God's Glory
March 16, 2008 • Dr. David Platt - GOOD IDEA
Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
The Spirit and the Glory of God…
n Only the Spirit of God knows the fullness of the glory of God.
n If we want to know God, then we need the Spirit to reveal Him to us.
n Therefore, a people who are desperate to know God will be desperate for His Spirit.
4 If we are not desperate for His Spirit, it is a sure indicator that we have grown content with knowing little about God.
n Do we want to know the glory of God?
4 Then let us be a people desperate for the Spirit of God.
Do we really need His Spirit?
n Spiritless Christianity…
4 Relies on external regulations.
4 Revolves around our performance for God.
4 Results in condemnation and death.
n Spirit-filled Christianity…
4 Relies on internal transformation.
4 Revolves around God’s performance in us.
4 Results in salvation and life.
Do we really want His glory?
n We will become like what we behold.
n We will preach that which we prize.
March 16, 2008 • Dr. David Platt
Exodus 34:29-35; 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
The Spirit and the Glory of God…
n Only the _______________________ of God knows the fullness of the glory of God.
n If we want to know God, then we _______________________the Spirit to reveal Him to us.
n Therefore, a people who are desperate to know God will be desperate for His Spirit.
4 If we are not desperate for His Spirit, it is a sure indicator that we have grown _______________________ with knowing little about God.
n Do we want to know the glory of God?
4 Then let us be a people _______________________ for the Spirit of God.
Do we really need His _______________________?
n Spiritless Christianity…
4 Relies on _______________________ regulations.
4 Revolves around _____________________ performance for God.
4 Results in condemnation and _______________________.
n Spirit-filled Christianity…
4 Relies on _______________________ transformation.
4 Revolves around _______________________ performance in us.
4 Results in salvation and _______________________.
Do we really want His _______________________?
n We will _______________________ like what we behold.
n We will _______________________ that which we prize.