Joshua 1 Be Strong and Courageous
I) Be Strong and Courageous
A) File: Joshua 1 Be Strong and Courageous.doc
B) Audio: Be Strong and Courageous
C) Series: Victory in the Promised Land
D) Preached: June 3, 2007.
II) Warren Wiersbe, Be Strong, “The events recorded in the Book of Joshua have to do with the life of God’s people and not their death! The Book of Joshua records battles, defeats, sins, and failures—none of which will take place in heaven. This book illustrates how believers today can say good-bye to the old life and enter into their rich inheritance in Jesus Christ. It explains how we can meet our enemies and defeat them, and how to claim for ourselves all that we have in Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:3). What Paul’s letter to the Ephesians explains doctrinally, the Book of Joshua illustrates practically. It shows us how to claim our riches in Christ.”[1]
A) Example of leadership – delegates, gives God the credit, issues a timeline, sets the agenda, the pace, and announces the reasons/goals in doing so. Holds 2-1/2 tribes to commitments, maintains unity, keeps perspective – land the Lord has given.
B) Officers response – this generation understands they follow God, not just a man.
IV) Why this applies to us:
A) Different covenant – not a physical promised land. Not physical Israel but by faith we are adopted children. They did not all have the Holy Spirit to guide the whole congregation but even with the Holy Spirit, God still uses chosen leaders.
B) God is still God. People are still people. God now leads many local congregations using chosen leaders.
C) Jer. 3:15 – Lord declares a time when he would give Israel “shepherds after my own heart.” Context – post-ark.
1) New Testament word for shepherd = pastor.
D) Acts – apostles appoint elders. Churches led by pastors/elders.
E) Eph. 4:11-12 “And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ”
F) Much of what we see here in the relationship between Joshua and the Israelites can be directly applied to life in a church.
V) God’s people must:
A) Follow God’s leaders. vv16-18.
1) They commit to follow Joshua. In doing so, they actually commit to following God.
(a) Joshua appeals to God and to commitments made with Moses – the previous administration.
(b) v11, 15 “the land that the Lord your God is giving you to posess.” V13, “Remember the word that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you,” V14, 15 “the land that Moses gave you,” v15 “until the Lord gives rest,”
(c) Dt. 31 – God appointed Joshua through Moses.
(d) Joshua is giving commands to the officers to pass on to the people – he is not consulting them! There is a time for committee reports and congregational input – but this is not it. There is no substitute for obeying the will of God.
2) Some of the prior generation did the opposite – they rebelled and were punished (Num. 16) for trying to subvert the leadership and disobey God.
(a) Notice there in Num. 16, the issue was an argument similar to our ‘priesthood of believers’ stating that we are all godly, why do we need a leader? God makes it clear that Moses and Aaron are leaders and he appoints leaders in the church as well. (Eph. 4:11-12)
3) This commitment by the leaders is unconditional. “All”
(a) Luke 9:57-62, I will follow…foxes holes, birds nests, bury my father…go and proclaim, first farewell…plow.
(b) Those who would not follow in Num. 16 were swallowed up by the ground. “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
B) Encourage God’s leaders.
1) Edification. Eph. 4:29 “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”
2) A good business principle – “no negative about the leadership except to the leadership.” A better principle – “encourage, build up your leadership.”
3) We are in this together so we want each other at top game.
4) Personal example.
C) So God’s people are to follow and encourage their God-appointed leaders. Are there any exceptions to this? Let’s cover the details of this encouragement to see.
VI) God’s leaders must:
A) Follow God. V17 – Do not read as purely conditional. They are unconditionally pledging to follow Joshua, then they say “just make sure that God is with you like He was with Moses.”
1) What they have done is pointed to the number 1 qualification of a leader of God’s people.
2) HOW? Last week we saw that God’s encouragement to Joshua was all based upon Moses’ book of the law. Joshua’s knowledge of these words would be key to remembering. Indeed the Word is key to keeping God close (or rather keeping ourselves close.)
3) How could an army charge into battle without command? Without intelligence? Without a lookout?
4) How can we charge into spiritual battle against forces we do not understand
5) Joshua was a leader but not the leader. Joshua was a leader but He was God’s appointed leader. He was as useless without God as King Saul became. As useless as Samson when God left him.
6) This applies to anyone seeking to have victory in the Christian life – there is no victory without the presence of God!
7) But how can we tell if a leader is following God? Let’s look at the other encouragement for details.
8) V18 – ends similarly – “only”, same word. “be strong and courageous.”
B) Be Strong and Courageous. A quote from God and Moses that was given to Joshua when Moses was alive – in Dt. 31:7, in the sight of all Israel.
