads us to another question.
What are the Ten Commandments?
They are the moral law of God codified.
Essentially, He wrote the Law down for us, and thats what the Ten Commandments are.
But even before the Ten Commandments, beginning with Adam and continuing, every human being has a God given understanding of what is right and was is wrong.
I believe its apart of being created the image of God.
But God did us a favor.
He codified his Law.
He wrote it down for us.
In , it says:
God delivered the Law to Moses, and they were to follow it in perfect obedience.
When we think of Law, at times, we may think negatively of it.
We think of rules associated with limitation.
The Law of God, is a set of rules, but it is more than just a set of rules.
The Law reveals God to us.
This is why David can say he loves God’s Law.
Psalm 119:
The believer, like David, should be able to rejoice in the Law.
Because the Law reveals to us the Law Giver.
These false teachers in Ephesus that Timothy is dealing with had taken the Law and turned it to fit their own purposes and desires.
But God has a specific purpose for the Law.
And it is not to be trifled with.
The Law of God is meant to serve at least three purposes that I see in Scripture.
The Law is meant to:
1. Restrain Sin, encourage toward obedience.
2. Reveal Sin.
3. Reveal the moral character of God.
When the Law is used lawfully, whenever its restraining sin, encouraging obedience, revealing sin, revealing God, it is being used lawfully.
That was its purpose from the very first time it was given.
But these men that Paul is instructing Timothy to silence were not using it this way.
They were taking Scripture and using it as a point from which to launch into all kind of crazy speculations and myths that would lead people away from Christ.
These things would lead people away from Christ.
The Law is meant to lead people toward Christ.
And we have the same confusion today with the Law.
There really is two sinful tendencies among people today when it comes to the Law of God.
The first extreme is legalism.
The idea that strict adherence to the Law and religious practices somehow earn God’s favor.
If I do this this this this and this, surely God will love me.
This is false.
Someone who says that misunderstand both the Law and their ability in the human sin and depravity.
You do not want to be standing clinging to your righteousness on the day of judgment.
Its not Jesus plus your goodness.
Its not doing the best you can.
What Christ has done is enough.
He doesn’t need our worthless additions.
There was a man who had an old baseball autographed by Babe Ruth.
The man had heard that the ball might be valuable, so one day he decided to sell it.
He was worried, however, because he could see that the signature was badly faded.
In order to make it clearer, he took out his baseball and carefully traced over the letters with a marking pen: B-A-B-E R-U-T-H.
The effect was to obliterate the real autograph, so that by the time he was finished, he had turned something priceless into something worthless.
Christ work is good enough on its own to save me.
He does not need my works.
In fact my righteous the declares are filthy rags.
But practically we live this way.
“Well he is a good man.
He just needs to get in church.”
Or when they die.
“They’re in a better place.
That was a good man/ good woman.”
But thats not the purpose of the Law.
The purpose of Law is not to reassure you that you are good.
They aren’t.
We aren’t.
We are not good people.
We are sinners and the Law tells us that.
We have to fight our own tendency toward legalism and thinking that we are good enough on our own.
The Law assures you that apart from God’s grace, you are condemned.
It exposes your sin.
On the other hand, there is another extreme.
This other extreme says, I’m under grace now, I can do what I want and they throw out the Law altogether.
This is also false.
God expects his people to live holy lives,(Be holy for I am Holy- 1 Peter 1:16) and grace in Christ doesn’t change that, it should empower it through His Spirit.
We don’t throw out the Law and think that because we said a prayer that we can live how we want.
If we have truly met Christ, we will desire repent of our sin and to live in accordance with God’s character and Law.
This is what Paul did.
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