Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
1)  4-27-08…AM…SBC  2) 
“Sensational Success”
Introductory Material to Joshua
1-      If the Book of Joshua were fiction, we might accept it as an exciting adventure story; but the book conveys the real history and revelation of God and we must never forget that
2-      God called Joshua to be a general and to lead the army of Israel in holy conquest of the Promised land.[1]
3-      But the author’s intention in writing is not on Joshua or his military accomplishments
-          *the author’s main intention is to show us how God made good on His promises to the Patriarchs*
-          *it is on the faithfulness of God *
4-      In this book we will be confronted with our faith in God
-          we will be confronted with our obedience to the commands that He has given to us
-          we will be confronted with our own fear of God
-          we will be confronted with a battle going on for our heart
-          *we will be confronted with the questions of “How big is your God?”*
*2Timothy 2:3-4* No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.[2]
-          in this book we will be confronted with glorifying God
-          you will be confronted with your own civilian pursuits vs. your heavenly pursuits
*Let’s begin with the only appropriate act I can think of*
* *
*Let’s bow for prayer and ask God for His Sovereign direction during this study.*
1)      Bible Geography
A-    Globe
B-    Israel close up
C-    Promised land before conquest
2)    A General Survey of the Book of Joshua
A-    Authorship
The book is anonymous.
Most see it as written by Joshua with someone else writing about his death (*24:29-33*)
Joshua undoubtedly wrote portions of the book: 24:26[3]
*The important thing to recognize is that the identification of the author is not vital to the study of the Book*
Transition:  What is more germane to the book is what genre of Scripture is
B-    Narrative Genre - Place in the OT – First of twelve books of history
1-    The Bible contains more of the type of writing called “narratives” than any other type of writing in the Bible
a-      40% of the Bible is in the narrative form[4] or story form
b-      the stories of the Bible are not like other stories – Goldie Locks, Little Red Riding Hood
c-      *God’s stories are given to show that God is at work among His creation and among His people*
·         the biggest offense of Islam and the Koran is that you have a knowable God
d-     God’s stories glorify Him and give us illustrations of how we can glorify Him with our lives
Ø     Many character studies come from narrative Scripture can be a great source of learning and teaching
Ø     *Let us never forget that the main character is always God*
-          It is not a revelation of David, Samuel, Noah or Abraham
-          *It is a revelation about God*
* *
2-      Three levels of Narratives
a- top - God’s universal plan being worked out in creation (Redemptive History- fixing *Genesis 3*)
b- middle – key aspects that center on Israel  (call of Abram, the Exodus, the Exile)
c- bottom – the individual stories that make up the other two levels  (Joseph being sold to Egypt)
*NOTE:     *When Jesus spoke in *John 5:39 *of Scripture bearing witness to Him he was talking about the top level of God’s Redemptive Plan – not each and every individual story teaching about Him
C-    Outline of Joshua
1- Four sequential sections tells the story of the Promised Land
a-      Entry into the Land                *ch 1-5*
b-      Fighting for the Land                         *ch 6-12*
c-      Dividing the Land                  *ch 13-22:9*
d-      Living in the Land                 *ch 22:10-24*
D-    Dispensational Controls
Why do we need to be concerned at the distinction in this era of time?
Answer:       Because it is good hermeneutics – consistent with a literal and plain interpretation
Because all students find distinct eras in the Bible – can range from many to few
·         old and new testament
·         animal sacrifices and the blood of Christ – making a distinction
·         worship on Sunday and not Saturday
·         *every student of the Bible recognizes distinct eras in the Bible*
Ø     we understand this in our own history as well – Colonial times, Revolutionary times, The Depression, Civil Rights
Ø     this time is different then the church age that is established by grace and not law (*Romans*)
* *
2. The book of Joshua falls into the distinct era or dispensation of the Mosaic Law
a.       through Moses the Law was given
b.      commandments covering all phases of life and activity
c.       this Law reveals God’s purpose of stewardship to the people living in this era or dispensation
d.      *this dispensation is recognized to cover from Moses until the death of Christ          (Ex 19-Acts 1)*
e.       Israel was responsible to do all of the Law (*James 2:10*)
Israel was to be a steward of God’s world by obeying His laws and commands
The judgements of this era came from a lack of obedience to God’s commands
E-     Key Verses
Joshua 1:4-5
a-      God’s promise to Israel is given here in *v4*
b-      The intent here is not to give the specific boundaries of the land[5] but a general summary
c-      *v5 *is the spiritual climax and highlight of the first part of God’s charge to Joshua.
d-     God’s presence would accompany Joshua just as it had Moses.[7]
Joshua 1:8
a-      obeying God’s instructions is the key to Joshua’s success
b-      the key to Joshua’s success was not about military matters but about spiritual matters
c-      *this is also a universal principle for you and I today *
Joshua 11:23
a-      This verse brings the entire first section of the book to a close[8] - Entry into to the Land  (*ch 1-12*)
b-      It functions as a “hinge” verse, looking back to summarize the conquests and looking forward to anticipate the inheritance of the land.[9]
3)      Joshua – God’s Servant                     
A-    His name means “Jehovah is Salvation” and reflects the source of Israel’s success
1- the name “Jesus” is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew name “Joshua”
B- His Character               Deuteronomy 34:9
1-      His fear of God led to His obedience to God’s Word
2-      *Joshua 24:14-15*
* *
a-      Joshua was urgently impressing on the people what they should do.[10]
b-      Joshua took his stand clearly and unambiguously on the Lord’s side.[11]
c-      Joshua laid out for Israel the choice, but he did not threaten them or try to coerce them.[12]
d-     The choice was simple, and he set an example by his own choice.[13]
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9