1) The key is God’s Word. Remember Joshua 1:8. It’s not only the guide for the leader, it is his means of evaluation. You can tell God’s leader is following God if he is fulfilling God’s Word. Likewise, if he disobeys God’s Word he is obviously not following God.
2) If the Israelites catch Joshua not being Strong and Courageous, they have good reason to believe that God is not with him like He was with Moses.
3) The test – if you have a charge against leadership, first of all Paul says two witnesses (1 Tim. 5:19.) Secondly, you better have scripture to back you up. Gal. 2:14 “I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel”
C) Be Strong.
1) Harsh, severe, hardened. “be in a state of a high degree of intensity.”
2) Deliberate, all power mustered, focused. Also courageous.
3) Often used of ones going to battle or on a mission.
D) Be Courageous.
1) Stout, strong, bold, alert.
2) 1 Chron. 28, King David says these words to Solomon when telling him of the task of building the temple.
3) King Hezekiah uses these words when facing Sennacherib of Assyria – saying that the Lord their God was with them. (2 Chr. 32)
4) Together they mean to “boldly utilize the power at one’s disposal.” To march into conflict as if you can win.
5) God’s side always has the odds in their favor.
VII) Application: We must all follow God and be strong and courageous. We must follow those God has appointed and encourage one another.
A) I don’t feel like I am seated in the heavenlies, heir, sons, grace, love, privileges, guaranteed, hope. I don’t feel special, blessed, or even saved! 1) Come alongside God’s people to be encouraged. 2) Study God’s Word. Cross over into the promises. Egypt, Wilderness, Canaan, Babylon, Transjordan.
B) I think I am still in Egypt. If God can…He can forgive, save, change, etc.
June 3, 2007: Be Strong and Courageous.
Special Music today: Narrow Path: Richard & LaDonna Hicks,
Address: 308 S. Portland St. Knox, IN 46534
Phone: (574) 772 – 2079 or (219) 204 – 2806
Web Site:
Be Strong and Courageous: Joshua 1:10-18.
I) God’s people must:
A) _____________________ God’s leaders. (vv16-18, Luke 9:57-62; Eph. 4:11-12.)
B) _____________________ God’s leaders. (vv17-18)[2]
II) God’s leaders must:
A) _____________________________ God. (1:8, 17)
B) Be ___________________. (1:6, 7, 9, 18; Dt. 31:1-8, 23;)
C) Be __________________________. (1:6, 7, 9, 18; Dt. 31:1-8, 23;)[3]
Warren Wiersbe, from Be Strong, “The events recorded in the Book of Joshua have to do with the life of God’s people and not their death! The Book of Joshua records battles, defeats, sins, and failures—none of which will take place in heaven. This book illustrates how believers today can say good-bye to the old life and enter into their rich inheritance in Jesus Christ. It explains how we can meet our enemies and defeat them, and how to claim for ourselves all that we have in Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:3). What Paul’s letter to the Ephesians explains doctrinally, the Book of Joshua illustrates practically. It shows us how to claim our riches in Christ.”[4]
June 3, 2007: Be Strong and Courageous.
Special Music today: Narrow Path: Richard & LaDonna Hicks,
Address: 308 S. Portland St. Knox, IN 46534
Phone: (574) 772 – 2079 or (219) 204 – 2806
Web Site:
Be Strong and Courageous: Joshua 1:10-18.
I) God’s people must:
A) _____________________ God’s leaders. (vv16-18, Luke 9:57-62; Eph. 4:11-12.)
B) _____________________ God’s leaders. (vv17-18)[5]
II) God’s leaders must:
A) _____________________________ God. (1:8, 17)
B) Be ___________________. (1:6, 7, 9, 18; Dt. 31:1-8, 23;)
C) Be __________________________. (1:6, 7, 9, 18; Dt. 31:1-8, 23;)[6]
Warren Wiersbe, from Be Strong, “The events recorded in the Book of Joshua have to do with the life of God’s people and not their death! The Book of Joshua records battles, defeats, sins, and failures—none of which will take place in heaven. This book illustrates how believers today can say good-bye to the old life and enter into their rich inheritance in Jesus Christ. It explains how we can meet our enemies and defeat them, and how to claim for ourselves all that we have in Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:3). What Paul’s letter to the Ephesians explains doctrinally, the Book of Joshua illustrates practically. It shows us how to claim our riches in Christ.”[7]
[1]Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996, c1993), Jos 1:1.
[2] A) Follow; B) Encourage;
[3] A) Follow; B) Strong; C) Courageous;
[4]Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996, c1993), Jos 1:1.
[5] A) Follow; B) Encourage;
[6] A) Follow; B) Strong; C) Courageous;
[7]Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Strong (Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1996, c1993), Jos 1:1.