In Canada, freshly fallen snow is usually dry and powdery, not wet and sticky. A large field of new snow is so inviting as it glistens in tin winter sun. No mark is on it, no footprint; yours is the privilege <>i tramping across it and establishing any pattern you like. If you lool fixedly at your feet and try to cross the field in a straight line, you will make a most erratic pattern. If instead, you fix your eye on a tree or boulder on the other side and walk straight toward it, the path you leave will be (juite remarkably straight.
While we were engaged to be married, Joy and I lived in Cambridge, England. Sometimes we enjoyed long bicycle rides together along the tow path beside the river Cam. Pedaling along, I was never more than two or three feet from the sharp bank: an accidental swerve would mean a tumble into the river. Where the path is wide enough to ride two abreast, Joy would be on the inside. If in conversing back and forth she then started to look at me, I would have to slam on my brakes to avoid either tangling with her bicycle or being forced into the river.