Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
An Interesting Vision
What is a plumb line?
It is a very simnple deviuce used to determain a straight vertical line.
It was primarely used in building.
Today we might use a spirit level or more advanced lazer leveling devices, but they are just as acurate as the plumb line.
In Amos’s vision God is standing a wall.
A wall that was bilt with a plumbline.
Inother words a perfectly straight wall.
And standing on this perfectly straight wall, God has in in hands a plumbline.
And what is od going to do with this plumline?
He is going to set it in the midst of Israel - IE: He is going to measure all of Israel, her people, her works, her dreams, her goals,against the plumblinr to see if they are straight.
And This Is A Big Problem for Israel and her currect King Jeroboam.
Jeroboam and Israel were at this time the perfect examples of the scripture:
He had set up an exact copy of worship to what God had ordained.
He built a fake temple, had a fake alter, he ebven set up a fake priesthood.
On the outside tt looked fine.
If you were blindfolded and were led in, you would have wsworn that you were in the real temple, that was a reral alter and those wrere real prients.
At least, thats what you would have thought if you wrere anything but a truly devoted seravnts of God - the average person would have been fooled.
And so when God brings out the plumbline, King Jeroboam and his followers get very upset.
Because they really enjoy what they have done.
Igt was hard work and sacrifice, they were enjoying it, it was fun and encouraging to them.
It was a work that they were really proud of.
But as good as it looked and as much as they enjoyed it and were pround of it - God’s plumbline would reveal a terrible truth about it.
What truth?
That it was totally crooked and wrong.
This is the state of many, many christians and churches.
They have copied everything down to the t and many have been fooled.
Gatherings who call themselves “churches”, who pray to “God” in the name of “jesus”.
Who “preach” from the bible.
It all looks fine to the everage person.
“CVhjristians” who “attend” a church, “praise” God, “read” their bibles - it all looks good on the outseide and it fools the average person.
And these “christians” like these “churches” are very pround of themselves, and the life they live with all its self-righteousness.
Untill the Plumbline comes to town.
Get out of here!
When the king heard about this he was so angry at Amos.
He sent his fake priest to Amos with a message:
Imagine you built a wall, you slaved in the heat, made the bricks, mixed the cement.
You spend week after week, month after month, even year after year building this wall.
Its a beautiful wall, you painted it, decorated it, it gives you proterction and shade and its lovley.
And imagine that somoene comes along and tell you that this beautful wall you biult, that took years of hardwork is wrong, crooked and ugly and should be broken down immedietly!
You will get so angry!
How dare you speak about my wall like that!
Who are you to judge my wall!
Biut the per son says: Im not judgeing your wall, the plumbline it!
look, your wall is not straigjt!
I dont care about you and your stupid plumline!
Get out!
That is what happene to Amos and that is what happens to almost everyone preacher who brings out the plumbline.
It is why the bible says:
But what was Amos’s answer?
What is he saying?
He is saying that the plumbline and the one holding it do not care about your feelings.
And that because you life is crooked - IT WILL FALL.
What is the Plumb line?
The solution is two fold:
First measure you wall against the plumb line - if it is crooked - tear it down and start again, because God will tear it down if you dont.
And then, rebuilt it, with the plumbline.
If you build a wall, with the plumb line always there and you lay every brick alinging it to the plumb line each time, yes it will take a lot longer to build, but it will always be straight and true.
So what is the plumb line?
What is the only straight and true thing?
The bible is the plumb line that we must measure our lives as christians up against and build our lives upon.
This is not some theological concpet, it is practical truth.
Let us mewasure our lives?
Perhaps one of the most clear examples of a plumbl line we have is trhe most famous sermon ever preached - he sermon on the mont.
The plumb Line says:
You must be humble
Mourn for sin
be Meek
Thirst for righteousness
Be merciful
Peacemakers - not trouble makers
You must be salt and light - that it totally different from the world.
Not materialistic, not addicted to the world narcotics, cigarets, weed, alchohol.
You cannot be controlled by anger or resentment and a single curse like “you fool” to anyone makes you worthy of hell fire.
That if you even look with lust at another person, or engage in even the slightest act of sexual gratification if you are not married you are a fornicator and an adultrer.
that if yo make a promise and break it, or tell even a single lie you are from the evil one.
That if you lift a finger in retliation you are not of God.
That you must love your enemies and pray for those who hate you.
For if you dont youo have no proof that you kn ow God at all and are lost.
That worry is pure evil and that those who worry about life or tomorrow show that they have no trust in God at all.
shall i go on?
And how does this sermon, this plumbline end?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9