1 Tim 2 v9to15

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I)       1 Timothy 2:9-15

II)    Orders to Timothy, Paul’s true child in the faith:

A)    Stay at Ephesus.

B)    Why:  Certain men teaching strange doctrines leading to meaningless speculation, but our teaching should lead to godly lives and proper use of the law – life change and purpose.

C)    Keep the context straight – Paul instructing Timothy in keeping order in the church and battling false doctrine – particular:

(a)    Legalism on one extreme

(b)   Out of control freedom at the other extreme.

III) 2:1 First of all – get prayer right.  Seems to be public prayer.

IV) 2:9-15 continues

V)    2:9 Likewise…Next – women behave properly (seemingly in public services just as with prayer)

A)    So, to help keep the public worship in order..

1)      Adorn – to put in order – as opposed to chaos.

2)      Proper clothing:  KJV modest apparel, 1 Tim 3:2, respectable, of good behavior.  Straight forward but also encompasses more than just actual clothes – presentation.

(a)    Ephesus, Liberty, Business - dress invisible.

(b)   Romans 14 – the distraction not just their fault – yours!

3)      Modestly – shamefacedness, Word studies in the N.T.:  “respectful and reverent attitude toward another” KJV word - the idea of being bound – held back by an honorable shame – a humility.  She should not be seeking to draw attention to herself or to elevate herself by her appearance.

4)      Discreetly – sobriety, command of desires and passions, self-control and good sense in their dress.

B)    2:10 But – sets up a contrast

1)      Good works – again the idea that belief and behavior are inseparable.  A major theme here and elsewhere.

2)      Public assembly – focus should be prayer – nothing should distract from it.  Next focus – the teaching.  See Acts 2.

C)    Summary of verses 9 and 10:  Christian women should be known by their good works and their behavior and not their outward appearance.  Their outward appearance should not be a source of distraction in public worship service.

VI) Verses 11 and 12:  Remember Paul is concerned with order in the worship services.

A)    V11, receive instruction, learning – the context is public instruction of the word – see acts 2:42 – the first order of business for the new church – the apostle’s teaching.

B)    V 11, Quietly – not “in silence” it does not mean without saying a word – it means without disturbance, peaceable – see ver 2, “tranquil”.

1)      Context – receiving instruction.  Says nothing about prayer, leading music, sharing prayer requests or even asking questions if appropriate to teaching atmosphere.

C)    V11, Submissiveness – today’s reaction to this word is different.  It literally means “to rank under,” (BEC) to be subject to.

1)      Not to be lesser than but to assume a lower rank than.

2)      Anyone who has served in the armed forces knows that “rank” has to do with order and authority, not with value or ability[1]

3)      Makes sense for a public teaching situation – the elders and/or pastor have deemed that whoever is teaching has the authority to do so.  So who can interrupt or argue or cause disturbance.  It’s common sense and there is no question why Paul would mention it here – the only question is why is it directed so specifically at women?

(a)    There was obviously a problem with it in Ephesus.  Why mention this unless the Ephesian church was having a problem with it?

4)      There is some evidence that it was a problem:

(a)    We know false teaching present – Paul opened with it.

(i)     He spoke more about it in 2 Tim.  See 2:22-23.  Paul is speaking about the same issue as Ch. 1, 1 Tim – speaking about false teachers that will come in these last days.  Now read 2 Tim 3:6

(ii)   It would appear that the problems with false teaching the Ephesian church was having was particularly involving and affecting women.  This must have affected their behavior in the worship services and required Paul to address it.

D)    How could this be a problem?

1)      The gospel is the most liberating movement ever.

(a)    Look at Jesus’ treatment of women.  Born of a woman – no earthly father.  Allowed women to travel with Him.  Taught them with the men.  First appeared to women after resurrection.  Gave Holy Spirit to all.

(b)   Look at Galatians 3:28.  Prior to this, women did not generally speak in Jewish assemblies.  Many other religious and even non-religious events were simply not for women.  But now as Christians, they were equals. 

(i)     Could their new found liberty be taken too far?

(ii)   We know from many letters that some had trouble taking other new liberties too far – like not being under the law anymore.  See also 1 John.

·         1 Cor. 14 – some specific to women.

