1 Tim 4v1to16
I) 1 Timothy 4:1-16
A) See also Titus 1:5-16
II) Context:
A) Timothy, stay at Ephesus to counter false teaching.
B) False teachers leading to useless speculation and confusion.
C) True teaching should lead to a godly lifestyle and love.
D) Hold on to what others have prophesied concerning you that by it you may fight the good fight and avoid a shipwrecked faith.
E) First – prayer. Should be done for all because God desires all to be saved. It should be done properly by those who are right with God.
F) The women there should keep things in order during teaching. Also, women should not be teaching men because that is how Satan tempted Adam and Eve – things got out of order there, keep them in order in Ephesus. Women may continue in motherly roles and partake in salvation – they need not forsake their God-given roles in order to be holy or important.
G) Now, about leaders (bishops/elders and servants/deacons who hold office in the church) Make sure they are worthy men of dignity with nothing that can bring accusation against them or the church. They should be characterized by an even temperament, leadership abilities, and godly lifestyles.
H) 3:14 – “I am writing these things to you…so that you may know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God.
I) 4:1, the Spirit says that these times and these false doctrines would come – don’t give in to the legalists.
III) 4:1-6 – A good minister preaches the word
A) 1-5: The false teachers and their teaching:
1) Paul told the Ephesian elders they were coming: Acts 20:28-31.
2) V1: fall – These are people who used to be among us. (Matt. 16:21-23) Satan can use believers.
3) deceitful spirits, doctrines of demons: False teachers driven by demonic influence.
4) Hypocrisy: sure sign of a false teacher – their lifestyle never matches the Christ they claim to follow.
5) Liars: One of Satan’s favorite techniques
6) Seared in their own conscience: Self-deceived and unable to even hear their own conscience – a hardening of heart.
7) Forbid marriage…abstaining from food - beware of teachers of legalism - they usually contradict scripture.
8) Paul correctly points out that all foods are clean if consumed with the proper attitude. (Rom. 14, 1 Cor. 10)
B) V6: A good servant of Christ will point these things (all the letter) to the brethren. Paul implies that Timothy should share all of this with the church. (see 1:3, 4:11).
1) Good teachers are well-nourished by (1) the word and by (2) living according to sound doctrine.
C) V7: Avoid the worldly fables (1:4, 2 Tim 4:4, Titus 1:14)
D) V7b – 10:
1) Bodily discipline temporary
2) Spiritual discipline eternal
3) V10: we labor and strive (agonize) for the life to come.
E) V11 – Prescribe (command, charge) and teach these things – What Paul suggests is not just for the pastor and teacher.
F) V12 – Don’t accept age discrimination BUT prove yourself. Speech, conduct (conversation), love, faith and purity.
1) Be an example. The preacher is not the only minister but he should be the best example of one.
G) V14 – Do not neglect your giftedness (1:18, 2 Tim. 1:6)
1) On the gift of the Spirit – Rom. 8:9.
2) On gifts from the Spirit – see 1 Cor. 12
H) V15 Take pains, (meditate, imagine, be absorbed in)
1) Spiritual life above all (Matt. 6:24, Phil. 3:13, James 1:8)
2) Progress (pioneering advance)
I) V16
1) Yourself – your actions and lifestyle
2) Your teaching / doctrine (25 references in Timothy/Titus)
3) “Save” yourself and those who hear you?
(a) Salvation is a process – Progressively saved from the (1) Penalty of sin (2) the power of sin and (3) the presence of sin. (1 Cor. 1:18, Rom. 5:9-10, 2 Tim. 4:18, 1 Tim 2:15, 2 Cor. 2:15,