Press on to Maturity
A man from Leeds, England visited his doctor to have his hearing checked. The doctor removed the man’s hearing aid, and the patient’s hearing immediately improved! He had been wearing the device in the wrong ear for over 20 years!
Our author wastes no time in launching into his purpose of nurturing the lives of his readers to mature discipleship.
He devotes his entire first chapter to proclaiming and clarifying the doctrine of Jesus Christ, in particular His superiority to all other beings through His nature as Son-Messiah.
God’s message through His Son expresses its superior significance in the relationship of the Speaker to the Author of the message.
The first three words of the epistle in Greek are Polumerōs kai polutropōs, “at various times and in various ways.”
God did not reveal all of Himself in any one time.
The process of revelation was a continuous one, in which the recipients received ever-increasing revelation of God. At no time in that older process did they have a complete idea of God.
At first they began to understand His creative power.
Then they perceived something of His moral demands and His character as Judge as He sent the flood to destroy the evil in the world.
Soon they were to see Him as a covenant-making God taking the initiative in establishing a covenant with Noah by means of a rainbow;
This statement suggests that it takes more than physical ears to hear the voice of God. It also requires a receptive heart.
Many people have avoided the Epistle to the Hebrews and, consequently, have robbed themselves of practical spiritual help.
Some have avoided this book because they are “afraid of it.” The “warnings” in Hebrews have made them uneasy.
Others have avoided this book because they think it is “too difficult” for the average Bible student.
Yet there are questions about the Word. When we want guidance and help, how do we experience it as “living and active”? When we are uncertain, how do we tap its “penetrating” power?
And, does God speak to us only through His written Word? Or may Christ speak to us with another voice? Often when we want to know God’s will we become confused.
Jesus’ Superiority as a Revealer of God:
Hebrews 1:4–3:6
Jesus’ superiority to angels (Heb. 1:4–14). The writer now began an extended argument to prove that Jesus is superior to angels.
Why is this important? The answer is seen in 2:2. There the writer referred to “the message spoken by angels,” which was binding on Israel
Why is this important? The answer is seen in 2:2. There the writer referred to “the message spoken by angels,” which was binding on Israel