(iii) Could that have been part of the false teaching?

2)      In Paul’s letters he refers to many women who serve in the churches he writes to.  One, Phoebe, he even refers to as a Deaconess.  See Romans 16 and openings and closings of other letters.

3)      Acts 18:26 – we see Priscilla AND Aquila teaching Apollos

E)     Some claim that this was a local problem – only an issue here in Ephesus so Paul’s correction applies only to them.  So, does it apply elsewhere? 

1)      And if “we are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28), then why does Paul not permit women to teach men or to have authority over them?  Let’s look at his reasons.

2)      Verses 13-14. Paul appeals God’s order of things.  Because God does not change and God does not act situationally, we must take Paul’s instruction as universal in scope.  He appeals to a principle – principles do not change from situation to situation.  If Paul had not made this appeal to God’s created order of things, we may be able to write this instruction off as being specifically for Ephesus.

(a)    Look at Gen. chapter 2.

(b)   Who was made first?  Adam.

(c)    Look at 1:26-27.  Which one is more important?  Both male and female, made by God in His image – held equally here.  Also verse 26.  Who rules?  THEM.

(d)   Read 2:16.  Who was given the command?  Adam.

(e)    Therefore, who was responsible for the command being followed?  Think in terms of rank.  To whom did the C.O. give the order to?  Adam.

(f)    The serpent’s question.  3:1  What’s wrong with it?

(g)   Look at Eve’s response.  3:2-3 What’s wrong with it?

(i)     How could Eve’s response have been inaccurate?

·         Either she did not pay attention when taught.

·         Or Adam did not make sure she had it right.

(h)   V 6.  Who is in charge?  Eve leads and Adam follows.

(i)     The problem is a problem of order – Adam and Eve got out of order.

(i)     Look at Rom. 5:12, 15-17; note use of “the one”. 

(j)     And 1 Cor. 15:21-22

(k)   Who is at fault?  Adam.  The one responsible.  The spiritual leader – the one given the extra responsibility of reconciling with God.  It was Adam’s responsibility to protect Eve from deception but He dropped the ball and so it is today with God’s church – there is a definite order of things – a rank.  Not a question of value, just a question of function.

F)     What was the exclusive gender of levitical priests?

G)    What was the gender of the kings?

H)    What was the gender of the judges?

1)      Deborah – the exception.  Barak refused service.

I)       Summary v13-14:  God’s created order has the man as the leader with respect to spiritual matters.  Trouble occurs when outside of this pattern.

VII)          Leadership in the church is a burden to bear – an appointment, an assignment by God.  Not a position to be won, an office to seek, a goal to strive toward.  One becomes a leader when God calls and the leader recognizes and answers.

A)    It just so happens that this burden was given to men as childbearing was given to women – a major part of their God-given role in life and ministry.

B)    This brings us to verse 15:

1)      Saved (preserved) through child-bearing? 

2)      Bearing of Children – God-given role.

3)      Why emphasize this?  Is a woman’s place in the house?

(a)    No.  Paul still addressing some false teaching.

(b)   Saying that women can and will be saved while having the traditional role.

(c)    Heretical teaching:  1 Tim 4:3 shows that forbidding of marriage was part of it.  Could be that traditional roles were being recklessly abandoned for their new spirituality.

(d)   Add to that the fact that we saw that women were the targets of some of these teachers.

VIII)       Conclusions:  It’s about order and authority.

A)    Addresses a particular problem at Ephesus – the problem of false teaching apparently leading to services being out of order.

B)    That women should remain silent:  An issue of peace and orderliness in service – not banning all speech.  We would not find a woman speaking a problem unless clearly out of order – and that applies to men as well.

C)    That women should not teach men:  She should not be the teaching authority in the church.  Criswell’s wife – teaching under his authority. (women sometimes delivered Paul’s letter.)

D)    That women should not have authority over a man:  If there is a man there to do the job, it is God’s design that he be the leader.  He is not overly privileged, he is not better, his position is not more important, but held responsible and accountable. Appointed by God.


[1]Warren W. Wiersbe, The Bible Exposition Commentary, "An Exposition of the New Testament Comprising the Entire 'BE' Series"--Jkt. (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1996, c1989), 1 Ti 2:9.

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