A Woman of Moral Excellence EBC
A Woman of Moral Excellence EBC
Prov. 31:10- Mother’s Day 5/11/08
I. She Is a Woman of Noble Character (10)
A. Who can find- they are rare and should be admired.
1. Price- value
2. Rubbies- the most precious and rarest of all jewels.
a. Bible Believers Commentary- her worth can’t be measured in terms of costly jewels.
B. Prov. 12:4-
C. Matthew Henry- A virtuous woman is a woman of spirit, who has the command of her own spirit. . A virtuous woman is a woman of resolution, who, having espoused good principles, is firm and steady to them, and will not be frightened with winds and clouds from any part of her duty.
1. Matthew Henry- A good woman, if she be brought into the marriage state, will be a good wife, and make it her business to please her husband.
II. She Is Trusted by Her Husband (31:11-12)
A. When the husband goes to work he completely trusts her judgments.
1. Ins Agent- lost job, car and house because he couldn’t trust his wife.
B. She will not be a spendthrift with his money. J. Vernon McGee- She will be a helpmate or a helpmeet for him. God never intended woman to be a servant of man. She is to be his partner, and a real partner. When God made Eve to be a helpmeet, He made the other half of Adam. Adam was only half a man until God made Eve and gave her to him.
B. She is certainly an asset to the household. Her careful household management enhances the wealth of the house.
1. KJV Commentary- His substance is constantly increasing because of the prudent care she exercises over his resources. He relies on her prudence, skill and care.
C. She shows her love to him, not by a foolish fondness, but by prudent endearments.
D. And this is her care all the days of her life; not at first only, or now and then, when she is in a good humor, but perpetually; and she is not weary of the good offices she does him: She does him good, not only all the days of his life.
III. She is Industrious (31:14-15)
A. She shops for the best bargins.
B. She gets up early to fix breakfast for her family before she sends them off to work and school. She is concerned for the welfare of others.
1. She is careful to make the most of every opportunity during the day.
C. Matthew Henry- the virtuous woman loves her business better than her ease or her pleasure. She applies herself to the business that is proper for her.
1. V.27- her household is very important to her. A clean house is a good testimony to others.
IV. She has Time for Others (3:20)
A. She has a concern for those less fortunate than her.
B. She is selfless and generous
V. She makes her Husband look good (3:23)
A. She enhances her husbands standing in the community.
1. Bible Knowledge Commentary- . Though she is obviously aggressive and competent, she functions in a way that honors her husband’s leadership.
B. He can do well in the business because doesn’t have to worry about home.
VI. She doesn’t get Involves in Gossip (3:27b)
VII. She is Praised by her family (3:28)
A. She is an outstanding mother and they tell her so.
B. Her husband says “there are many outstanding wives in the world but you excel them all”.